THE CLASSIFIEDS => CLASSIFIED ADS => Topic started by: boarcutter14 on February 19, 2013, 10:30:59 am

Title: Great Structural Pipe
Post by: boarcutter14 on February 19, 2013, 10:30:59 am
I have alot of structural pipe in  different sizes.
2"- $1 per foot - average length is 31'
2 3/8 - $35 per joint -average length is 31'
2 7/8 - $45 per joint- average length is 31'
3 1/2- $2.75 per foot- average length is 31'
4 1/2- $3.75 per foot- average length is 42'
It is all good clean pipe. If interested call John at 830-570-1331 or email at john.olle@yahoo.com
I live in Pleasanton, Texas 30 miles south of San Antonio