Title: Deer Hunters Post by: USHOG on June 27, 2009, 01:09:50 pm I have 3 openings left . These are a bow only hunt for white tail deer on a 15000 acre ranch. Location is in Wharton/ Fortbend County west of Houston 40 miles. Must have a valid Texas hunting lisence. For East Texas Hog Doggers members I will cut my price to $325 a person (6 max). This is for 3 days and 2 nights lodging included. . There are no trophy charges on any animals. Last year we had a 12 point buck that scored a 141 taken off of this ranch. There are many deer on this property. We curently have 19 deer stands and are planning to add a few more. If you are interested plese let me know soon. You may also shoot any leagle game that walks in front of your stand with no extra charge.
Joe Leveridge @ 936-394-2931 Title: Re: Deer Hunters Post by: USHOG on September 03, 2009, 01:06:01 pm October 30, 31 and Nov 1 is still open.