HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: hog bit on March 11, 2013, 10:57:35 pm

Title: Breakstick Technique
Post by: hog bit on March 11, 2013, 10:57:35 pm
 I don't like the idea of a break stick , seems like you could break a tooth .
A break stick has to be used properly or it WILL break teeth.  I put my break stick in the joint of the jaw.  I then push the dogs nose into the hog.  This makes the dog open their mouth for a split second to take a breath.  When the dog does this I roll the breakstick to keep the jaws open and pull the dog away from the hog simultaneously. 

I have seen people hammer the break stick into the dogs mouth with the palm of their hand.  They then proceed to roll the breakstick while the dog has a firm grip on the hog. I see this technique as a great way to break a dog's teeth.

How do y'all use your breakstick?

Title: Re: Re: Re: Breakstick Technique
Post by: Skrag on March 12, 2013, 07:47:37 am
 I don't like the idea of a break stick , seems like you could break a tooth .
A break stick has to be used properly or it WILL break teeth.  I put my break stick in the joint of the jaw.  I then push the dogs nose into the hog.  This makes the dog open their mouth for a split second to take a breath.  When the dog does this I roll the breakstick to keep the jaws open and pull the dog away from the hog simultaneously.
We do the same. I made some sticks out of broken axe handles and they work well. Put end of stick right at the joint of jaw. Put just enough pressure to hold it there. Push dog to hog. His jaws will move and stick is now in joint. Then you can twist it a hair or just pull him off depending on how he has the ear. But i have heard of all kinds of ways to break them. This just works for me so far.

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Title: Re: Breakstick Technique
Post by: jsh on March 12, 2013, 08:15:18 am
I have used a break stick just as described and have still broken teeth.  I will not use one...that's just me.

Ear comes off or I'll break a small limb off a tree and work them loose that way.  Small enough that it will break before teeth will.

Title: Re: Breakstick Technique
Post by: charles on March 12, 2013, 12:24:29 pm
Fingers work good too, till the dog trys and regrips  ;D

Title: Re: Breakstick Technique
Post by: dub on March 13, 2013, 05:41:29 pm
Grab the collar/vest, pull back, and tell the dog to let go. I carry a breakstick but it has never been used. If they won't let go pull and cover their nose at the same time. They will open their mouth to breath better and will come right off.

Title: Re: Breakstick Technique
Post by: Peachcreek on March 14, 2013, 09:06:10 pm
Blow in their ear and they will let go. No need in a break stick.

Title: Re: Breakstick Technique
Post by: M Bennet on March 14, 2013, 09:07:59 pm
just cut the ear off lot easer

Title: Re: Breakstick Technique
Post by: Jmesonp1 on March 15, 2013, 10:06:44 pm
We just find a stick laying on the ground and touch the roof of the dogs mouths. Makes them gag and you pull them off. Some dogs it works great and some learn to tough it out and still have to cut the ear off. (We don't generally tie hogs).

Title: Re: Breakstick Technique
Post by: Gabriel B on March 15, 2013, 10:32:16 pm
Peachcreek- I do the same and it works everytime no matter what!

Title: Re: Breakstick Technique
Post by: Bonnie_Clyde on March 15, 2013, 11:41:17 pm
The best way is to use deer antlers. Won't. Break teath and get dogs to break loose quickly.

Title: Re: Breakstick Technique
Post by: Reuben on March 16, 2013, 05:56:21 am
I haven't used many catch dogs but a constant pull on the collar that cuts off the air supply worked for me...the constant pressure and a constant tapping on the top of the head while saying break, break, break, until they let go and then praising them...after a while they learn to break off...but we seldom took live hogs...