HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: bghogdogtx on July 01, 2009, 02:12:54 pm

Title: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: bghogdogtx on July 01, 2009, 02:12:54 pm
I know this happens to everyone.  You have a great big place to hunt. BUT one of the adjoiners that you have already talked to does not want any dogs on his place.  And sure enough when you go out there to hunt your dogs end up on his place. WHAT DO YOU DO. 1. stop hunting the place you have to hunt, 2. try to go in and get your dogs with out getting caught, 3.  Call the owner to see if you can get your dogs.  What do yall do in that situation. ???

Title: Re: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: FORREST on July 01, 2009, 02:27:10 pm
I always try to contact land owner to get dogs.  Happened to me about a week ago.  Dogs struck a group and ran them into the neighbors, i heard the land owners hollerin and whistlin for my dogs.  They were runnin the dogs down on their 4-wheeler tryin to catch them.  All i could think was S#%T!, now i have to go confront these people.  Meanwhile the dogs had a hog caught, and come to find out the lady was an animal lover and was worried about her PIGS!  This whole time she was having to listen to a hog squeelin, needless to say she was not happy with us.  But we never crossed that fence till she gave us permission.  Long story short, after a long talk with her, her husband and a sherriff, the man gave me his phone number and told me if my dogs get on his place again just call him and he"ll give me permission to get them out.  Its a hard call to make believe me, only suggestion i got is to try and at least get the permission to get your dogs out if need be.  Reassure them your only going in to get your dogs and get out thats it.  Your best bet is just to try and come to some kind of understanding with them.

Title: Re: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: Noah on July 01, 2009, 02:38:19 pm
A couple places I hunt, the owners won't let anyone else come get dogs off of... kind of threw me the first time I heard an owner say no to someone that was trying to retrieve a dog that had run onto his property... when I asked why, he just said that if he says people can come get their dogs, they'll be over there all the time.  Makes sense.  So... when I have an inaccessible side to a property, I just use the short range/less gritty dogs and try and work away from the property in question... or hunt somewhere else.  If they do get on "off limits" property, I just wait on 'em to quit and come back.

Title: Re: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: Mike on July 01, 2009, 02:39:46 pm
1. Yes

2. No, it's not worth risking going to jail over and/or getting your dogs shot.

3. Yes. MOST land owners are very understanding and will allow you to get your dogs. A lot of times they'll say come get the hogs too... but, there are a few exceptions and it's not worth hunting the place.

Title: Re: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: bob on July 01, 2009, 03:11:01 pm
Im in the same boat in one of my spots, craig had a dog that was long range & a go gitter & it would wind up where we were not allowed every time , we have permission to hunt all the way around this man property , but he wont budge , craig sold that dog to one of you guys on this forum , I seen a picture of her on the front or a buggy     annie

Title: Re: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: Circle C on July 01, 2009, 03:14:32 pm

    I purchased Annie. He told me she was going to get y'all in trouble someday ;) 

Title: Re: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: Eric on July 01, 2009, 03:43:36 pm
Call them back.

Title: Re: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: smwilson on July 01, 2009, 03:51:18 pm
Why don't you go introduce yourself to the landowners around you before you have a dog on them. If they don't live there send them a letter. Kinda put a face with a dog type deal! Give them a card or piece of paper with your name  all your contact numbers. Tell them you will contact them if they would like before you hunt.  I like to know if someone is hunting around me, I will be sure to kennel all my dogs that night, my dog occasional range out a little. This save you an introduction under the strain of finding your dogs on thier property. This also opens the door for additional land to hunt once people know who you are. People will talk to there neighbors they will either tell them what a piece of S--t you are or what a nice man responsible young man you are. It gets around pretty quick. I find out about everything going on at the little coffee shop. Who cuts the best hay, builds the best fence or if some fool tried to sneak on there property to find an old dog. Just give it a try.

Title: Re: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: bghogdogtx on July 01, 2009, 04:17:26 pm
thats not the problem.  The problem is after i have talked to him and he does not want me on there.  And my dogs get on his place.  What do you do then smwilson.  i mean im not one of those guys that drop out right on the boundary line of the place im aloud to hunt and the place im not.  I try to anvoid that place as much as possible.  But we all know that we can not control where are dogs go once there are on a pig.  Well i cant anway HAHA

Title: Re: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: Noah on July 01, 2009, 04:26:53 pm
VERY good advice smwilson! 

I've been working on a hard-nosed property owner like this for a while now... he just wouldn't even consider letting any dogs on his place.  SO, I just offered to work his cows for free.  After a couple round ups last week, he finally said I could hunt the place without me even having to ask again.  Try offering to fix fence, throw hay, work cows, etc, has gotten me some nice places to hunt.  If that doesn't work, time to move on...

Title: Re: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: bghogdogtx on July 01, 2009, 04:29:10 pm
yea i never thought about that Noah.  Good Advise

Title: Re: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: texasboy4456 on July 01, 2009, 04:54:17 pm
good advice noah. i think im gonna try that.

Title: Re: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: Noah on July 01, 2009, 05:15:31 pm
Oh nooooooo... I went and gave away my secret ;) ;D

Title: Re: i Know this happens to every one so what do you do
Post by: smwilson on July 01, 2009, 05:22:53 pm

 Don't have a hog dog, I am a hog trapper for now.  have five  awful good border collies for cows. But growing up we used dogs to hunt pig. We hunted a good place next to the old state leper colony. sure didn't want to go there. We would work of there fence sweeping the other direction with bay dogs on lines, they hit going the right direction cut them loose. When they caught the hog put them all back on lines, take them back to the leper colony fence start over. Just an idea but start on the hard asses fence line and work away from it.