Title: Ground Shipping - Hound Hauling! Post by: Cajun Pet Express on March 28, 2013, 11:35:16 am If you want the best you have to hire the best. ALL hounds ride in a temperature controlled insulated heated and cooled Mercedes Benz Sprinter Van. Not fancy just comfortable! Big roomy dog crates not cramped boxes.
Check it out at http://www.prohoundtransport.com (http://www.prohoundtransport.com) Call or text Dave @ 985-516-6713 for faster service and competitive quote. PM's get slower response! Currently this route has built in flexibility for additional jobs within a 150 mile radius of listed cities and or states. Wednesday April 3rd - S. Louisiana to Mississippi then Central and north Alabama areas. Thursday April 4th - Possibly Memphis, TN areas to Arkansas/N. Louisiana and East Texas areas Friday April 5th - Dallas/Ft. Worth areas then headed to San Antonio areas. Saturday April 6th - Corpus/Victoria, Tx areas then Houston to Lake Charles/S. Louisiana/N.O.L.A. areas Sunday April 7th - Louisiana to Mississippi and Alabama areas. (Possibly N. Florida) Monday April 8th - Georgia/Tennessee |