Title: Strike Dog.... Better Grab Her Quick Post by: Beau Bergeron on February 15, 2013, 09:25:24 am I have a 3 year old Cur/ black and tan cross. She is a nice looking gyp. I am selling her for a strike dog because thats what she is. I have had her run one deer and every other time she barked it was hog. This is a dog that will go hunting on her own. You dont need to walk with her and hold her hand. Veery energetic and hunts with a quick pace. She hunts good with other dogs. If she is on a good track she can straight up roll out. Fast as lightning. She loves to rig/wind hunt. Selling because she yips on track. I hunt silent dogs. She knows how to bay and wont get cut. I am gonna have to get 800 for her and she is worth it. beaubergeron50@yahoo.com (dont check) Text or call me at 225-625-4665 Located in Baton Rouge, La.