Title: Rednose gyp (pic) Post by: R.J. on April 15, 2013, 08:35:23 pm I got a 1 1/2 year old gyp she has been in the baypen 4 times caught ear the last 3 times and we did a mock hunt the other day and took her along and we led her to the bay and she went straight in and caught ear.
She's about 40 lbs.. no dog or human aggression. The only reason I'm getting rid of her is cuz I have 2 finished catch dogs and don't need her. $100 (http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a489/Rjatz/4A1D42C7-940B-4BF8-BC26-31A954E226B2-1818-000003196A034F06_zps7d33a862.jpg) 9795407713 txt is best Therj979@hotmail.com |