Title: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: M Bennet on April 15, 2013, 12:20:43 pm the wiegh in is at lake bridgeport off hwy 380, bill hasting buying station.
the most wieght brought in wins. no high fences or game fences, no pen hogs or trapped hogs released . you have to have a hunting liecens and go by all federal an state laws. 3 man team you can have helpers and they to can have dogs in the hunt, HELPERS CANNOT LEG THE HOG,,,, they can do anything else. lead dogs ty hog, ect start time is 8 pm sat 27 2013 , finish hunting sun 8 am wiegh in sun 28 12pm, all hogs will go to bryson tyler the 11 yr old boy fight cancer, the money will go to medical bills. the pay out of entry and side pots goes back to the hunters. 1 pays 50% 2 pays 30% 3 pays 20% buckels goes to 1st iv got 2 deer hunts to raffle off 2 hoghunts gun or dogs to raffle half day to work dogs in are game fence ranch j&s meat processing 250 to get hog butcher all the money i raise goes to this boy to help with his stress and maybe cure him. thanks to every body that plans on coming out and hunting, in this tournament every body is a winner entry 150 bigboar 50 bigsow 50 biggest stringer 50 mail money order or cash to 344 c r 3573 paradise tx 76073 make out to monty bennet any one that wants to donate money to bryson tyler can do so, write check or money order out to , bryson tyler bennifit Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: M Bennet on April 15, 2013, 12:22:48 pm (http://i680.photobucket.com/albums/vv164/montybennet/securedownload13-4_zpsb21848a5.jpg) (http://s680.photobucket.com/user/montybennet/media/securedownload13-4_zpsb21848a5.jpg.html)
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: txhogsanddogs on April 16, 2013, 10:09:22 am Looking forward to this one Monty!
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: weller44 on April 18, 2013, 10:22:42 am Might as well just send in your money Brian. I heard some kid already caught all your big monster barr hogs off your place. Be looking for CUJO kennels trailer at weigh in..It will be full of Shackelford county Hogs!
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: txhogsanddogs on April 18, 2013, 02:14:25 pm Might as well just send in your money Brian. I heard some kid already caught all your big monster barr hogs off your place. Be looking for CUJO kennels trailer at weigh in..It will be full of Shackelford county Hogs! Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: txhogsanddogs on April 18, 2013, 02:16:29 pm Might as well just send in your money Brian. I heard some kid already caught all your big monster barr hogs off your place. Be looking for CUJO kennels trailer at weigh in..It will be full of Shackelford county Hogs! He sure tried instead it killed everything he owned! :) Sorry to tell you, there still there and Ive got them located! ;) Get ready buddy for some pork to come in! Good luck to you guys! We will have a good time no matter what! Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: M Bennet on April 18, 2013, 05:50:11 pm brian does weller no who u are hunting with,lol look out boys cause after we run the old blue bomber through there with the best hood dogs around them barrs wont have a chance,,,, lol im talking number 2 again weller. good luck to all that is hunting in this tourny we are all winners for this kid
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: weller44 on April 18, 2013, 05:57:31 pm Who else is hunting with yall? Duck creek decide to take a break?
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: txhogsanddogs on April 19, 2013, 02:44:13 pm Who else is hunting with yall? Duck creek decide to take a break? Team Duck Creek is entered! ;) We arent hunting WR though. Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: M Bennet on April 20, 2013, 10:33:26 am dont for get to send yur money in
344 cr 3573 paradise tx 76073 mail in Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: lrhlrh89 on April 22, 2013, 10:01:50 am Trey how much did you have to pay cujo to haul all your hogs we have been trying to find someone that would do that , but everyone wants to hunt if there going to come all the way out there let me know if you hear of any more hog haulers
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: cujo72 on April 22, 2013, 10:06:38 am LOL! Good Luck to you and your team on the hunt Luke hope y'all catch 4 trailer loads for Bryson.
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: lrhlrh89 on April 22, 2013, 11:21:16 am I figured you would find that funny dirty curty
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: M Bennet on April 22, 2013, 01:40:05 pm any idea how many hunters are hunting in this tourny, iv counted 12 so far
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: M Bennet on April 22, 2013, 01:53:58 pm how many of yall plane on hunting in this tourny
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: jsh on April 22, 2013, 07:39:48 pm Hey Monty I hate to be the one to point out mistakes, but you should have just had everyone send their entry fees on over to us.
I usually don't talk $hit, but this hunt is for a great cause, going to be a fun one and I've had a couple whiskey drinks tonight so I'll make an exception. Trey and Curtis we'll try to talk 'ol Sam, Leo, Speck, Tiger, Chic, June,Raider and Tracker into leaving you guys some Albany hogs to hunt but not sure they'll go for it. Monty, we're in brother you're a good man. I hope everyone has a great, safe hunt and let's get this kiddo back on his feet. Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: Shotgun66 on April 22, 2013, 08:41:11 pm Sounds like a bad weekend to be a hog in Albany.
- Sorry I have been late to reply. Been out runnin the dogs. Puttin them through deep tissue massage and spiking their water with rooster blood. We are going to empty the tank for this young man. - Great to see everyone coming together for a good cause. Should be a fun weigh in. Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: GET.LOW.CURS on April 22, 2013, 09:25:20 pm Lol I got a team in. When's the money due by?
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: M Bennet on April 22, 2013, 09:33:38 pm money in by 11 am saturday morning . mail it in 344 cr 3573 paradise tx 76073
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: M Bennet on April 26, 2013, 05:00:10 pm for got a rule. all team players have to stay together unless split bay,
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: Purebreedcolt on April 26, 2013, 08:53:23 pm Aught to be fun all my help and one guy backed out now have too many people wanting to help lol. Hope weget into the hogs like we should and dogs dont act like fools.
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: Purebreedcolt on April 26, 2013, 09:23:11 pm Again if you catch under 80 pounds bring them someone will buy them me or monty or someone
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: GET.LOW.CURS on April 26, 2013, 10:04:51 pm Again if you catch under 80 pounds bring them someone will buy them me or monty or someone X2. Just learned our best cd might have a broke jawTitle: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: BARMBARKENNELS on April 29, 2013, 12:07:38 am so who ended up winning?
Title: Re: bryson tyler benniffit hogdog champion 2013 Post by: M Bennet on April 29, 2013, 05:52:08 pm cujo 72 wiegh in 1080
panhandle wiegh in 1051 lost creek outfitter wiegh 1037 panhandle big boar lost creek outfitters big sow cujo72 big stringer 11 head cujo 72 give all his winnings back bryson tyler lost creek outfitters did to thanks guys ,,,,,, we raised 1256.99 on the hogs brought in,, 29 head was bought |