THE CLASSIFIEDS => CLASSIFIED ADS => Topic started by: Centexbaydog on March 19, 2013, 07:38:41 am

Title: Very nice woods trailer (pics) updated
Post by: Centexbaydog on March 19, 2013, 07:38:41 am
This trailer is right at 3 ft 4 in I think from outside the tires wide and 8 ft long including the tung.  You can easily load 3 two hundred lb hogs in it. It is very well built and pulls great.  I have a 680 rincon and its has no problem.   I am asking 400 but will to do some trading either for some garmin collars or a shocking system and some cash.  2547160045 kattjeske@valnurnet.com but don't check.  The trailer is in mexia texas.  Also have a dog rack for my buddy he wants to sale for a four wheeler. 150.