HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: BoggerCountyHogHunter on June 24, 2009, 04:24:37 pm

Title: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: BoggerCountyHogHunter on June 24, 2009, 04:24:37 pm
   The hog dog trials will be held on July 25th and will start @ 8:00 A.M.

  There will be dog equipment and other hunting gear available, BBQ along with other concessions and hotel accomadations at a discounted price.
  Two Judge Rule and the hogs teeth will be dubbed.
  Admission  is $5 and kids 12 and under get in free.
 Here are the events and will run in this order:
                    Puppy Bay: Up to two pups can run; $15 each; Trophy Bay 1st thru 3rd
                    Old & Young: $30; Trophy Bay 1st thru 3rd
                    Two Dog Pro: $50; 1st thru 3rd-70% Payback
                    Two Dog Amateur: $30; Trophy Bay 1st thru 3rd
                    One Dog Amateur: $20; Trophy Bay 1st thru 3rd
                    One Dog Pro: $30: 1st thru 3rd-70% Payback   
                    Pig Chase for the kids: Free-Trophies

  Here are the pens rules:
                    No ill mannered behavior (this is a family orientated event and you will be informed to leave)
                    No Dogs in heat
                    No Catch Dogs
                    No Cameras   
                    No ill mannered dogs left unattended and if they are they must be properly put up away    from others
          From Bremond, take FM 2954 out approx: 7 miles,take a left at the second brick house (8255 FM 2954) on the left after the railroad tracks.  There will be a white pipe entrance.
  If anyone has any questions, please feel free to call Gilbert @ 254-746-7628 or cell 979-676-2388.
  Thanks and we look forward to seeing everyone again,
    Gilbert Thompson
    T-N-T Bay Pen

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: khoghunter27 on June 24, 2009, 06:53:05 pm
Talked to Gilbert he said he made an error on the Date it will Be JULY 25TH not the 26TH

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: HogzgoneWild on June 24, 2009, 10:08:07 pm
I'll be there, can't come soon enough, I need to get away!!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on June 24, 2009, 10:12:39 pm
Gilbert also forgot the shoat bay, for those who are interested, ya'll come on out for some good family fun!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: nosightsneeded on June 24, 2009, 10:55:36 pm
guessing the shoat is for the smaller pups?

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: BoggerCountyHogHunter on June 25, 2009, 06:04:11 pm
  Actually the shoat bay will be for any dog.  It is really hard for a lot of dogs to bay a shoat.  It's a lot of fun you can't have a super gritty dog.  Also those shoats can move, another reason it's not easy for a dog to bay one.  It should be interesting.  The entry will be $20 and will be a payback event instead of a trophy.  The payback will be 70%.

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on June 28, 2009, 10:45:39 pm
I know it's still a ways away but how many of ya'll plan on atending the next baying , gonna be a blast as always..........W.D............

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: HogzgoneWild on June 29, 2009, 04:48:10 pm
I'll be there!!!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Nick on June 29, 2009, 09:45:41 pm
I'd love to go to check it out and will plan on being there. So I can't bring a camera?

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on June 29, 2009, 09:55:21 pm
Sorry Nick, no cameras , true blue , is normaly their taking pics and man she takes some good ones, if you run a dog get with her and im sure she would be happy to get pics of your dogs at work, we'd be glad to have ya, tell your friends and come on down , shake some hands and have a blast thanks, ...........W.D.......

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Bar M on June 29, 2009, 10:32:41 pm
We should be there..
probably bring a few more of our terriers  ;D
show yall how some little dogs get down. lol.

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on June 29, 2009, 10:40:12 pm
Great Katie cant wait ready to see tem gators!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Nick on June 29, 2009, 10:40:53 pm
Unfortunately I dont have any dogs of my own just yet. I was planning on going purely as a spectator. I love watching a dog do what its trained to do, whether it be working a field looking for birds or hunting hogs!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: BarrNinja on June 30, 2009, 10:29:48 am
I will be there again.

May even put my wife's wiener dog in the shoat bay. All 9 pounds of hog baying fury! lol.

Bar M,

dont forget my knife if you have one available!!!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: DIAMOND A KENNELS on June 30, 2009, 06:06:52 pm

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: TrueBlueLacys on June 30, 2009, 06:23:10 pm
Not sure if I'll make it for the July bay, gotta see how my schedule works out and how hot it is, but I sure do love watching those Wormy Dogs work too ;D If I do go, I'll have the camera, and I'll keep working on ways to get pictures for the people who want them. 

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Wmwendler on June 30, 2009, 07:30:38 pm
Wish I could make it..... but dang last month I was working now this time I have a wedding to go to.  One of these days im gonna be there and yall watch out 'cause I have some shoat bayin fools.


Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Spencer on June 30, 2009, 11:29:53 pm
Me and Ashlie plan on being there! We are not going to bring many dogs, one for sure maybe two. We have alot of trips planned this month and august, so we are trying to watch our money a little! No matter if we bring any dogs or not, we will be there!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on July 04, 2009, 10:38:01 pm

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Spencer on July 06, 2009, 08:31:26 am
Who all is ready? i know i am!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: muleman on July 06, 2009, 09:48:16 am
i am coming to this one if it hair lips the pope!!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Bar M on July 08, 2009, 09:22:18 am
We are ready. If everything goes as planned we will be bringing some moore makers to sale. Who else is going

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: djhogdogger on July 08, 2009, 09:56:57 am
I would love to go, I checked my husbands work schedule and he is off on that day. But only that day, so we will be cutting it close if we do go. What time are these bayings usually over with? Never been to one before, we do sometimes work our dogs in a baypen but they are woods dogs (pretty gritty). We have a brother and sister red bmc x that are coming on 8 months. Might could bring them. What are the rules for the dogs? Do yall use pretty big hogs so the dogs won't try to catch?

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Spencer on July 08, 2009, 12:26:35 pm
We are ready. If everything goes as planned we will be bringing some moore makers to sale. Who else is going

Bring a trapper knife, and more than likely i will take it off your hands!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: djhogdogger on July 08, 2009, 02:26:19 pm
I was also wanting to know what age group is the puppy bay. What are the age groups on all of the catagories?

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on July 08, 2009, 10:21:25 pm
I'm ready as ever!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Spencer on July 08, 2009, 11:38:14 pm
I was also wanting to know what age group is the puppy bay. What are the age groups on all of the catagories?

The puppy bay and the old and young are the only classes with age restrictions. The puppy's have to be under 1yr old. In the old and young, the young dog is considered a puppy with a dog older than 1yr old!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on July 12, 2009, 11:01:51 am
hey ya'll were half way there, Hope to see every one there, ya'll come on down for a day of family fun and watch some dogs work!.W.D..........

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Spencer on July 14, 2009, 10:25:16 pm
Who is gonna be there! Less than two weeks now!?!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: BoggerCountyHogHunter on July 15, 2009, 04:07:59 pm
 I'll be there :laugh:

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on July 15, 2009, 09:29:45 pm
Heck i guess I might come! ;D

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Spencer on July 15, 2009, 10:17:17 pm
I'll be there :laugh:

Well i hope so Gilbert since it is your place! I would hate to come and have justin in charge! That would be a nighmare! ;D

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: BoggerCountyHogHunter on July 16, 2009, 07:40:19 am

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: muleman on July 16, 2009, 08:52:16 am
Hey, who all is planning on bringing pups or dogs to sell?? and what ya got??

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Baypenbubba on July 16, 2009, 02:45:25 pm
We are leaving in the morning for heartwell Ga for the hickory crossing bay, promised Mark Banister months ago. It will take us about 8 1\2 hours. going to push us hard to make it to yalls next week but we will try moneys starting to get short in these hard times. we will for sure be there soon !good luck gilbert

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: craig on July 16, 2009, 05:41:52 pm
Looks like if all goes as planned i will be coming back by the baying i am picking up a trailer at GN in Bryan..

i think i will stay the night and come to the baying on sat..

i have a dog box , tracking  system, couple of hand made knifes and some used vests i will bring to sell ...

looking foward to meeting some of you guys..

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Hippy on July 16, 2009, 10:01:59 pm
what kind of tracking system you got craig.

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: craig on July 17, 2009, 05:32:29 pm
its on the classified ads,,   and its a good system

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on July 17, 2009, 11:01:46 pm
I will be bringing a dog for a friend to sell, he's a 1 1/2  bridle male, named smokey , has been in the woods alot, trash broke, and has found own hogs just needs to be finished, he has also won at the bremond baying, will bay the hide off a hog, loose dog, if anyone is interested, give me a holler!

                               Thanks,   W.D.

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: muleman on July 19, 2009, 10:38:03 am
I have a male lacy pup (about 5 mos.) and a redbone x pit pup (7 or 8 mos) that I will probably bring.

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: HogzgoneWild on July 19, 2009, 08:10:52 pm
Well guys, hate to say it but we may not make it to this one due to financial and vehicle issues, but we will see I'm dang sure gonna try!!!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on July 20, 2009, 10:46:50 pm
ya'll coming or what?

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Spencer on July 21, 2009, 09:56:48 am
Im ready! i have already sat down and made the line-up for saturday! Looks like we are bringing the gooseneck trailer this time!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Dexter on July 21, 2009, 10:13:49 am
i will not be at this baying but you can pretty much bank on it i will be there with the gyp pack in tow along with some puppies for sale also
 see yall in august

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Spencer on July 23, 2009, 09:32:09 am
worked the dogs in the pen yesterday to try and figure out the Final lineup! We are bringing 6 dogs this time! :o Who is ready?

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Baypenbubba on July 23, 2009, 09:58:03 am
 Hey Guys Looks like me and some of the  boys are going to get to make it . I am looking forward to seeing my old friends and making some new ones. we will be there fri eve late. anybody know a motel number?

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on July 23, 2009, 01:24:59 pm
i cant wait  its gonna be a blast!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: muleman on July 23, 2009, 01:32:06 pm
I'm hoping to get there bright and early saturday morning. McCoy said he was gonna come with me. We'll see if we can roll him out of bed or not. How late does it generally last??

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: craig on July 23, 2009, 02:16:14 pm
ill be there for shure  ;D ;D

bringing a dog box,, quick track 6000 with 2 collars , some used vests, and cut collars, couple of knives,,

ill be in a white mega cab pulling a new gn allum stock trailer   ;)

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: TrueBlueLacys on July 23, 2009, 02:49:09 pm
Oh man, the Fort Bayou Crew is coming and I'm gonna miss this one!

Well, I'm 90% sure I'm gonna miss this one. 10% of me wants to try to top the blue-eyed bay picture from last month.

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Baypenbubba on July 23, 2009, 03:56:46 pm
Come on trublue lets make this a big one for the boys we bringin 10 dogs ! mostly pups

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: khoghunter27 on July 23, 2009, 10:33:09 pm
wont be there till sat got to finish state t ball tourney worst we can do is second ready for the bayen

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: TT on July 23, 2009, 10:46:07 pm
will be there

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Spencer on July 23, 2009, 11:44:11 pm
Good deal Mr. Reggie! Im glad yall are gonna make it! Well dang Julie! Who is gonna take the pictures now! Im ready, and cant wait to get there! We are gonna leave the house about 7. We don't have any puppies or old and young to run, so im gonna try and get as much beauty rest as possible! You all know i need it! Anywhoo, ready to see all of yall there! I hope everyone has a safe trip!

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: Hippy on July 24, 2009, 01:45:25 am
ready to go!!! Cant even sleep ;D ;D

Title: Re: Date set for the July T-N-T Bay Pen Competition in Bremond
Post by: oklahoma hogger on July 24, 2009, 02:06:46 am
wish i could go again the one i went to in june was awsome.
To far of a trip to make so soon. :(