HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: chads7376 on March 17, 2013, 12:41:43 pm

Title: Decent boar and a sow
Post by: chads7376 on March 17, 2013, 12:41:43 pm
Got a call from a buddy I haven't hunted with since last year. He picked up a new place and ran it the night before and pulled some pigs off it. So we give it another round Friday night. Dropped Sasha, Alley and Chad (one of Sasha's 7.5 month old pups) and a couple of his dogs. We let them run one section of the property for a while and they covered lots of ground and came up empty. Went across the road and dropped again. My buddy took off on foot ??? a little while later the we heard the dogs so we head to them on the ranger. Get there and its a small sow with hobbles on her front feet. Didn't get any pics of this one cause Sasha opened up about 250 so we head to her and bayed up a damn skunk.. She's normally pretty honest so I have no idea why she did this but she might think long and hard before she does it again  ;) 

Well we get to hunting again Sasha is off doing her thing as usual and next thing you know she and my pup got this boar sitting at about .73  We head in to about 500 yards and dump a couple cur dogs to em then head in with Weezy and his bulldog.

On a good note my pup started off (first hour or so) staying with Sasha but wouldn't last long and would come back but by the end of the night he was hanging real well with her. Those that have hunted behind her know she keeps a fast pace and covers a lot of ground so for my 7.5 month old pup to keep up with her and bay this boar with her has got me excited about him


Title: Re: Decent boar and a sow
Post by: txhogsanddogs on March 19, 2013, 11:13:58 am
Good hunt Chad!  Good boar hog