Title: Snake bite Post by: haakdt on April 02, 2013, 02:38:56 pm went out with a couple of buddys of mine this morning hunted for 3-4 hours and turned up with nothing so we were on our way back and had to cross a pretty big creek well two of my buddys had already crossed so me and jason just unsnapped our bulldogs and let them swim across to justin and lane when i got across lane let my bulldog go and he ran to me but right before he got to me he sat down and started yelping like crazy so i figured he stepped on a thorn or something but no stepped on a dang water mocassin and it bit him between the toes and on top of his foot so i got him to the truck and gave him some penacillin pills so maybe he will be ok just waiting to see if the swelling goes down....and from now on hunting in the summer ill be carrying my pistol for them ol snakes