Title: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: HIPOCKETS on February 23, 2008, 01:16:37 pm LAVON,SAM & SCOTT
Made a little pass yesterday ,, Just trying new styles of hog hunting.We had more fun than I've ever had hunting hogs. I laughed till my belly was hurting.The O SHIOT LOOK , on thoses HOGS face when that air boat went around them was a sight to see. This was a bulldog hunt. We headed out early and got to matagorda at first daylight.This was me & realdog's first ride in a air boat.As soon as we started , I was sitting on the high seat with Sam and I could see a long way across the marsh , when i started screaming BIG BOAR,, BIG BOAR.Sam was driving and he said where. I pointed to my right and Sam hollered HOLD ON. There was a 2 ft bluff bank and I was wandering where we was going to find a place to get on land to get to this big hog.Sam floorborded that air boat and it jumped like a BULLFROG over that bluff bank and when we fially hit ground that boat took off like a bullet. Like to scared me to death, but the excitement soon took over. That boar hog looked up at us and all of a sudden hogs started standing up all around him. At least 15 hogs in a wad. We ran straight at them and the race was on but to my surprise they were kinda slow in that marsh than on land , but there was nothing slow about Sam & his air boat. Sam ran past the hogs and spun around about 30 yard from them and stopped. The dogs was bout to rip the chains out of the boat.The hogs just froze and thats when I seen that look in thier face.. :)I almost felt sorry for them and just when I was fixxen to tell Real Dogs to letum live, he let Snow ball & Cager go. Realdog just has no heart when it comes to hogs. :'( Cager is Snowball's son, so this was a father & son team. The 15 hogs was in a wad & them 2 white bulldogs busted into them like a fraight train.By now I finally got my fingers pryed loose from the seat and Sam punched the boat and I stepped out about 3 ft from snowball with a big sow. Rea dog went to Cager and about 20 ft fron Snowball,, Cager had a big sow also. We got them and I decided not to let my cur dogs go . This was just to easy . We were off again lickady-split. We did'nt go far and Sam hollered hold on,, weLL,, that was a waist of breath cuss me & realdogs was allready holding on with both hands. Bam we hit that bank again like a big bullfrog again, and this time I counted 9 big hogs and some shoats just running thier buts off and then again when i started feeling sorry for them,, guess what,,, Realdog,did-it again and let Snowball & Cager go again.Same thing happened . They split up and Snowball caught a nice sow & Cager caught a 175 lb boar with big cutters . We stuck them and I heard Sam and his air boat just a screaming. I looked up and Sam had a big spotted hog bayed with his new boat. Sam made that boat spin in circles round & round the hog. Me & Realdog walked up and turned Snowball & Cager loose & ended that. Now its 8:30 and we got 5 nice hogs and on the way back Buck started barking from the boat . I thought he was winding a hog so I turnrd him loose. He went out there and picked up a cold track from the first hogs we struck and we watched him leave out of site. I was kicking myself in the but for letting him go. So I tracked him and he was showing a 8 on my tracker . Again Sam says hold on. Now me & readog aint as dumb as we may look. by now when sam says hold on he don't have to say it twice,, we took hold and away we flew. We went over a mile and I said lets track him. Sam killed the beast (the airboat) and Me & rRealdog walked up on a levy to track,, when all of a sudden we heard Buck bark one time then all we heard was heavey grunten. Sam turned Snowball loose and he caught with Buck a big sow. This happened about 35 yards from the boat. That made 6 nice fat hogs and we drug 35 yards the whole day. Now thats a record for meas far as draggen distance. We had a great time & thanks Sam for the wild ride. If any of yall ever get a chance to go on a air boat hog hunt , go for it. if you got bad nerves don't go! ;D PS--BEING EXCITED & SCARED HALF TO DEATH AT THE SAME TIME IS A FEELING THAT CAN'T BE MATCHED..HERES A FEW PIC. LAVON. (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/hoghuntermyass/DSCN2921.jpg) (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/hoghuntermyass/DSCN2915.jpg) (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/hoghuntermyass/DSCN2916.jpg) (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/hoghuntermyass/DSCN2889.jpg) THATS BUCK(http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/hoghuntermyass/DSCN2892.jpg)LAVON & SAM (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/hoghuntermyass/DSCN2916.jpg)(http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/hoghuntermyass/DSCN2920.jpg) (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/hoghuntermyass/DSCN2903.jpg[/img[IMG]http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/hoghuntermyass/DSCN2893.jpg) (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/hoghuntermyass/DSCN2903.jpg) (http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s151/hoghuntermyass/DSCN2894.jpg) Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: Flatbroke on February 23, 2008, 04:14:26 pm Now that looks like fun. Sure beats Horse and ATV hands down
Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: Wyatt 545 on February 23, 2008, 04:59:47 pm Holy Moly!
Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: BRUTE on February 23, 2008, 05:45:10 pm Nice Rig! Good hogs... :)
Yall don't do any of that running them down and hitting them with the boar do ya? ;D I have some one who has been telling me about that lately. Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: HIPOCKETS on February 23, 2008, 06:08:56 pm Nice Rig! Good hogs... :) Yall don't do any of that running them down and hitting them with the boar do ya? ;D I have some one who has been telling me about that lately. IF YOU WILL RE-READ THE STORY ABOVE I TELL HOW WE CAUGHT THE HOGS AND IT SAYS THIS WAS OUR FIRST TIME, ,,,,, SO YOUR QUESTION IS ANSWERED ABOVE. Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: BRUTE on February 23, 2008, 06:26:36 pm Sorry, I understand yall caught those with dogs. :-[
Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: Rowdy on February 23, 2008, 07:09:24 pm looks like that is the only way to go hunt in the river right there!! :o
Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: pico on February 23, 2008, 07:29:33 pm That looks like prime hog country, just wonderin if it is public land or some ranch that gives you permission. Either way nice hunt! Looked like a blast!
Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: Clay on February 23, 2008, 07:51:20 pm Thats a good haul lavon..yall got a nice boat too
Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: HIPOCKETS on February 23, 2008, 07:55:13 pm Thats a good haul lavon..yall got a nice boat too Yep , Got it just in time for the TDHA hunt. Where can I find the rules for that hunt? Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: Clay on February 23, 2008, 07:57:48 pm right up on top of the hogs and dogs section...does the noise of the air boat bother the hogs?
Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: HIPOCKETS on February 23, 2008, 08:09:20 pm right up on top of the hogs and dogs section...does the noise of the air boat bother the hogs? YES BIG TIME,,,It flushes them out of hiding, They can't stand it. But they are slow in the mud & marsh. Even a bulldog can out run one.If you was a gun hunter you could kill the whole heard bout every time.There no limit to how many you can catch.Its a new kind of hunting thats filled with action that nothing compares to that I've done.Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: clint on February 23, 2008, 11:24:46 pm Thats where its at right there.. nice hogs ;D
Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: catchdog7469 on February 24, 2008, 07:34:57 am sounds like yall had a ball Lavon. Be sure and put some bleach in those draws LOL ;D keep em in a bind
Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: Wmwendler on February 24, 2008, 04:07:47 pm Sounds like fun......but what yall gonna do when the water dries up? lol.
Waylon Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: tuskbuster on February 24, 2008, 04:32:55 pm I WANNA GO
Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: Sean on February 24, 2008, 07:50:29 pm that sounds like a blast lavon and scott!! and it looks like ya'll wrecked those hogs with the bulldogs! good story and great pics too! ;D
Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: Mike on February 24, 2008, 08:36:26 pm That's awesome! ;D
I gotta try it! ;D Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: matt_aggie04 on February 24, 2008, 10:04:24 pm That looks like a hell of a time right there. Air boats in the right hands can manuver like nothing else. Awesome jobs guys!
Is Buck the light colored yellow dog? Matt Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: matt_aggie04 on February 26, 2008, 07:30:21 pm Very nice Scott, that is a good looking pup! Brandy is starting to come into heat, I will try to make arrangements for the early part of next week if she starts flagging.
Matt Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: Circle C on February 26, 2008, 07:55:22 pm Scott,
I am going to need some pointers on this airboat thing. I am pretty sure we just "inherited" one, and I know nothing about them. Don't want to kill myself chasing down some hogs in the marsh. I will get the details on the boat, and some pictures of it, then take it from there. Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: Bryant on February 26, 2008, 09:29:35 pm That sure looks like a fun time. I like the looks of Buck also...good looking cur.
Matt, Is your Brandy dog the one that has some Weatherfords Ben blood? I was thinking you had told me a while back one of your dogs was a Foundation registered dog. Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: matt_aggie04 on February 26, 2008, 09:47:35 pm My Weatherfords Ben dog is a male Bryant. I may breed him one day as he is a good dog but I no longer hunt him and he won't be hunted in the future. My wife decided that he was her dog and they have a close bond that I don't want to jeopardise in the woods. He was doing really well though when I stopped hunting him, will bay really well, struck a couple of hogs and is not gritty at all. He just has never met a male dog that he can get along with and that is his one big fault. I may breed him to Brandy next time around or if my planned breeding doesn't pan out because of logistiacal or time reasons this time it may take place sooner rather then later, we'll see.
Matt Title: Re: BOYS, TOYS & HOGS Post by: nothing on February 27, 2008, 09:36:35 pm man thats alot of hogs good job ;D