Title: Tryin to make a bird dog Post by: CHRIS H. on May 16, 2013, 10:16:27 pm My fritz dog runnin like a wild dog with feild / hunt champion dogs , haha (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/ethda%20mark%20Howard%20quail/28c1743707318630a1036ba5968e1dbe_zpsb6b06927.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/ethda%20mark%20Howard%20quail/50e526daa42f1c7df67993a57f3e5e44_zps5811bd40.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/ethda%20mark%20Howard%20quail/e101d7e4078ddf7f4ca628ffb7e82492_zps5589506a.jpg) Liver dog is fritz (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/ethda%20mark%20Howard%20quail/56f5b77e92745a8e8ed9b533e91be3b8_zpse29b4982.jpg) Mr.Howard's DIzzy dog .(..I think ) on point (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/ethda%20mark%20Howard%20quail/36bd3d8deabee519c9218eb9b6ac9ea1_zps8f6b1f00.jpg) Some quail dog got ahold of. My dogs starting to pick it up but has a very long ways to go compared to the dogs he's runnin with. Title: Re: Tryin to make a bird dog Post by: pigsticker64 on May 17, 2013, 01:36:27 am That is cool I tried to make one of my dogs a bird dog but he would eat all the birds retrieved and that using some high electricity it did not even phase him so now he's my catch dog.
(http://i925.photobucket.com/albums/ad92/goruss64/birddog.jpg) (http://s925.photobucket.com/user/goruss64/media/birddog.jpg.html) He minds good and well mannered. (http://i925.photobucket.com/albums/ad92/goruss64/maxandpeekaboo.jpg) (http://s925.photobucket.com/user/goruss64/media/maxandpeekaboo.jpg.html) He enjoys this much better (http://i925.photobucket.com/albums/ad92/goruss64/max.jpg) (http://s925.photobucket.com/user/goruss64/media/max.jpg.html) oop for got to mention the lab loves to hunt swine as well. (http://i925.photobucket.com/albums/ad92/goruss64/Islandhunt.jpg) (http://s925.photobucket.com/user/goruss64/media/Islandhunt.jpg.html) Title: Re: Tryin to make a bird dog Post by: CHRIS H. on May 17, 2013, 07:11:00 am Hey that's awesome ! I haven't seen many labs on here.
Yah, I'm just trying to get some kind of direction with my dog and have him be somethin more to me then a yard dog that rides around with me everywhere. I've taken him to acouple of hog bayings and he's found hogs out in parks we've been at , but I've got a guy who's been training bird dogs all his life willing to help me try and make something I can hunt with out of him. I guess time will tell Title: Re: Tryin to make a bird dog Post by: HoosierGunNut on June 09, 2013, 10:26:27 pm I'd like to see how this turns out for you. Most people I know who use bird dogs either use a Spaniel or a Lab depending on what they're hunting. I've heard of some people even using Poodles as retrievers for hunting waterfowl.
Title: Re: Tryin to make a bird dog Post by: jon on June 10, 2013, 12:45:36 am I've heard of some people even using Poodles as retrievers for hunting waterfowl. That's what they was originally breed for.. personally I have a chocolate lab duck dove and deer dog Title: Re: Tryin to make a bird dog Post by: HoosierGunNut on June 10, 2013, 11:29:47 am I've heard of some people even using Poodles as retrievers for hunting waterfowl. That's what they was originally breed for.. personally I have a chocolate lab duck dove and deer dog I'm horribly biased towards labs. Growing up we always had at least one lab running around the house so they'd be my go to breed for a good water dog. My favorite dog we ever had was a chocolate lab that that passed away a few years back at 17 years old. We had to put the poor old man down. Broke my heart. Title: Re: Tryin to make a bird dog Post by: CHRIS H. on June 10, 2013, 11:21:39 pm Sorry for yalls loss HoosierGunNut
I'm still workin my gsp and it's still really fun .. Here's some pictures ... (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/130610%20bird%20dog%20gsp%20mark%20Howard%20lease/128d7ec2e8466d584621a1f82785de1a_zps986a44ed.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/130610%20bird%20dog%20gsp%20mark%20Howard%20lease/21c5d0c094cecce5393d2a32683027df_zpsa25c1371.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/130610%20bird%20dog%20work%20pictures/ScreenHunter_51Jun102123_zps17fb05b6.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/130610%20bird%20dog%20work%20pictures/ScreenHunter_62Jun102147_zps05bfeb2a.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/130610%20bird%20dog%20work%20pictures/ScreenHunter_58Jun102142_zpsbd7a6258.jpg) These dang things are out there of course (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/130610%20bird%20dog%20gsp%20mark%20Howard%20lease/5835d5d72937c19093930dc26a3c8bbf_zps19e71419.jpg) Title: Re: Tryin to make a bird dog Post by: HoosierGunNut on June 11, 2013, 09:43:43 am Interesting. I wouldn't of thought of using Coonhounds as bird dogs.
Title: Re: Tryin to make a bird dog Post by: jon on June 11, 2013, 01:19:48 pm Interesting. I wouldn't of thought of using Coonhounds as bird dogs. gsp (german shorthaired pointer)Title: Re: Tryin to make a bird dog Post by: HoosierGunNut on June 11, 2013, 02:39:35 pm Interesting. I wouldn't of thought of using Coonhounds as bird dogs. gsp (german shorthaired pointer)Aah. They looked like Coonhounds to me Title: Re: Tryin to make a bird dog Post by: CHRIS H. on June 02, 2015, 02:17:14 am (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150602%20Fritz%20pics%20for%20Ethd/ca15b011c5ca17830f3da7faf4e823c9_zpsd1ocpuox.jpg)
(http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150602%20Fritz%20pics%20for%20Ethd/59e561498903f6a406a676cf4212bc4f_zpswmcq0ede.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150602%20Fritz%20pics%20for%20Ethd/822d93b293441d82be55791800d454f9_zpscimogahf.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150602%20Fritz%20pics%20for%20Ethd/13fc6c1b3ed03c23081a813e7361ee70_zpshja680gv.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150602%20Fritz%20pics%20for%20Ethd/6a5d2e10f352bcd87d7365bc900039b7_zpsfrroidyb.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150602%20Fritz%20pics%20for%20Ethd/97abe210a41929e21948b4e133fabb0e_zpsswwxb99y.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150602%20Fritz%20pics%20for%20Ethd/32a5b46ad65e1f28f343f97a7087807e_zps9ic8gbn8.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150602%20Fritz%20pics%20for%20Ethd/cf5c66c1929c6cd948c6b53b40e51bbb_zps1xpwzvgb.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150602%20Fritz%20pics%20for%20Ethd/0315296824a8a55eb90738c171c6b453_zpsst7zkq5c.jpg) Thought I'd update with some newer pictures .. He's findin wild coveys .. I entered him in some hunt test last fall and won ribbons and some plaque about it. I'm mainly focused on my young bird dog , but this dog is my triumph story. I had a huge set back with him and gun fire , but now he's good. Thanks ! Title: Re: Tryin to make a bird dog Post by: CHRIS H. on June 02, 2015, 02:26:44 am (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/150602%20Fritz%20pics%20for%20Ethd/e138a6f822c47f31ca18038ce35c9324_zpsulytvepp.jpg)