HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: Mike on February 25, 2008, 09:10:04 pm

Title: Weekend Hunt
Post by: Mike on February 25, 2008, 09:10:04 pm
Sean, Matt and I took a few fellas out this weekend down near Bay City. Caught a couple, dogs went on a couple of pig killin' sprees, ended up in the river and had a real good time. ;D




Title: Re: Weekend Hunt
Post by: HIPOCKETS on February 25, 2008, 09:18:06 pm
Man,, yall been smoken,, Bet yalls freezers are plum full of sausage & pork chops. Hows sammy doing ? Is he striking any hogs for ya?

Title: Re: Weekend Hunt
Post by: Mike on February 25, 2008, 09:23:54 pm
Sammy's doing good... him and my ol' Blue dog run good together. If they get on a runner, they'll go for hours and hours and miles and miles... might not let them two play together anymore! :o

Title: Re: Weekend Hunt
Post by: tuskbuster on February 25, 2008, 10:32:17 pm
looks like ole Clifford os ready to retire in oklahoma ;)

Title: Re: Weekend Hunt
Post by: mley1 on February 25, 2008, 11:44:20 pm
Sounds like a fun hunt Mike. Did Sean get some video?

Title: Re: Weekend Hunt
Post by: Sean on February 26, 2008, 12:01:07 am
only of the catch on the shoat marty. the river hog the next day, we were too occupied with the dogs and the hog in the water. that river has sheer banks in most places, so the dogs have a tough time getting back up out of there. nothing for them to get a foothold on. got some good video last week though. just haven't gotten around to editing it yet.

Title: Re: Weekend Hunt
Post by: Cull Buck on February 26, 2008, 08:48:08 am
Mike, Sean, and Matt,

Thanks for the hunt over the weekend.  We had a blast.  You guys have some great dogs, beautiful property to hunt, and the hospitality was top notch.  We haven't stopped talking about the hunts.  Saturday night was a slaughter of epic proportions in the thick stuff.

See guys this weekend at the EXPO.

Sean, got the pictures!  thank you


Title: Re: Weekend Hunt
Post by: Sean on February 26, 2008, 08:54:11 am
you bet richard. we had a great time too. see ya at the expo!

Title: Re: Weekend Hunt
Post by: nothing on February 26, 2008, 04:49:29 pm
sound like you had fun good job

Title: Re: Weekend Hunt
Post by: clint on February 27, 2008, 09:24:34 am
good meat hogs congrats

Title: Re: Weekend Hunt
Post by: Mike on February 27, 2008, 11:58:10 am
Richard, I'm glad y'all had a good time. ;D

We'll get Reggie out in the woods when he get a little older... it was awesome watching him bay that "big" boar hog! ;)

See y'all at the expo.

Title: Re: Weekend Hunt
Post by: matt_aggie04 on February 27, 2008, 01:56:48 pm
Really enjoyed with yall Richard, had a great time and look forward to doing it again.  Give ole Reggy a pat on the head.


Title: Re: Weekend Hunt
Post by: Cull Buck on February 27, 2008, 03:45:38 pm
Reggie thought he was big stuff putting a whooping on that nasty boar like that.  In all honesty I don't know if he was trying to bite that boar or lick the milk off its lips.  ;D