Title: Darn good cd for sale need gone also (pic) Post by: Duval county on February 25, 2013, 01:40:19 pm 100% ear ever single time, well mannered does not fight at all good handle on him. He's just a good all around dog been on 100 or more hogs in the woods is about year in a half to 2 years old been catching hogs since he was 5 months on little ones. Just don't need him turning to RCDs 225$ justinmartinez824@gmail.com 361-701-1045
(http://i1358.photobucket.com/albums/q771/justin0964/0FB47B32-5448-449D-A225-D32440699670-5076-0000049DA9DA6533_zpsfe04b51a.jpg) (http://i1358.photobucket.com/albums/q771/justin0964/138B229A-F259-4DA9-B659-3AAF0B034186-5076-0000049DBD0D9505_zps0a95c398.jpg)(http://i1358.photobucket.com/albums/q771/justin0964/477E70DC-1A15-4836-95C9-544D9B187701-1104-00000184820E7370_zps201efc40.jpg) |