Title: J. D. Howard Post by: BOBDOG on April 18, 2013, 09:29:52 pm Anyone know anything about the J.D. Howard line of curdogs?
Title: Re: J. D. Howard Post by: CONNIESKENNELS on April 20, 2013, 08:46:48 pm yea i have one what u want to know
Title: Re: J. D. Howard Post by: BOBDOG on April 22, 2013, 07:05:55 am I guess the standard questions first. Is he close range? does he hunt hard? does he bay tight, is he catchy?
I have heard they are hard dogs with some dominant traits, meaning not handler sensitive. How big is he? can you post any pictures? Title: Re: J. D. Howard Post by: BOBDOG on April 25, 2013, 03:27:13 pm Bump
Title: Re: J. D. Howard Post by: BIG BEN on April 25, 2013, 03:50:57 pm dont know much about them but what ive seen is that they are more pets than working dogs now. I believe steve howard which is kin to jd raises a few litters a year he would be the one to talk to.
Title: Re: J. D. Howard Post by: BOBDOG on April 25, 2013, 04:23:02 pm yea I seen where there are a couple of suburban type ladies selling them as pets, but I was hoping there were some folks that still had tested working stock. waiting to here from the poster that said they had one thus the "bump"
I spoke to steve a couple of years ago and it sounded like he did not really use them these days. I also talked to a man that lived just down the road from steve that does still use them. a real nice fella named Oiler. He really liked them. funny thing is his daughter is one of the women selling them as pets. Title: Re: J. D. Howard Post by: bigo on April 25, 2013, 06:25:23 pm Howard Carnathans old Bruno dog he started his line with, was a JD Howard bred dog. Howard told me that Bruno was a quarter bulldog and that just about everyone in that part of the country bred bulldog into the curs.
My view on the ones I've hunted with. Most will tree Not much stock working ability. Not much nose. Not much hunt Most are RCD rough. Hard headed and mean. Title: Re: J. D. Howard Post by: BOBDOG on April 25, 2013, 07:40:28 pm Thanks for that info. I did not know Bruno was a J.D. Howard dog. Very interesting. Will tree, RCD rough, Mean and heard headed I am interested in. When you say not much nose do they wind and run hot tracks
When you say not much hunt, do you mean (hunts close range) Or do you mean don't get out and hunt? |