HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: ar.hogdog on May 09, 2013, 04:13:42 pm

Title: Coyote at bay!
Post by: ar.hogdog on May 09, 2013, 04:13:42 pm
One of my strike doge winded so I let her off and she went out 700 and caught a small pig. it was hard to get to her but I got to 300 and heard the pig squealing. I drove the wheeler a hundered yard from the hog then ran to it. right before I got there I saw the coyote run off. on little hogs that dog just pulls the ears off. the back end of the hog was tore up. Yall think the coyote done this? I got ten yards from the coyote before he ran.

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: Muddogkennels on May 09, 2013, 04:30:40 pm
yes they help out .. see it almost every time going to a bay.

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: Freestone co. Hogger on May 09, 2013, 05:06:31 pm
Some buddies of mine have had one show up to the bay and help

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: monster on May 09, 2013, 05:35:56 pm
So do they kind of help to catch???

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: ar.hogdog on May 09, 2013, 05:53:34 pm
bet  they must be real hungry.

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: justincorbell on May 09, 2013, 07:58:58 pm
Had it happen in the past, One had 3 dogs on the ground but we could hear 5, got to the bay and sure enough, 2 coyotes....they backed off but didnt go far.

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: LoftinCattleCo on May 09, 2013, 08:55:32 pm
I've been hog huntin since I was old enough to ride in the saddle with my dad and I'm 22 now and I've yet to see this but it is definitely believable with the way coyote populations are around the Setx area...

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: Purebreedcolt on May 09, 2013, 08:59:36 pm
Had them join in and have had them bust bays and somewhat bugger the dogs

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: Kid7 on May 09, 2013, 09:18:32 pm
I've had them fallow my dogs back when they come and check in. And not long ago one jumped my dogs and got in a fight. Only had two dogs on the ground and wen I caught them the yote wouldn't leave. Just stayed there and barked at us for10 minutes then we left.

Title: Re: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: BigCutters4 on May 09, 2013, 09:28:55 pm
While we on the coyote kick dogs were running the other day and everynow and then I heard a yote bark IdK if the dogs were running a yote  or if the yote was running the dogs what ya think

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Title: Re: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: Hogsnatchers on May 09, 2013, 10:12:34 pm
Had a solid bay going one hunt and figured it was a good hog one dog was out and came in flew to the bay and came out and went on off another direction. Was not sure what to think they were hammering down just young dogs and we got to them to find this guy getting bayed and they were taking turns tying into it one would hit him and back off then the next hit him was neat to see he didn't have much chance with 3 crazy catahoulas on him I walked in and popped him so I didn't get any dogs hurt.


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Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: Wmwendler on May 09, 2013, 10:36:25 pm
I see coyotes at a bay quite often but I would not exactly call it helping.  More often than not they are harassing the dogs.  I killed one this spring.  Three dogs caught a shoat and by the time I got there two of them were squared off with two coyotes, one dog still caught.  I popped one of the yotes and the other took off.  I've seen yotes get pretty aggressive with dogs if they can gang up on a single dog.  If you see a dog coming to you with his tail tucked and looking backwards it is a coyote or two on his arse.  Nothing else will cause a dog to retreat like that.  When I see that I know to get ready to draw down on a yote.


Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: justincorbell on May 10, 2013, 09:45:10 am
I've been hog huntin since I was old enough to ride in the saddle with my dad and I'm 22 now and I've yet to see this but it is definitely believable with the way coyote populations are around the Setx area...

Loftin, I have had it happen a couple times in the past, once in nome texas and the other 2 were both in labelle texas on broussard land, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the coyotes in labelle were the same ones both times. I have read in the past that some guys think that once a coyote has figured out what the dogs are doing they will hang around for an easy meal. I don't know how much truth there is to it but I do know that both times it happened in labelle we gutted the hogs on the spot and the coyotes were on the pile before we were out of site, it was pretty cool. I kill em when I see em but for some reason I didn't see any need in it on them, can't blame em for takin advantage of an easy meal AND i'm not to worried about em messing with my dogs, they can hold their own pretty good. the momma to 2 of my up and comers still in her old age will run a coyote down and kill it given the chance, they are pretty rank lol.

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: cdc505 on May 10, 2013, 10:15:37 am
I have a half Dane half ridgeback catch dog I'd love to cut loose on a coyote.

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: LoftinCattleCo on May 10, 2013, 01:45:31 pm
I've been hog huntin since I was old enough to ride in the saddle with my dad and I'm 22 now and I've yet to see this but it is definitely believable with the way coyote populations are around the Setx area...

Loftin, I have had it happen a couple times in the past, once in nome texas and the other 2 were both in labelle texas on broussard land, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the coyotes in labelle were the same ones both times. I have read in the past that some guys think that once a coyote has figured out what the dogs are doing they will hang around for an easy meal. I don't know how much truth there is to it but I do know that both times it happened in labelle we gutted the hogs on the spot and the coyotes were on the pile before we were out of site, it was pretty cool. I kill em when I see em but for some reason I didn't see any need in it on them, can't blame em for takin advantage of an easy meal AND i'm not to worried about em messing with my dogs, they can hold their own pretty good. the momma to 2 of my up and comers still in her old age will run a coyote down and kill it given the chance, they are pretty rank lol.

Yessir they are sure enough bad over there along with the gators I used to work cows quite a bit in that area  there and I've got quite a few friends that live over that way

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: justincorbell on May 10, 2013, 01:51:30 pm
I've been hog huntin since I was old enough to ride in the saddle with my dad and I'm 22 now and I've yet to see this but it is definitely believable with the way coyote populations are around the Setx area...

Loftin, I have had it happen a couple times in the past, once in nome texas and the other 2 were both in labelle texas on broussard land, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the coyotes in labelle were the same ones both times. I have read in the past that some guys think that once a coyote has figured out what the dogs are doing they will hang around for an easy meal. I don't know how much truth there is to it but I do know that both times it happened in labelle we gutted the hogs on the spot and the coyotes were on the pile before we were out of site, it was pretty cool. I kill em when I see em but for some reason I didn't see any need in it on them, can't blame em for takin advantage of an easy meal AND i'm not to worried about em messing with my dogs, they can hold their own pretty good. the momma to 2 of my up and comers still in her old age will run a coyote down and kill it given the chance, they are pretty rank lol.

Yessir they are sure enough bad over there along with the gators I used to work cows quite a bit in that area  there and I've got quite a few friends that live over that way

Yep, we have killed a BUNCH of both over that way, we set up one night calling and had 11 barrelin down on us in under 5minutes. Labelle has ALOT of 4 things-- gators hogs yotes and mosquitos-- just so happens that I like harrassin 3 of the 4 of em! Lol

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: Muddogkennels on May 10, 2013, 08:02:46 pm
most of the places we hunt we cant have a gun, an now it seems they know are dogs, they are loses baying but split to about 50' to 100'when we get there . they know free meal some times we gut them right there.

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: jagdtank on May 10, 2013, 09:04:25 pm
happened to me twice both times were in texas.

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: Shotgun wg on May 10, 2013, 10:40:04 pm
I have a half Dane half ridgeback catch dog I'd love to cut loose on a coyote.

Be careful doing that or u will have a yote dog instead of a hog dog. I have seen good dogs ruined by killing yotes in front of them.

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: Muddogkennels on May 10, 2013, 11:30:50 pm
alvin in freeport

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: Swine-Stalker on May 11, 2013, 01:42:32 am
Feed the yotes for helping. Dump the guts there and maybe you'll continue to have a extra dog or two at a bay on that place. Cool story and hope I get to see it one day.

Title: Re: Coyote at bay!
Post by: cdc505 on May 11, 2013, 02:25:35 pm
I have a half Dane half ridgeback catch dog I'd love to cut loose on a coyote.

Be careful doing that or u will have a yote dog instead of a hog dog. I have seen good dogs ruined by killing yotes in front of them.
Might be ruined already since he rolls with me lol! He's a minor celebrity around my town and a pretty potent catch dog! He's kind of like say Trevor Braziles best horses he don't get used much.