Title: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: lcurrie on June 30, 2009, 06:44:04 pm Was down south this weekend with my pack of dogs. We went out saturday night arounnd ten. i droopped them off around a night feeder two hundred yards. Soon is i let the dogs they were off heagan opens up and they got on a runner. they ran for a good eight hundred yards before they lost him. so i loaded them up and took them to one spot before heading back to camp it was reading 90 degrees at 10:30. So we went to the tank it took them three minutes once hitting the ground. than i hear my big cat Boy open up followed by heagen. 5 seconds later i hear my RCD max hit the boar. the grunting started so i let shooter go he hits and im right behind him when i come across the biggest pig ive seen in real life. so i tried to leg him but he was so wet and muddy that he slipped and off he ran with four dogs on his back so i caught up with them twenty yards later instead of leggin him i decided to bear hug him. he ran another 5 to ten yards before i tripped him and than i went to seal the deal. boy did i have fun on this hunt i couldnt for anything more from my pack on how they performed. one day i might regret hunting by myself i might caught up in a bind but its to much fun and i love the addrenaline rush. sorry i didnt have any action picks thats what happens when you hunt alot by yourself.
boar tipped out at 318# (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn57/lcurrieporter/320poundboar002.jpg) 2.5 inch tusk (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn57/lcurrieporter/320poundboar008.jpg) (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn57/lcurrieporter/320poundboar004.jpg) THE PACK Boy (Cat-2.5yrs.) (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn57/lcurrieporter/320poundboar012.jpg) Hagen (Cat/Plott-1yr.) (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn57/lcurrieporter/320poundboar011.jpg) Shooter (Dogo-1yr) The Catch Dog (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn57/lcurrieporter/320poundboar013.jpg) Max (Pit-2.5yrs) RCD (http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn57/lcurrieporter/320poundboar021.jpg) Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: Noah on June 30, 2009, 07:00:12 pm Great hog! I do enjoy hunting by myself once in a while... very peaceful and very rewarding when it's over.
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: joe on June 30, 2009, 07:29:52 pm good looking dogs
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: Mike on July 01, 2009, 08:40:26 am Good hog and welcome to the boards!
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: coach on July 01, 2009, 08:47:06 am You will run into a bind. I hunt by myself alot. Just remember you can replace a dog but you can not and will not replace yourself. Nice hog and stay safe.
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: jb1681 on July 01, 2009, 11:08:17 am Sounds like a fun hunt. Nice hog!
If u want to hunt around san marcos give me a call. Jesse B Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: cwhite_25 on July 01, 2009, 01:18:13 pm Luke is a good friend of mine and I know for a fact that he worms his dogs every month and feeds them every day. He runs his dogs 2 to 3 times a week. He runs around san marcos and his ranch in far south Texas almost to Mexico. With heat the way it is down there your dogs better be in tip top shape. I own the father to that pup and he got heat stroke down there in the spring because he was a little on thick side and the weather was cooler up north and he was not in shape for the change in hummidity. Luckely he recovered and was slamming them a month later. Just retired him because I know the heat would be too hard on him and hes getting old. I dont get to run my dogs as much during the summer. Maybe once a week up here in north Texas with the heat and my work during this time of year. My dogs are fat and I wish they were in shape like that. Also that Dogo is not even a year old.
Title: cwhite Post by: lcurrie on July 01, 2009, 01:53:14 pm im just glad my pack is finally gettin older and not messin around you can see i didnt run my blue lacy that night. your dogs might be thick but they work like they get run every day
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: djhogdogger on July 01, 2009, 02:09:00 pm nice boar and good looking dogs
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: TColt on July 01, 2009, 02:09:26 pm Awesome boar Luke. It sounds like your pack is getting the job done. Hagen is looking good. Lost some of that baby fat since I saw him last lol. Shooter looks mean as hell in his picture haha, looks like he wants to bite that pig again.
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: Mark T on July 01, 2009, 02:41:30 pm Luke,
You know I would hunt with you anytime. There are probably a lot of folks that have been hunting a lot longer than you, but when its time to buck up I know I can count on you. I would go to the brush with you anyday. Good job on that boar. If that pack of yours keeps that up you will be breaking the 400 mark in no time. Mark T Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: bob on July 01, 2009, 02:58:35 pm nice hog , safe hunting ,best of life
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: McGrathCurs on July 04, 2009, 01:19:28 pm dang nice boar hog, congrats on gettin him by yourself, lone hunting can be a great stress releiver on me, just stay safe...
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: sfboarbuster on July 04, 2009, 03:27:01 pm Good hog, and some good lookin dogs. I really like the look of that haegen dog.
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: C Baker on July 04, 2009, 03:35:56 pm good looking dogs, i sure would like to see a pic of the scale on that one, idk about ya'll but 318 is pushing it!!!
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: sfboarbuster on July 04, 2009, 03:44:09 pm I agree with ya cbaker, i was think 270 or 280 but still a good hog
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: C Baker on July 04, 2009, 04:41:52 pm yeah thats more like it lol, damn good hog, we caught one about a month ago that weighed 260 and looked about the same, just got some of my dogs back into full recovery from that hog!!!
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: ESTEBAN_B on July 05, 2009, 11:56:33 am nice hog! and good lookin dogs!
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: McGrathCurs on July 05, 2009, 05:36:54 pm u know what they say, " looks can be deciving", I dont think pics are ever a real acurate way of judging weight.
David Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: Clay on July 05, 2009, 09:18:04 pm No matter the actual weight he is a dang good hog with good teeth and he did it solo great job Luke ;) Dogs look like there getting it done for ya they look good
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: Mike on July 05, 2009, 09:30:41 pm Boy some of you guys are a piece of work. The man's posting his best hog to date, weighed on a scale and y'all want to say otherwise. There's no way in hell you can judge that hog's weight by a photo.
Good hog Luke... just ignore the know-it-alls. ;) Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: Circle C on July 05, 2009, 09:40:43 pm Congrats on a great hog luke. Don't sweat the haters ;)
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: mex on July 05, 2009, 11:33:21 pm Very nice job bro and that Hagen is a looker!
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: McGrathCurs on July 06, 2009, 07:08:49 am Luke, was it more of a challenge trash breakin your RCD than most curs, and do u ever worry bout him out there lose? Have been thinkin hard on using one. My lead in catch dog is 3yo pit and will not bother cows or horses and has a great handel, would love to let him run with the curs.
David Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: C Baker on July 07, 2009, 10:56:57 am well mike im not saying i know it all but u can tell how about how much a hog weights by photo, all i was saying was i would like to see the scale, no need in you getting frisky on us!!!
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: Circle C on July 07, 2009, 11:02:37 am Quote u can tell how about how much a hog weights by photo Really? Can you tell the weight within 100#'s on any of the hogs in these pictures? (http://z.about.com/d/urbanlegends/1/0/5/0/1/wild_boar_2.jpg) (http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee241/bob_lambeth_album/00e801c998eae45a1d506601a8c0111.jpg) (http://blogs.sdf.unige.it/wordpressMU121/s2904850/files/2008/01/hogzilla.jpg) (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_gCayFzinbX8/RleLESn6H2I/AAAAAAAAAbI/hYbwJbT3UuQ/s400/Hogzilla+2.jpg) (http://www.minifarmhomestead.com/images/hogzilla.jpg) Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: craig on July 07, 2009, 11:15:59 am nice hog !!! and dogs !!
sounds like the kinda guy i want backing me up ;) Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: coach on July 07, 2009, 11:16:22 am LMAO
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: Circle C on July 07, 2009, 11:18:48 am Craig,
When I first read Luke's post...I thought about Roderick. It takes a different kind to hit the woods alone and take on a 300+# boar hog. I love catching big hogs, but I sure appreciate having the help there too ;) Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: Eric on July 07, 2009, 11:20:47 am Your a bad dude if you hunt by yourself... :o
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: craig on July 07, 2009, 11:37:46 am Chris
your right about Rod he is a tough dude.. i used to hunt some by my self then after a few big hogs i decided that was not a good idea ;D Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: Mark T on July 07, 2009, 11:52:56 am Luke,
You know I believe you. I have seen boars a lot bigger than that on your ranch. Like I said before you will be breaking that 400# mark in no time. Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: aladatrot on July 07, 2009, 11:57:56 am Rod is a tough dude.... Think about all those big hogs he catches alive all by himself. It's all impressive until you realize that he doesn't own a bulldog. He uses a bonafide 13 year old registered catahoula as a catch dog. That's when it gets impressive as hell....
Great hog Luke, and double great for getting that big son of a gun legged by your self. Bet that would have made for some good video, but I guess that's a little much to ask - for you to hunt alone AND be your own videographer! :P Cheers M Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: Mike on July 07, 2009, 12:10:18 pm well mike im not saying i know it all but u can tell how about how much a hog weights by photo, all i was saying was i would like to see the scale, no need in you getting frisky on us!!! No you basically called the man a liar on the best hog he ever caught... posts like that get me "frisky"!!! Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: C Baker on July 07, 2009, 12:59:30 pm hey circle c, the first hog is prolly around 800+ more towards 900, the second hog is around 1,051, and the third hog is around 1,000!!!
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: C Baker on July 07, 2009, 01:03:00 pm hey mike,its hard to call the man a liar when u don't know the truth, its a damn good hog but if he would show a pic of the scale then we would really see the truth, if it was my best hog and i weighed it i would definately have a pic of the scale!!!
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: craig on July 07, 2009, 02:30:25 pm C Baker
im gone sell my scales. ill just send you a pic, that shure would be alot easyier than picking them up on the scales.. :o i dont know lcurrie from adam , but he is a new member and if he told me a piss ant could eat a football i might question him,, but he weighed the hog. and that hog has all the qualities of a 300# 'er. all we have here is a honor system and to me guys that question that are not trust worthy Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: Circle C on July 07, 2009, 02:34:03 pm Quote all we have here is a honor system and to me guys that question that are not trust worthy Ditto! Well put Craig. Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: craig on July 07, 2009, 03:03:43 pm C Baker
on 2/14/09 you posted " i started hunting about 8 mo. ago" and i found this from one of your old post ,, how much does he weigh :D (http://i330.photobucket.com/albums/l404/colton_baker/004-1.jpg) Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: craig on July 07, 2009, 03:05:29 pm sorry for jacking your thread up lcurrie..
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: C Baker on July 07, 2009, 03:25:04 pm well craig if u looked at the pic a little more u would see that thats in a bay pen and the hog was caught in a trap, its not my hog but if u want to see a hog ill show u one!!!
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: craig on July 07, 2009, 03:30:26 pm my daddy told me when i was a kid if you dont know what your talking about you are better off to listen ...
you might need to listen a while before you start giving advice.. Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: craig on July 07, 2009, 03:33:02 pm sorry guys this kid has just pissed me off ..
im done with him now........ new subject.. out.. Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: C Baker on July 07, 2009, 03:33:20 pm circle c was i close on the hog weights??
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: C Baker on July 07, 2009, 03:35:10 pm hey i know what im talking about thats y i have spoken and i think u need to look at the size of a guy before u talk mess!!!
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: Mike on July 07, 2009, 03:50:54 pm I think i'm done with him too.
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: djhogdogger on July 07, 2009, 04:55:07 pm Dang! I used to watch soap operas now I just log on to ETHD. :o
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: cantexduck on July 07, 2009, 04:56:52 pm Dang! I used to watch soap operas now I just log on to ETHD. :o No crap. Thought we were grown men around here. Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: lcurrie on July 08, 2009, 02:53:49 pm sorry about that, about not have any pics of the scale, i cut the head off so i could drag it back to camp, and wieghed the head and the body seperate, didnt think it would be appropriate to have a picture with a hog hangin with out his head and ive been told not to post that. Anyway keep argueing about the waight funny to read about it im keeping the wieght at 318#
Title: Re: New to the forum packs best hog Post by: clint on July 08, 2009, 07:05:16 pm I dont care if it weighed 118#'s, as long as your happy and your dogs performed like you wanted em to, then thats your business.
I think he's every bit of 318,,, congrats bud on your hog he's a goodun. And to top it off you caught him by yourself. Good work, Clint |