HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Purebreedcolt on February 24, 2013, 08:23:35 pm

Title: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: Purebreedcolt on February 24, 2013, 08:23:35 pm
Went to the flea mkt today and there was one of the guys that have the window stickers. Well got to looking over them and therewas one that had a bow hunter in a tree with 2 dogs atbase of tree he was at full draw and the saying above the deal said damn dogs needless ttosay my blood went from normal to boiling is no time I told him that was bull number 2 him having a sticker like that  and think I scared some of his custers I was pissed  just had to vent but if yall go and see a guy there saleing them look on the bottom right side where his hunting emblems are and cuss him out for me

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: dub on February 24, 2013, 08:26:47 pm
Which flea market?

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: Purebreedcolt on February 24, 2013, 08:28:47 pm
This was at chicken house in stephenville

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: jimco on February 25, 2013, 06:41:06 am
Landon, I'm 50 years old. When I was growing up in South Louisiana everyone hunted deer with dogs. That was the only way it was done.
Today there is a very small percentage that hunts with dogs. The kids growing up today hear their fathers bad mouth dogs and dog hunters . They will shoot any dog that goes on their property. These basteards are very slick about it. You'll never catch them but they will
shoot a dog in a heart beat. We don't even let our dogs off our property until ALL hunting seasons are closed.
   The vendor you seen at the flea market probably is one of those that will shoot a dog in a heart beat. Sure, you can kick his arse and beat him senseless but your dog is still shot. He's an arse for selling such a decal.  It's hard to fix stupid.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: cantexduck on February 25, 2013, 08:27:51 am
  Can you blame him ?

 I have a few friends that can not keep poachers off his place. They are always showing up on trail camera s. Shooting a dog is not right. In Texas you can shoot a dog that has a hog bayed on your property. You can't shoot one for running a deer though. Sure it happens but some feel they have a right to go where ever they please, deer dogger s felt the same way.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: Jared H. on February 25, 2013, 08:38:32 am
  Can you blame him ?

 I have a few friends that can not keep poachers off his place. They are always showing up on trail camera s. Shooting a dog is not right. In Texas you can shoot a dog that has a hog bayed on your property. You can't shoot one for running a deer though. Sure it happens but some feel they have a right to go where ever they please, deer dogger s felt the same way.

Maybe the trespassers should be shot.....not the dogs.  Last time I checked my dogs weren't aware of who's property they are on when they are hunting.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: cantexduck on February 25, 2013, 09:44:32 am
  Not sure why I can't edit posts anymore.

   I get into arguments a lot over hunters shooting dogs. I am against it obviously. Hog hunters have a bad name over it. A lot of hunters will jump a fence no matter what to follow their dogs. How can we stop that ? It will be the one  of the reasons it will become illegal. 

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: Purebreedcolt on February 25, 2013, 12:23:55 pm
Yes I blame him  now dogs that are running livestock is one thing but to have a decal that is about shooting dogs is bs. If I ever see one on someones truck they will likly get a piece of my mind also.  And your buddy needs to go after the guys not the dogs but yes figure our hobby is on the short list on time

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: cantexduck on February 25, 2013, 01:04:53 pm
 I agree the sticker is in bad taste. Trashy to say the least

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: jwdeltx on February 25, 2013, 09:42:42 pm
Like it or not ,wild hogs are becoming game animals. People are starting to pay big money for ( hog ) leases. The land owners are leasing out deer stands to hunt hogs at night . Bad situation even if you have permision to hunt the land ,who's in the stand with the gun. The old days are slipping away fast!!!!

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: charles on February 26, 2013, 09:41:25 am
He/she who shoots my dog/s bc they crossed a fence line better on god's favorite list. Dogs cant read and all a person can do is do it the legal way n contact the land owner or law, except in an emergency. I value a dogs life more than i do a human life. The sticker should be removed, may can even have the law force him to remove them for advertising and condoning animal crualty and abuse.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: DGarrison on February 26, 2013, 02:45:21 pm
He/she who shoots my dog/s bc they crossed a fence line better on god's favorite list. Dogs cant read and all a person can do is do it the legal way n contact the land owner or law, except in an emergency. I value a dogs life more than i do a human life. The sticker should be removed, may can even have the law force him to remove them for advertising and condoning animal crualty and abuse.
Well it is sad that you value a dog more than you do a human.
I have heard the "my dog can't read a no trespassing sign" argument more than I care to recall. Some people think they can go anywhere they want just because their dog went first and that's what gives people a bad name.
I personally would never shoot anyone's dog. But we as hunters should be respectful of other people's property.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: Irondog87 on February 26, 2013, 03:03:55 pm
This is the reason i have started hunting mostly at night (unless I'm on a huge deer lease). At night it gives me more time to hoop and hauler to call my dog back if I think they are coming to close to a property line. After I get em coming back we will regroup and find another spot or just call it a night. It never hurts to talk to niebooring land owners before u hunt a property to see their views on it and see if they are a dog killer/anti dogger or if they don't mind. A lot don't mind but if they catch them messing with their livestock they will shoot em (can't be mad about that, some of the live stock is worth ALOT of$$$$) just my two cents

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: charles on February 26, 2013, 03:55:13 pm
He/she who shoots my dog/s bc they crossed a fence line better on god's favorite list. Dogs cant read and all a person can do is do it the legal way n contact the land owner or law, except in an emergency. I value a dogs life more than i do a human life. The sticker should be removed, may can even have the law force him to remove them for advertising and condoning animal crualty and abuse.
Well it is sad that you value a dog more than you do a human.
I have heard the "my dog can't read a no trespassing sign" argument more than I care to recall. Some people think they can go anywhere they want just because their dog went first and that's what gives people a bad name.
I personally would never shoot anyone's dog. But we as hunters should be respectful of other people's property.

No, whats sad is u evidently dont understand the lotalty of a dog over a human. People will steal from u, stab u in the back and throw u under a bus to save their ass. A dog will show unconditional affection and loyalty, will giv their life to protect u, and only steal a sandwich from u if left in reach. I dont c how folks can value some1 that will in a heartbeat screw u over in a chance to save theirself.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: DGarrison on February 26, 2013, 04:14:06 pm
Relationships are what you make of them, wether it be with a human or an animal. I've had loyal relationships from both. Perhaps if everyone that you come in contact with is such a Petrine person you should look for the common denominator. I'm guessing it may be you.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: tuskbuster on February 26, 2013, 06:38:13 pm
ANY LOW LIFE that would shoot a dog is ,well.i was in a spot the other weekend in TEXAS,im an OKIE.dogs come off the hood to where we can hunt 300,yds and do 180  ,mile 1/2 in where we DONT HAVE permission.cows balln anbellerin.went to the ranchers house that just spoke with us when the dogs were goin away from his place .KNEW he was there.wouldnt answer the dooor. walked in to try and get the dogs out GUESS  SOME TEXAS DOGS COME WHEN CALLED :D.got a rally of hogs wooshin out the barbwire 10 ft from us ,in blasts the rancher with his AR threatin us .alll i want is my dogs .work it out to get all dogs but my BEST DOG off the pigs .picked up 3 miles later.you pricks that condon shootin dogs and chargin guys with trespass in  just to get our dogs .hope you have a good earthly life cause when you get to hell ,an u will before heaven,i hope to meet u on that road

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: charles on February 26, 2013, 07:20:28 pm
Relationships are what you make of them, wether it be with a human or an animal. I've had loyal relationships from both. Perhaps if everyone that you come in contact with is such a Petrine person you should look for the common denominator. I'm guessing it may be you.

how bout u define petrine. wiki aint pulling up what im sure ur try to call me. i will agree that it may be me. i dont like dealing with stupid people, and this world is full of them, including me at times. if u think a relationship is what u make of it, then ask your wife is she would, with out hesitation and sec thought, give take a bullet so you dont have to. if she will, then i'll send yaw a cookie, but there aint but a hand full of people i would take a bullet for, cause most aint worth keepin alive.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: charles on February 26, 2013, 07:21:35 pm
 well said tuskbuster.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: tuskbuster on February 26, 2013, 07:47:41 pm
and to all FENCE watchers ,hope that that tit runs dry 1 day,after that then ur on your own.bet your a demo crap also

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: cantexduck on February 26, 2013, 07:48:48 pm
Tusk , I don't think anyone in this thread condones shooting a dog for no reason. But , if you jump a fence you deserve a ticket for trespassing. No one has the right to cross on to property without permission.

Must be a lonely world.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: tuskbuster on February 26, 2013, 08:06:54 pm
apparently you didnt read everything,must be a FENCE watcher,i did everything within my powers short of waitin till god knows when a sherrif or warden would showed up.got my dogs an got out ,DIDNT CATCH A HOG <GOT MY DOG AND GOT OUT.you need to stick to your high fence and keep out of the real hog hunters game !!!!!

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: charles on February 26, 2013, 08:09:18 pm
Simmer down tuskbuster, he aint worth it man.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: tuskbuster on February 26, 2013, 08:14:13 pm
 >:( >:( >:( >:D :angel:

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: Ron on February 26, 2013, 08:21:00 pm
X 2 foe show

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: cantexduck on February 26, 2013, 08:22:37 pm
Fence watcher, I like that. And yes I run two high fence places as well. You are on a roll.

 Can I come walk in your yard as I please ?

  Keep going where you please. I am sure the other hunters are glad you are part of the reason you no longer have the right to retrieve in OK. Deer doggers thought the same way. You should ask them how that worked out.

  I must not be a real hog hunter. Want to buy my dogs,wheelers and kennels?

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: Purebreedcolt on February 26, 2013, 08:40:47 pm
Guys guys can we please ger back to rhe poor taste in decals. Charles do you thinkthat would work I thought about it but what grounds would I have but being a whiny ass to the sheriffs.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: dub on February 26, 2013, 08:41:53 pm
If I have to go on someone's property to get my dogs I risk a ticket and that is that. I have stood and called dogs and waited. But if there are cattle or other animals I might drop my gear and go with with leads to get my dogs. If I run into a pissed off land owner I won't fault him for being mad just like I won't fault an honest hunter from getting his dogs. The land oowner has to deal with poachers, thieves, russtlers, and so much more. The hunter has to worry about getting blamed for stuff he did not do, people shooting his dogs, people stealing his dogs and so much more.

If you shoot my dog you will have a problem. Confronting me hot under the collar. I can stay calm until you calm down and we can figure it out. I try to at least let people know I am out there and I am not being sneaky.

But I would like to smack that sticker maker around.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: charles on February 26, 2013, 08:45:54 pm
Guys guys can we please ger back to rhe poor taste in decals. Charles do you thinkthat would work I thought about it but what grounds would I have but being a whiny ass to the sheriffs.

I think it mite work, wont know till u try. Giv me the info n i'll call n complain too. Its not only distastefull, but would u want a dog loving child to c a pic of a guy fixn to shoot poor ole' rover?

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: jwdeltx on February 26, 2013, 09:25:08 pm
I guess we will never get back to childern growing up with his or her best freind, there dog, my dogs are my partners and in most cases i  would rather talk to them than a lot of people. We can't put a dogs life over a humans,even if we don't want to, we have to respect others proerty to keep good standings with land owners . They will call for you in the near future wanting you to hunt , catch or trap the hogs that are destroying there property. HUNT'UM UP !!!!

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: Bar R Ranch on February 27, 2013, 02:02:56 am
Fence watcher, I like that. And yes I run two high fence places as well. You are on a roll.

 Can I come walk in your yard as I please ?

  Keep going where you please. I am sure the other hunters are glad you are part of the reason you no longer have the right to retrieve in OK. Deer doggers thought the same way. You should ask them how that worked out.

  I must not be a real hog hunter. Want to buy my dogs,wheelers and kennels?
Hog doggers had nothing to do with the right to retrieve law being taken away in Okla. That bill was introduced to try and stop all the cattle rustling.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: DGarrison on February 27, 2013, 08:23:54 am
Relationships are what you make of them, wether it be with a human or an animal. I've had loyal relationships from both. Perhaps if everyone that you come in contact with is such a Petrine person you should look for the common denominator. I'm guessing it may be you.

how bout u define petrine. wiki aint pulling up what im sure ur try to call me. i will agree that it may be me. i dont like dealing with stupid people, and this world is full of them, including me at times. if u think a relationship is what u make of it, then ask your wife is she would, with out hesitation and sec thought, give take a bullet so you dont have to. if she will, then i'll send yaw a cookie, but there aint but a hand full of people i would take a bullet for, cause most aint worth keepin alive.
Don't know how Petrine got in their.  Must have been autocorrect on my phone.  And I wasn't calling you any name.  I don't know you and I wouldn't resort to that sort of behavior.
I myself am not a hog dogger.  I prefer to bowhunt but I support hunters of any sort.  I will say though that I have heard alot of deer hunters complain about hog dogs running through their lease during deer season and ruining their hunt.  I just feel like we should all respect and support each other or the sports that we love could be taken away from us.

As far as my life taking a bullet for me, I pray to God that she is never in that situation but I don't doubt that she would be loyal to the end.  Their are millions of people that put their life on the line every day for people that they don't know (military, police, EMS, Firemen, etc).  I try to live my life as a person worth saving.  Good day sir.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: Goatcher on February 28, 2013, 08:24:52 pm
Tusk , I don't think anyone in this thread condones shooting a dog for no reason. But , if you jump a fence you deserve a ticket for trespassing. No one has the right to cross on to property without permission.

Must be a lonely world.

In Texas, you cannot follow your dogs over the fence.  But in LA and CA you can.  Just leave weapons on your side of fence and go get dogs. 

But try it in daylight during deer season and you could get yourself anf dogs shot anywhere.

Title: Re: got a little p.o.ed today
Post by: tuskbuster on February 28, 2013, 09:10:19 pm
hey  buddy , good to see ya back ,hows all them rats doin?  a ticket is worth it to get my dogs  back, but makes ya wonder how much someones ego is worth when all their animals   sluff all their calves over a tresspass to retrieve a dog.