HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: lil wasper on March 07, 2013, 03:12:54 pm

Title: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: lil wasper on March 07, 2013, 03:12:54 pm
(http://i1300.photobucket.com/albums/ag83/lilwasper82/Facebook/Mobile%20Uploads/860043_530828520294953_1544128200_o.jpg)    I have always bayed and shot hog until the past year me and some buddys got to hunting in LA now we catch and tie almost everything tons more fun and you get to run them again some day if you turn them loose

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: SwampHunter on March 07, 2013, 03:22:14 pm
That's a nice hog !! I like tying them the most

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: lil wasper on March 07, 2013, 03:42:05 pm
to me there is alot more sport in it them shooting them only time i shoot one now is if i hunt alone and bay a tush hog i dont take a bulldog when i hunt by myself but will still catch and tie one if my hounds can hold it

Title: Re: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: AnotherRunner on March 07, 2013, 03:44:35 pm
Catch and tie is the only way! Unless the hog has a broke leg or something like that, then ya stick it!

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: justincorbell on March 07, 2013, 04:10:58 pm
 it's funny to hear how different people started and methods of hunting em. When I started we caught EVERYTHING, hell for the first couple years we never took the gun out of the truck!............the last few months I have become lazy lol now I just as soon shoot em as catch em........we still catch em most of the time (mainly because the people that I hunt with want to) but if i'm by myself hunting I don't bring rope or a cd lol, just a good pistol!

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: lil wasper on March 07, 2013, 04:17:19 pm
our small group is the only group in TN that catches them we figure every hog you tie and turn loose is another one left to run heck we dont have to kill them and rid them around on our dog box for them to count we still kill a few good boar hog but have been cutting them turning them loose as well hopefully in a few years we can catch some of them 400 plus pound barr hogs like i see on here

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: warrent423 on March 07, 2013, 04:30:48 pm
Been livin here in McMinn county for 8 years now. Haven't met but "one" group besides myself, that actually "catch" hogs.

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: lil wasper on March 07, 2013, 04:34:15 pm
i live in cumberland co.  what do you all use to catch with

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: warrent423 on March 07, 2013, 05:07:29 pm
I hunt a few small farms around Catoosa quite a bit. I run two rough, stock bred curs. These are close range dogs that will wind, find, stop, and hold when told there own hog.

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: lil wasper on March 07, 2013, 07:23:00 pm
do you catch and tie them or just kill them ?

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: warrent423 on March 07, 2013, 07:40:02 pm
If you catch any barrs with a quarter size circle in there top right ear, they'd be mine ;)

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: easttexasoutlaw33 on March 07, 2013, 08:50:57 pm
Whats the name of that big white catch dog?

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: SwampHunter on March 07, 2013, 09:19:29 pm
cumberland not far from sparta right ? thats where they got a big hunting operation they catch some monsters seen it online somewhere

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: lil wasper on March 07, 2013, 09:51:57 pm
i think we call him duke . Yes there are sevral hunting preserves in cumberland and fentress co. we dont mess around with them to many trigger happy jack asses in them places for me lol

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: easttexasoutlaw33 on March 07, 2013, 11:11:08 pm
Hows he working out for you? Im the guy you bought him from

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: tnhillbilly on March 07, 2013, 11:45:22 pm
Bout time I got some back up. LOL glad to see you on here, and catching and releasing. ;D
  ive been meaning to get back up there and make a hunt with ya'll but been working every stinking weekend.

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: Shotgun66 on March 08, 2013, 06:29:59 am
I like the Walker and Bluetick combo. Bluetick cold nosed strike and Walker to locate it once it heats up? Bluetick Rough? Are they open or tight mouth? Nice looking pack. Congrats on the nice hog.

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: Easttex91 on March 08, 2013, 06:55:53 am
Pretty blue tick

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: lil wasper on March 08, 2013, 08:08:01 am
the bluetick is half walker hes a pretty nice hound 28 months old cold nosed and 100 percent accurate strike dog hes really tight mouthed on a track gritty but not dumb seems like he will catch one by the ass then back up when it stops i bought him as a pup off a boy in washington i cant track the guy down now or i would buy a whole litter of the same cross hes been a strike hog dog since he was 9 months old and pretty dang good on bear as well hoping to breed him soon

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: justincorbell on March 08, 2013, 08:08:50 am
i live in cumberland co.  what do you all use to catch with

I have a pit that I use as a CD and my currs will all pile on when she gets there, I use her when I hunt with other people and sometimes I even run her as a rcd, she is hog crazy and winds off my buggy just like my currs, she is a good little dog. I just don't care much for leading her (or any dog for that matter)around if I'm by myself.

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: Hillbilly Safari on March 08, 2013, 09:59:40 am
Hows he working out for you? Im the guy you bought him from

 I'm Actually the one who bought duke from you and he is 100% just like you said im very pleased with him !  he is kinda a community dog everyone that doesn't have a catch dog stops by and gets him on there way to the woods so he gets used alot lol we have caught a pile of hogs with him I would like to have another one just like him

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: jimco on March 08, 2013, 10:01:37 am
our small group is the only group in TN that catches them we figure every hog you tie and turn loose is another one left to run heck we dont have to kill them and rid them around on our dog box for them to count we still kill a few good boar hog but have been cutting them turning them loose as well hopefully in a few years we can catch some of them 400 plus pound barr hogs like i see on here

How far are y'all from Tellico Plains ?  I was up there the end of October. They were running bear in the mountains. I seen some sure nuff
good looking hounds.  

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: lil wasper on March 08, 2013, 11:10:03 am
2 hours i dont hunt over there anymore tho

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: jimco on March 08, 2013, 12:34:40 pm
2 hours i dont hunt over there anymore tho

Y'all hunt bear also? I'm planning on going back to east Tenn. this fall. I would love to tag along on a bear hunt with some hounds.

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: lil wasper on March 08, 2013, 07:50:20 pm
we bear hunt but i hunt the northern part of the state and i hunt in WV lots more bear and fun

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: tnhillbilly on March 09, 2013, 03:49:13 am
Hows he working out for you? Im the guy you bought him from

 I'm Actually the one who bought duke from you and he is 100% just like you said im very pleased with him !  he is kinda a community dog everyone that doesn't have a catch dog stops by and gets him on there way to the woods so he gets used alot lol we have caught a pile of hogs with him I would like to have another one just like him
Come and get mine, he needs some exercise.

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: jassenswisher1974 on March 09, 2013, 06:48:08 am
@Hillbilly Safari...you going to be at breed days?
@Tom...hope to see ya there

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: tnhillbilly on March 09, 2013, 09:26:40 am
Be there Fri & sat.

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: Bo Pugh on March 09, 2013, 12:51:30 pm
our small group is the only group in TN that catches them we figure every hog you tie and turn loose is another one left to run heck we dont have to kill them and rid them around on our dog box for them to count we still kill a few good boar hog but have been cutting them turning them loose as well hopefully in a few years we can catch some of them 400 plus pound barr hogs like i see on here

ive got some good friends from calhoun tenn that catch and tie all they catch, its alot more people catching and tieing than you realize up there.

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: Hillbilly Safari on March 09, 2013, 02:06:45 pm
Swish I ain't going to make it this year I'm going to earls to see what it's about

Title: Re: Tennessee boys learning new ways of hunting
Post by: jassenswisher1974 on March 09, 2013, 07:54:28 pm
thats cool, It was cool getting to meet you all last year. We went out today... my weems female treed while we were hog hunting.....curse them trashy ole plotts
later bro