HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Dexter on July 10, 2009, 05:53:31 am

Title: something for all to think of
Post by: Dexter on July 10, 2009, 05:53:31 am
> This
> is written
> by a young man serving his third tour of duty in
> Iraq. Thought
> you
> might find his take on the Michael Jackson news
> interesting. Okay,
> I need to
> rant.
> I was
> just watching the news,
> and I caught part of a report on Michael
> Jackson. As we all know,
> Jackson died the other day. He was an
> entertainer who performed
> for decades. He
> made millions, he spent
> millions, and he did a lot of
> things that make him a villian to many
> people. I understand
> that his death would
> affect a lot of people, and
> I
> respect those people who
> mourn his death, but that isn't the point
> of my
> rant.
> Why is it that when ONE man
> dies, the whole of
> America loses their
> minds
> with grief. When a
> man dies whose only contribution to
> the
> country was to ENTERTAIN
> people, the American
> people find the need to
> flock
> to a memorial in
> Hollywood, and even Congress sees the need to
> hold a "moment of
> silence" for his
> passing?
> Am I missing something
> here? ONE man dies,
> and all of a sudden he's a
> freaking martyr because
> he entertained us for a few decades? What
> about all those SOLDIERS who
> have died to give us
> freedom? All those
> Soldiers who, knowing that
> they would be asked to fight in a war,
> still raised their hands and
> swore to defend the
> Constitution and the
> United
> States of
> America. Where is
> their moment of
> silence? Where
> are
> the people flocking to
> their graves or memorials and mourning over
> them because they made the
> ultimate
> sacrifice? Why is it when a
> Soldier dies, there are more
> people saying "good riddence," and "thank
> God for IEDs?"
> When did this country become
> so calloused to the
> sacrifice of GOOD MEN and
> WOMEN, that they can arbitrarily blow off
> their deaths, and instead,
> throw themselves into
> mourning for a "Pop
> Icon?"
> I
> think that if they are going
> to hold a moment of silence IN CONGRESS
> for Michael Jackson, they
> need to hold a moment of
> silence for every
> service member killed in Iraq
> and Afghanistan. They need to PUBLICLY
> recognize every life that
> has been lost so that
> the American people
> can
> live their callous little
> lives in the luxury and freedom that WE,
> those that are living and
> those that have gone on,
> have provided for
> them. But, wait, that
> would take too much time, because there have
> been so many willing to make
> that sacrifice.
> After all, we will never
> make
> millions of
> dollars. We will never star in movies, or write hit
> songs that the world will
> listen too. We
> only shed our blood, sweat
> and
> tears so that people can
> enjoy what they have..
> Sorry
> if I have offended, but
> I needed to say
> it. Remember these five words the
> next time you think of someone
> who
> is serving
> in the military;
> "So
> that others
> may live..."
> Isaac

this was sent to me from my momma

Title: Re: something for all to think of
Post by: lightningh on July 10, 2009, 10:29:26 am
Thats the truth... It is ridiculous what these folks around us are turning into...

Title: Re: something for all to think of
Post by: bob on July 10, 2009, 08:26:10 pm
I agree , its my opinion but I still think he was a child predator that bought his way out of it , just like o.j.

Title: Re: something for all to think of
Post by: Dexter on July 15, 2009, 04:29:58 pm
 in the end there is only one we have to answer to

Title: Re: something for all to think of
Post by: rafterfpuncher on July 15, 2009, 11:45:58 pm
who the hell is Michael Jackson?

Title: Re: something for all to think of
Post by: WestTexasCurs on July 16, 2009, 07:12:23 pm
who the hell is Michael Jackson?
Wes,I think he was a basketball player?

Title: Re: something for all to think of
Post by: sfboarbuster on July 19, 2009, 09:01:19 pm
who the hell is Michael Jackson?
Wes,I think he was a basketball player?
No just some scumbag child molester

Title: Re: something for all to think of
Post by: JJT on July 28, 2009, 12:29:38 pm
yup u said it he was a kiddy toucher and some one should have shot his butt earlier but when you have money u can get away with anything now days.

Title: Re: something for all to think of
Post by: shawn on July 28, 2009, 02:08:30 pm
who the hell is Michael Jackson?
Wes,I think he was a basketball player?
No just some scumbag child molester

amen, I'm sick of hearing about him