Title: german shepard Post by: hogman49 on July 07, 2009, 02:05:49 pm hey i have been working some new dogs and we always let my gf german sheperd out of her pen and she always trys to get in the bay pen so yesterday we let her in she had the two pigs in the corner wouldnt bay but shut them down when they tryed to run so i put my gyp in there with her and the sheperd barked a lil then so is it werth trying her if so what do i do now. she wont bark alone. idk if thats just bc she is not bread for that or what. thanks
Title: Re: german shepard Post by: Noah on July 07, 2009, 03:14:58 pm Keep on putting hogs in front of her... you never know what might happen ;)
Title: Re: german shepard Post by: djhogdogger on July 07, 2009, 03:47:17 pm It looks like Desti is getting her a pack together. Glad to hear that the Cat pup is working out.
Dinah Title: Re: german shepard Post by: hogman49 on July 07, 2009, 04:21:55 pm ya she has got more than me her gyp is baying and sissy and blue all bay them i have duece tho i told her get a 200plb hog in there and see whos dog does better lol >:D
Title: Re: german shepard Post by: djhogdogger on July 07, 2009, 06:05:29 pm Heck, give that ole' german shepard a try. I've seen everything used on here except number 2zus, lol. ;D
Title: Re: german shepard Post by: catahoula_cur on July 07, 2009, 06:52:02 pm Thats true Colin. With out ole duece there to catch him, all they can do is bay. If that doesn't work we will send ole ammo in there with duece. LOL Don't worry Colin I got you back. LOL
James Title: Re: german shepard Post by: hogman49 on July 07, 2009, 07:03:43 pm ya thanks she just got dun working her dogs there doing great rubbing it in o wait i cant work mine the pigs are only 20 plbs lol we got to get a 200 plus hog to show her how ists done but the pup blue we got from yall is chasing pigs like crazy lol thanks call when you get a chance i got 2 dogs i wnat to trial 1st there sposed to be finished dogs and i have pics to email yall of my feeders last night
Title: Re: german shepard Post by: catahoula_cur on July 07, 2009, 09:45:42 pm Just let me know when you want to try them. If you can get them we can make a early morning hunt Friday. I have got to come over and watch the pup ya'll got from us. Heck I just might load up tater and biscuit to see what the will do. I have had them on the little piglet we caught and they bayed and chased it all around the pen. I will give u a shout tomorrow when I get up.