HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: Travis on March 01, 2013, 12:58:54 pm

Title: Prolapsed intestine ??????
Post by: Travis on March 01, 2013, 12:58:54 pm
Any info would b helpful.
I loaded dogs up in dark when I got to were I was going to turn out , noticed a male dog had a bit of intestine hanging out of his bum .
Poked it back in and leashed him up. Got back from hunting took him to vet. Not much help there. They gave me diff wormer , and antibiotic .

First day I had to poke them back in 6 times.
They stayed in for 4 days . ( dog in small kennel so he could no poop with out me taking him out)
Feed straight chk for  those 4 days .
Switched back to dry dog food , they popped back out , not near as much and bloody this time but like it tore something that was trying to heal.

Has any one heard of this ??
Dog 1 1/2 years old
I did switch dog food a few days before this started.

Title: Re: Prolapsed intestine ??????
Post by: hillcountry on March 01, 2013, 03:52:04 pm
Had pup die  from this he has a blockage in his intetine mayby a twist get to vet asap if he means anything to you .

Title: Re: Prolapsed intestine ??????
Post by: Travis on March 01, 2013, 04:22:20 pm
Have taken to vet twice. He still poops and acts great.

Title: Re: Prolapsed intestine ??????
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on March 01, 2013, 04:46:08 pm
Could be a prolapsed rectum likely. We've treated a few cats with the issue over the years. Don't know why it happens, it's a random thing. Thing is, if it keeps happening, they'll need to suture it back in so that it hopefully STAYS in. When this happens, make sure you keep the innards clean. If you have to 'push' them back in and there happens to be dirt on him it can cause a nasty infection. Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Prolapsed intestine ??????
Post by: Travis on March 01, 2013, 05:01:05 pm
This is a cat as well. The first day luckily there was 6 inches of snowon ground. Today Shen it happened I used a clean towel .
Called another vet they backed up the first one

First time looked like intestines
Today looked like rectum if that's poss
Thanks for input every one

Title: Re: Prolapsed intestine ??????
Post by: Travis on March 06, 2013, 08:22:03 am
Update, I  have kept him in a dog crate and feed just boiled chicken . No problems at all .
Switch him back to dog food . 8 hrs later prolapsed rectum again .
A lot of straining to get all out. Should I put some bacon grease on food ?
Any input I would apreaitce it ! Thank you

Title: Re: Prolapsed intestine ??????
Post by: Ekunkel on March 07, 2013, 09:32:07 pm
I am unsure about with dogs, but I know our show pigs would Prolapse after we would switch feed before a show, often when we changed from a mellow feed to hi protien hotter mix. We kept preparation H on and around the prolapsed intestine. We washed it up good and then smeared prep H twice to three times a day. Iv seen it work on a long-term basis more times than not. Just somethin to try I reckon!

Title: Re: Prolapsed intestine ??????
Post by: charles on March 08, 2013, 11:48:31 am
No disrespect travis, but if those 2 vets agreed with ea other but a person with same past issue had it fixed, i would look for a new vet outa the area ur in. There may be to much and the vet have to do some trimming to fix but i would def find another vet and get their opinion and possibly a couple after that. I hope the best for ya, and ur dog and hope there aint more issues.

Title: Re: Prolapsed intestine ??????
Post by: Travis on March 09, 2013, 07:18:58 am
Yes I agree on the vet issue . I am going to try swicthing feed . If I soak it in water he seems to not have a prob. I have tried the DMSO , which was referred by vet. I think it took some swelling down  , but made the slipping prob worse. I'll try prep h . But the prob seems to be in intestines .
Thank you all very much .
Ps this a hunting dog ! Not a house dog !! He gotta get back in yard!! He can Demolish the house in 2 min ! !!