HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: B Tobin on March 05, 2013, 07:50:05 pm

Title: BMC pedigree question
Post by: B Tobin on March 05, 2013, 07:50:05 pm
I have a registered yellow bmc gyp that I got on a trade. I recognize some of the lines in the pedigree but not all. Do these look pretty good? Bauman, Weatherford, Rathke, Wright, Okeefenokee, TLS, Scott, Gay, Rio Grande, Spanish Creek, Burkhart, Tamburini, Swann. Thanks for any help.

Title: Re: BMC pedigree question
Post by: KevinN on March 05, 2013, 07:52:24 pm
Strong pedigree. Now just have to see if the dog works. Paper is just paper.....all the same...hope you got a good one!

Title: Re: BMC pedigree question
Post by: txsteve85 on March 05, 2013, 07:58:58 pm
Good lines just depends which dogs out of those names and how it actually hunts.

Title: Re: BMC pedigree question
Post by: B Tobin on March 05, 2013, 08:00:50 pm
Thanks. She bays like a champ in a pen. Bays real good in woods too. Just not hunting out too far yet. 14 months old.

Title: Re: BMC pedigree question
Post by: KevinN on March 05, 2013, 08:01:57 pm
Give her time....she'll probably start getting out for you

Title: Re: BMC pedigree question
Post by: txsteve85 on March 05, 2013, 08:02:17 pm
Still very young...hope she works out for you.

Title: Re: BMC pedigree question
Post by: C L on March 07, 2013, 09:34:40 am
Regarding pedigree, Bauman and Weatherford were the names asociated with Weatherford's Ben; Rathke used that background and hunted and inbred the dogs to produce a good line; Red Burkhart's contribution was likely a gyp named VK that was from V K Sowell from Refugio or a dog that was a pup from VK; John Gay's dogs were from a similar source as Bauman, southeast Oklahoma breeding from Ben Jordan and others.

Title: Re: BMC pedigree question
Post by: charles on March 07, 2013, 09:55:32 am
 Here are some of the dogs cl is refering to.

Any opinions on this cross, good bad, what can be done to improve nxt cross?

Title: Re: BMC pedigree question
Post by: charles on March 07, 2013, 11:44:42 am

Title: Re: BMC pedigree question
Post by: justincorbell on March 07, 2013, 03:16:25 pm
Strong pedigree. Now just have to see if the dog works. Paper is just paper.....all the same...hope you got a good one!

I don't pay much mind to "pedigree" BUT I do agree with what I hi-lighted 100%, papers don't catch hogs!

Title: Re: BMC pedigree question
Post by: charles on March 07, 2013, 04:05:57 pm
Strong pedigree. Now just have to see if the dog works. Paper is just paper.....all the same...hope you got a good one!

I don't pay much mind to "pedigree" BUT I do agree with what I hi-lighted 100%, papers don't catch hogs!

Agree 100%. Only paper can catch is, catch on fire, but it helps to try and isolate a specific dog/ in a line, which for me is the yellow jacket dog for his production of rough offspring/s

Title: Re: BMC pedigree question
Post by: justincorbell on March 07, 2013, 04:31:28 pm
Strong pedigree. Now just have to see if the dog works. Paper is just paper.....all the same...hope you got a good one!

I don't pay much mind to "pedigree" BUT I do agree with what I hi-lighted 100%, papers don't catch hogs!

Agree 100%. Only paper can catch is, catch on fire, but it helps to try and isolate a specific dog/ in a line, which for me is the yellow jacket dog for his production of rough offspring/s

Agreed, I hope they turn out for you!

Title: Re: BMC pedigree question
Post by: charles on March 07, 2013, 05:10:01 pm
 thank you justin, i hope so too. the last 2 dogs i had that a good bit of ylw jckt in them, where near suicidal, but would also get out n go, but 1 cme down with heart worms, the other i sold to a guy to help him get started and bc he ws a bay buster and i wasnt runnin a catch dog and only 1 rough dog at the time. i hope to have 4 rough dogs on the ground now.

Title: Re: BMC pedigree question
Post by: justincorbell on March 07, 2013, 07:35:55 pm
Charles, i hear ya, i have a little project goin on over here. I am raising 4 pit pups from 3 different litters, 2 were pit and ab 1 was from two blue pits and the other is a 3/4 pit 1/4 curr of some sort, all my buddies dogs are yellow or brindle and the pup I got has 1 blue eye...im thinkin a milkman came knockin but at the same time he lives WAY out in the sticks.....we will never know lol. Any way I am hopin either these or their offspring down the road give me a short range,leggy, catchin crew. I will at some point breed a hound or gsp into them to fine tune.........don't know why but i've liked pits and bulldogs since I was little and i enjoy havin em around......