HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 20, 2013, 01:22:37 pm

Title: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 20, 2013, 01:22:37 pm
I'm seriously about to have a nervous breakdown, and I am usually a pretty calm person.

Is anyone here a mechanic?

My truck has been in the shop for almost 2 weeks now. Mind you, I just spent almost $1,700 a few months ago on a used engine/labor to replace the bad one.

It was misdiagnosed first, then he said my lifters had to be replaced....It was supposed to be ready today....well I call...and they tell me, "the lifters didn't fix the problem, but they were bad, and needed to be replaced. It looks like we're gonna have to rework the heads."

They said I won't be charged for the labor on the lifters, just the parts. I asked how much is THIS gonna cost. She cut me short and said she's going to get the costs together and call me back.

Now do y'all think they were talking about the cylinder heads? I know they can't be talking about the head gasket, as I know what my truck was doing and it was NOT showing signs of what happens when you blow the head gasket.

I am SOOOOOO beyond frusterated, that I am on the verge of tears. I do not have money for this crap. Considering we had to pull a loan out last time to pay that huge bill! I'm sitting here now waiting for them to call me back with a price on this. I may have it towed to a different shop.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: justincorbell on May 20, 2013, 01:42:06 pm
Wish i could help.....dont get frustrated, it will all work out one way or another

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: justincorbell on May 20, 2013, 01:46:15 pm
And if it makes you feel any better mine has been down since last november......i get it back tomorrow finally......i  eventually broke down and bought an old beat up z71 to putt back and forth to work with

Title: Re: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: setxhogdogs on May 20, 2013, 01:46:42 pm
I know next to nothing about mechanics but i do know some mechanics will try to take advantage of women! I never send my wife cause she is a bit gullible and they could sell her anything! Hopefully they are not taking advantage of u!! Hope everything works out OK! Keep or head up!!

"Country Bumpkin"

Title: Re: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Hogsnatchers on May 20, 2013, 01:48:45 pm
Pm me what and I'll be able to respond faster. Yes she was referring to the cylinder heads give me a rundown on what type vehicle were dealing with and I'll do what I can to help you understand and not get messed over

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2

Title: Re: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Hogsnatchers on May 20, 2013, 01:49:10 pm
Pm me back*

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on May 20, 2013, 02:02:02 pm
What is the original reasoning for putting the tck in the shop in the first place. I quick history on the nech faults on the tck would help with possibble diagnosis to help keep u from gettn screwed over any more

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 20, 2013, 02:15:23 pm
I'll pm you hogsnatchers.

Here's history. I got this truck in a trade in December of 2011. It wasn't maintained like I would have maintained it, but I got a tune up done and the belt replaced and all that good stuff. Fast forward to August of 2012. Engine wnt bad, ceased up. Took it to the local shop. They swapped my ceased engine for another used engine from a salvage yard. All seemed okay. Fast forward to last month. I was low on gas. Cranked her up to get her to the station to fill up. Started sputtering and hopping like it would if it were running out of fuel. Went next door, got some gas in a can from the neighbor. Added gas. Cranked her back up. Did the SAME thing. Ran two cans of Seafoam through the tank. No better. Had it towed to local shop again. Been there for two weeks now. I gave the most recent part of the story in my first post.

I was referred to a mechanic by a friend who had his engine replaced just a few minutes ago. Said he's not had a single problem with his since. I called the guy, gave him the rundown. He said from what it sounds like is that the used engine they got me was all sludged up from the get go. He said they shoulds recofnized that and sent that engine back to save both parties time miney and headache. He said he will look at it, and give me an honest opinion of what if anything he can do. Going to have it towed to him in the morning. Now I am REALLY frikking nervous....as to me this sounds like this replaced engine may be a sludged up piece of crap! I am so afraid he's gonna tell me it isn't worth fixing! I'm gonna have an ulcer I swear. Anyway, he said it'd take him a acouple hours to go through it and try and get a diagnosis. Charing me $80 for that. *sigh*

Meanwhile, I feel like I've been done wrong by this local shop. Not sure how I feel about that.....

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on May 20, 2013, 02:48:05 pm
From what you explained about it runnin low/out of fuel. My first thought would be trash ie: rust, rubber from pump, solidified sludge from yrs of misuse/abuse) blocking fuel line or the fuel pump went on the fritz, still pumping, but not enough pressure to keep the eng running, in sence, the eng is starving for fuel. Depending on what type of trash, seefome b-12 or any other fuel cleaner may not "clean" the fuel system and could possibly harm the lines more than help. If it ran "fine" prior to letting it get low on fuel, i would try the fuel system FIRST, not tearing the top end of the eng down and then claim, well they needed to be replaced anyways. The lifters, valve springs, valve seats and guides, compression ck on ea cylinder should hav been done before the eng was installed, an oil n filter change prior to initial start up. How many fuel filters does the tck have, is there a filter built in with the pump if its an in tank pump, how much pressure is the pump producing, does it meet, exceed or just barely under factory specs? I find it hard to believe its the eng alone, w/o having any fuel issues. Is it efi, elec ignition, how much computorization is on the tck, not just the eng? 

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 20, 2013, 03:13:06 pm
From what you explained about it runnin low/out of fuel. My first thought would be trash ie: rust, rubber from pump, solidified sludge from yrs of misuse/abuse) blocking fuel line or the fuel pump went on the fritz, still pumping, but not enough pressure to keep the eng running, in sence, the eng is starving for fuel. Depending on what type of trash, seefome b-12 or any other fuel cleaner may not "clean" the fuel system and could possibly harm the lines more than help. If it ran "fine" prior to letting it get low on fuel, i would try the fuel system FIRST, not tearing the top end of the eng down and then claim, well they needed to be replaced anyways. The lifters, valve springs, valve seats and guides, compression ck on ea cylinder should hav been done before the eng was installed, an oil n filter change prior to initial start up. How many fuel filters does the tck have, is there a filter built in with the pump if its an in tank pump, how much pressure is the pump producing, does it meet, exceed or just barely under factory specs? I find it hard to believe its the eng alone, w/o having any fuel issues. Is it efi, elec ignition, how much computorization is on the tck, not just the eng? 

I'ma try and get you answers to those questions there.

It's a 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 Sport V8 5.9L for those who asked me.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on May 20, 2013, 03:29:55 pm
Krystal, that thing is loaded with sensors n circuits boards. It does hav an elec in tank pump. My 01 dodge v8 5.9 did the same, but i had bout 10gal of water, that when it settled over nite, i started it up, got 1/2 mile down the road n it started buckin like bronc. I pump 2gal of rubbin alcohol in it, limped it back hm in 4 low. I siphened what i could after cutting the metal tube in the filler neck and then droped the tank. When i dumped the fuel in a 55gal drum, i had a piece of cheese cloth in the funnel n it had gobs of jello type gel in the tank. It took a couple tanks of fresh 100LL avn gas to straiten it out.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 20, 2013, 05:21:09 pm

See, I was thinkin somethin fuel related too. Just kinda coincidental how this happened when it was super low on fuel. I was thinking something fuel related too! I'll be bringing that up to the guy that it's getting towed to tomorrow.....I'd be tickled to death if that's all it was was somethin fuel related and not the engine itself....

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on May 20, 2013, 06:35:53 pm
 if it does turn out to be just a fuel related issue, to bad it cost so much to sue hole in the butts that wanted to rebuild an eng that they knew wasn't the problem. im not a sue happy type, but its bs when folks take advantage of others, especially a woman that has auto mech issues, knowing that the majority of women, don't know mechanics. the folks that take advantage of others will be the first to bitch when they r being takin for a ride and price gouged. there r some sorry sob mechanics out there.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Reuben on May 20, 2013, 06:54:28 pm
I am not a mechanic but ran a big plant and did lots of troubleshooting...My bet is on the fuel system just like Charles has already said...If the truck was running fine before then it is a no brainer that it faulted when the gas went empty...might have to clear some sensors that probably came on when the gas tank went empty...And the sea foam is some of the best but it could of loosened some sludge in the gas tank and fouled your fuel system even more...probably fuel filters and fuel pump and possibly fuel injectors are sludged up/dirty...but a good mechanic should figure this out easily and use a process of elimination starting with the cheapest and easiest place to look and/or the most probable and work from there...this dude is having to make a house payment or something...cause he should know better...I know enough to not get screwed around...

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: LoftinCattleCo on May 20, 2013, 09:05:22 pm
The problem sounds like your low on blinker fluid lol...timing could be to advanced, coil pack could be out, bad plugs or a lift pump problem... From my experience those small dodge v8s don't take rebuilds (head work lifters,boring and honing) very well so that's something to take into consideration also...

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Shotgun wg on May 20, 2013, 09:20:56 pm
Fuel system would be the first thing I woulda checked. I don't see valve issues causing ur problem. U shoulda been able to hear them rattling if they were that bad. If seats were bad or guides bad it shoulda been smoking. Another point to make is if they redone the valves completely they had to pull the heads. If they did that they should have had them sent to a head shop to be ground. I don't see it being sludged up unless they are the worlds worst mechanics. My 97 set up for 4 years. Had to bump the pop off injector and change the oil and ran it 3 more years with no problem.

I'm not a mechanic but I farmed all my life and we did the most of our own repairs.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: dub on May 20, 2013, 09:42:01 pm
I am with Charles on about everything he said. What I would say for anybody reading this is to never use an engine straight from the junkyard unless it comes with at least a one year unlimited mile warranty from the mechanic putting it in. You can get that with a rebuilt engine. My truck is sitting right now and I could rebuild it myself. I am saving my money to get it rebuilt with a warranty. Now I will pull the engine myself and put the rebuilt engine in myself. But the warranty will help my wife sleep better at night. Now I would go get a junkyard engine and put it in myself to save some bucks. But with what a mechanic charges to pull an engine they better give you some warranty. Any decent mechanic should check a junkyard pull before putting it in. If nothing else there should be a warranty to cover labor even on a junkyard pull.

Title: Re: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Fixitlouie on May 20, 2013, 09:56:12 pm
I wish you lived close to me, my guy is verry honest and cheep. he builds race car engines so a swap would be a cinch for him. he also is a boxing coach for usa boxing. just all around cool dude. knows dogs too...

from me.....who else. tapatalk

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on May 21, 2013, 07:38:34 pm
 krystal, any word back on ur tck and its ailment?

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: buddybegone on May 22, 2013, 12:21:45 am
if it was the lifters you would of heard them clicking and rattleing

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Justified on May 22, 2013, 01:33:53 am
Had the exact truck. I would say check your cam/crankshaft sensors. Bout 30$ a pop and 10 min to change on that truck. Normally come with rpm going crazy then will sputter and die. Have also seen it do just as you described. However this should pop a code. Filters and fuel system like stated above. Also the fuel pumps in those are notorious for getting build up over time. Only bad thing is, they'll have to drop the tank to get to it. Not hard to do but some shops like to try and charge like it is. Best of luck!

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 22, 2013, 10:24:16 am
Had a darn $265 bill for that place. :/ Got my keys back yesterday. It's sitting on their lot but this mornin here in a few I'ma have it towed to the other shop I got a good referral for. Guy said he'll look at it right away and said he won't sugra coat nothin. Supposed to look at it soon as it gets there......so if I'm lucky, I'll know something by the end of today....

I'm so flustered still. $265......for basically NOTHING. That's ALOT of money for someone who doesn't have any!


Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: boone823 on May 22, 2013, 11:21:12 am
That sucks. Been there done that.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: justincorbell on May 22, 2013, 11:45:48 am
Had a darn $265 bill for that place. :/ Got my keys back yesterday. It's sitting on their lot but this mornin here in a few I'ma have it towed to the other shop I got a good referral for. Guy said he'll look at it right away and said he won't sugra coat nothin. Supposed to look at it soon as it gets there......so if I'm lucky, I'll know something by the end of today....

I'm so flustered still. $265......for basically NOTHING. That's ALOT of money for someone who doesn't have any!


Hope it all gets sorted out!

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 22, 2013, 12:39:46 pm
Thanks y'all.

Just met the towdriver and paid for the $170 tow to the new shop.  :o

Gonna cost me $80 off the bat for the new guy to check it all through, but at least this guy seems honest! I'll update y'all soon as I hear anything.  :(

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Justified on May 23, 2013, 10:59:44 am
Thanks y'all.

Just met the towdriver and paid for the $170 tow to the new shop.  :o

Gonna cost me $80 off the bat for the new guy to check it all through, but at least this guy seems honest! I'll update y'all soon as I hear anything.  :(

Any word yet as to what is causing it?

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 23, 2013, 11:33:12 am
Not yet, but I have high hopes to get a phone call from him today!!

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Justified on May 24, 2013, 06:00:16 pm
Still no luck??

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on May 24, 2013, 06:17:41 pm
Still no luck??


Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 24, 2013, 10:28:55 pm

Called the new shop today. He's super busy I guess, and they'll be closed Monday of course, so he said he should be getting to it on Tuesday.   :(

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Justified on May 29, 2013, 11:12:57 pm
How's it looking???

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 29, 2013, 11:18:03 pm
Called mechanic this past Friday, he said it'd likely be Tuesday (yesterday) before he got to it. Well I haven't heard a thing. So tomorrow at lunchtime I'ma give him a call. I don't think that'd be too "pushy." I'm starting to wonder if I am just too polite, and people are starting to mistake that as a weakness of sorts? Ugh.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on May 30, 2013, 01:58:20 am
Well it seems u mute'a gotten dooped again. Yank a knot in his ass n hold him to his word on his timeline of the first conversation yaw had when he talked a good game just to get ur business n now has u by the u know what, n ur tck still aint fixed. Some referal u got.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: kevin on May 30, 2013, 05:56:44 am
Your not too pushy.  He's just a typical mechanic.  Can't trust most of them.  Even if he hasn't looked at it, he should have updated you.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Justified on May 30, 2013, 08:21:25 am
X2 on what they both said. Please post the results when you hear something, I cannot stand lousy mechanics.

Wish I was closer,
Best of luck!

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 30, 2013, 10:03:45 am
Thanks y'all. I'ma call at lunch time. Hell it costs me $180 dang dollars (that I sure didn't have) just to get it towed to his shop because he's a bit far from me. I sure hope he has SOMETHING to tell me when I call.

Yeah supposedly he was GREAT when he replaced a friend of my husband's engine in his truck. Go figure. I understand busy.....but EVERYONE is a paying customer.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on May 30, 2013, 10:33:04 am
The whole thing boils down to, he told u to bring it to him n he would look at it the nxt day. His word aint worth a flip evidently. Yes he may hav pleanty of work, but dont say ur gonnahav somethn done at a specific timeline but not meet it. I nvr tell our customers a timeline on maint, i tell them between 1 day and 1 week or when i call n say its ready.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: dub on May 30, 2013, 10:41:08 am
Under promise and over deliver gets you happy customers.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 30, 2013, 11:17:02 am
Just called him. Still hasn't got to looking at it yet  :-\

He said to "Give him another day or two" because he is "pretty backed up."


Title: Re: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: J.Prince on May 30, 2013, 11:47:29 am
I'd tell him he's about to be "backed up" with a foot up his rear.

If he won't stick to his word before he even looks at it i wouldn't trust him to do you right once it's time to work on it.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: dub on May 30, 2013, 11:09:24 pm
Squeaky wheel gets the grease. But don't be too rude. I would be calling once a day just for a status check. The mechanic is a person and may be doing the best he can. He needs to understand you are a person not just another job. How you get mad decides what you get. Let him know you are upset, and you need the truck. That he said he woul do something but didn't do it (do not call him liar let him think of that himself.) Now you want to know what he is going to do to make things better. Don't accuse him just give hime a chance to be your hero. Almost everyone wants to be a hero so play on his ego. It works on women too. Learning how to get mad is an art.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Justified on May 30, 2013, 11:55:08 pm
Squeaky wheel gets the grease. But don't be too rude. I would be calling once a day just for a status check. The mechanic is a person and may be doing the best he can. He needs to understand you are a person not just another job. How you get mad decides what you get. Let him know you are upset, and you need the truck. That he said he woul do something but didn't do it (do not call him liar let him think of that himself.) Now you want to know what he is going to do to make things better. Don't accuse him just give hime a chance to be your hero. Almost everyone wants to be a hero so play on his ego. It works on women too. Learning how to get mad is an art.
Squeaky wheel gets the grease. But don't be too rude. I would be calling once a day just for a status check. The mechanic is a person and may be doing the best he can. He needs to understand you are a person not just another job. How you get mad decides what you get. Let him know you are upset, and you need the truck. That he said he woul do something but didn't do it (do not call him liar let him think of that himself.) Now you want to know what he is going to do to make things better. Don't accuse him just give hime a chance to be your hero. Almost everyone wants to be a hero so play on his ego. It works on women too. Learning how to get mad is an art.

Well said...I like it.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 30, 2013, 11:58:16 pm
Squeaky wheel gets the grease. But don't be too rude. I would be calling once a day just for a status check. The mechanic is a person and may be doing the best he can. He needs to understand you are a person not just another job. How you get mad decides what you get. Let him know you are upset, and you need the truck. That he said he woul do something but didn't do it (do not call him liar let him think of that himself.) Now you want to know what he is going to do to make things better. Don't accuse him just give hime a chance to be your hero. Almost everyone wants to be a hero so play on his ego. It works on women too. Learning how to get mad is an art.

Good advice for sure, thank you.

I am ALWAYS polite, and respectful, even when I am mad.....

I wouldn't want to pi$$ this guy off either, lol, being he has my truck and all. When I was a kid, my step "dad" was an ASE mechanic specializing in trannys. I was a lil grease monkey back in them days lmao, and I did see some not so ethical things that some mechanics did back then here and there. Not cool.

I'm trying, VERY hard......to be patient...it's getting difficult.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: kevin on May 31, 2013, 05:59:58 am
I wouldn't give him any satisfaction of feeling like a hero.  He is in the wrong.  He lied.  He shouldn't have taken the work if he is overloaded.  His only satisfaction would be finishing and getting me out of his hair

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 31, 2013, 12:01:09 pm
Everyone over here keeps telling me to be patient and he's super busy...well...he could at LEAST take the hour or so to look at the darn thing and give me a friggin diagnosis.....I could at LEAST be savin up the funds to fix whatever he winds up telling me is wrong while I wait for him to 'get to it.'

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on May 31, 2013, 12:19:19 pm
Take u a spray bottle gas in it or a can or startn fluid to the vehicle. Hav some 1 turn the eng over while sprayin the gas or startn fluid in the intake at the air filter. If the rng fires iff n stays running only if ur sprayin fuel in the intake, then u know its the fuel system, not a ecm/pcm, crank or cam sensor. U can also disconnect the fuel line from the filter and see if the fuel pump is even pumpin fuel, if no fuel, replace pump, if its pumpin, reconnect n move down the line till u get to the eng n injectors. I sure wish i was closer, u woulda done had a diaognosis or fixed tck.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 31, 2013, 12:25:12 pm
Take u a spray bottle gas in it or a can or startn fluid to the vehicle. Hav some 1 turn the eng over while sprayin the gas or startn fluid in the intake at the air filter. If the rng fires iff n stays running only if ur sprayin fuel in the intake, then u know its the fuel system, not a ecm/pcm, crank or cam sensor. U can also disconnect the fuel line from the filter and see if the fuel pump is even pumpin fuel, if no fuel, replace pump, if its pumpin, reconnect n move down the line till u get to the eng n injectors. I sure wish i was closer, u woulda done had a diaognosis or fixed tck.

I sure wish you were closer too Mr Charles!!! I'd have GLADLY paid you for your accurate and prompt services!!!  :(

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on May 31, 2013, 12:38:32 pm
It woulda been done for free. Im a helicopter mechanic full time, so it woulda been on wkends, maybe just fuel cost, dependin on distance

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 31, 2013, 01:47:53 pm
It woulda been done for free. Im a helicopter mechanic full time, so it woulda been on wkends, maybe just fuel cost, dependin on distance


Sure wish I lived closer to y'all good folks over yonder *sigh*

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: dodgegirl on May 31, 2013, 05:25:03 pm
Wish we lived closer. Dang sure wouldn't charge you to tow your truck. That's the good thing about having friends with trailers! Hope your truck gets fixed soon.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: dub on May 31, 2013, 11:41:01 pm
Everyone over here keeps telling me to be patient and he's super busy...well...he could at LEAST take the hour or so to look at the darn thing and give me a friggin diagnosis.....I could at LEAST be savin up the funds to fix whatever he winds up telling me is wrong while I wait for him to 'get to it.'

That is why I would be calling every morning as he gets into his shop. Be on him like white on rice so he gets tired of you bugging him. He should have had the problem figured out. It don't take that dagum long. If you got a way to get there just show up. You will catch him sitting around and just ask him if he has time right now. Bring a couple guys to ask annoying questions like why is it taking so long. I would be a rash on his rear and be polite the whole time.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on June 01, 2013, 12:05:05 am
Thanks guys!!

If it weren't so far, I'd be poppin by once a day!

I was thinkin about sending a guy over there to pop in and start askin questions, lol.....

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: djhogdogger on June 02, 2013, 12:55:22 am
We have a dodge 1500 with a v8 that has had everyone around here scratching their heads for a while. It wouldnt start and was acting like it was starved for fuel. After checking everything under the sun, it turned out to be a clogged up catalytic converter.

I hope that you get some answers soon. You have been patient for long enough.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Reuben on June 02, 2013, 03:36:49 am
Take u a spray bottle gas in it or a can or startn fluid to the vehicle. Hav some 1 turn the eng over while sprayin the gas or startn fluid in the intake at the air filter. If the rng fires iff n stays running only if ur sprayin fuel in the intake, then u know its the fuel system, not a ecm/pcm, crank or cam sensor. U can also disconnect the fuel line from the filter and see if the fuel pump is even pumpin fuel, if no fuel, replace pump, if its pumpin, reconnect n move down the line till u get to the eng n injectors. I sure wish i was closer, u woulda done had a diaognosis or fixed tck.

This here makes the most since to me...If you didn't have the problems until the vehicle ran out of gas then it has to be a plugged pup filter or injectors...Sea foam is great stuff for an additive but if the tank is very dirty it can loosen up some gunk and plug up what I just mentioned...my bet is that it is something simple but these guys are probably going to fix more than what is needed...probably fix something that adds more hours of labor...

My f-350 was running out of fuel at 3/8th of a tank but I didn't know the gauge was off zero because I usually fill the tank before then...the first time I let the fuel get that low my truck started missing real bad...I checked the computer and it said I needed 2 sensors so I replaced them and added fuel and cleared the sensors...well it happened again and the same sensors came on...this time I added fuel and cleared the sensors and it ran fine...The third time I let the fuel tank get to almost empty and the truck was missing again and I filled it back up and cleared the computer of the sensors one more time...now I know for sure it is my gauge that is off...I don't let it get that low...


Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on June 02, 2013, 07:39:54 am
 that would make sense mrs dianna. in order to take gas in, its gotta blow it out. the post n pre converter O2 sensor should have turned a check eng light on. a mass airflow sensor will cause a vehicle not to start or idle rough if its on the verge of going out, or is out.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on June 02, 2013, 03:02:20 pm
We have a dodge 1500 with a v8 that has had everyone around here scratching their heads for a while. It wouldnt start and was acting like it was starved for fuel. After checking everything under the sun, it turned out to be a clogged up catalytic converter.

I hope that you get some answers soon. You have been patient for long enough.

Thank you, I'ma mention that!

I think I'm gonna have my husband call for me Monday afternoon this time....and see if the ol' man calling instead of a woman deal does the trick.....I'ma have to get real firm here soon and threaten to have the darn thing towed to someplace else if he don't get to lookin at it within these next few days......

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on June 05, 2013, 02:42:24 pm

So my husband called for me and actually was given some GREAT news for a change, lol.

Apparently, the Intake Valve Spring was completely broken, so he will be replacing that (which he said is a $10 part) and he's going to do a tune-up as well, and I will have her back potentially as soon as tomorrow!!!

I'm gonna sound like a total girl right now but....I was SO excited/happy after going through this ordeal and finally getting good news I darn near cried, lol.

Just wanted to update y'all on this escapade of mine!

I feel like telling the prior 'mechanic' what a simple fix this turned out to be!

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Reuben on June 05, 2013, 02:54:53 pm
I am very happy for you....sounds like an ethical mechanic even though he is kinda slow...

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Purebreedcolt on June 05, 2013, 03:01:11 pm
You know though just about every good macanic I know is slow glad it was simple and hopefully cheap

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: circleb54 on June 05, 2013, 03:22:49 pm
That's good news glad it is something small

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on June 05, 2013, 04:41:42 pm
Its good to hear u'll b on the road soon. Hopefully the intake valve didnt stick open n smack the piston n got bent. I wouldnt hav thought 1 valve would prevented the eng from even starting bit if its that, its good to hear its a farely easy fix

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on June 05, 2013, 04:58:25 pm
Thank guys! Yeah, I will feel even better/happier once I'm actually driving her home!!! Last time I hear it was gonna be 'ready' it was definitely NOT.

I'll let y'all know once she's home. Not sure on the total yet....

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: djhogdogger on June 05, 2013, 10:25:18 pm

So my husband called for me and actually was given some GREAT news for a change, lol.

Apparently, the Intake Valve Spring was completely broken, so he will be replacing that (which he said is a $10 part) and he's going to do a tune-up as well, and I will have her back potentially as soon as tomorrow!!!

I'm gonna sound like a total girl right now but....I was SO excited/happy after going through this ordeal and finally getting good news I darn near cried, lol.

Just wanted to update y'all on this escapade of mine!

I feel like telling the prior 'mechanic' what a simple fix this turned out to be!

Glad to hear that your problem is resolved. Broke down vehicles are such a headache.

Title: Re: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Fixitlouie on June 06, 2013, 04:30:10 pm
glad it was easy fix..

from me.....who else. tapatalk

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on June 06, 2013, 06:12:38 pm
Thanks guys.

Tomorrow I find out the total, and go pick her up, unless something crazy or unexpected comes up! I'm so nervous, lol.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on June 07, 2013, 10:58:26 pm
Well.....  >:(

I HOPEFULLY will be getting her back early next week!

Talked to him today....he fixed the broken spring, but now something is off with the compression in the cylinders? Also something about sensors being off.....  :(

So he says it's nothing MAJOR but obviously he's gonna have her there even longer. I just told him to please fix her good and proper. I just want my dang truck back!

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on June 08, 2013, 08:18:04 am
 compression is probably off bc when the spring broke, the valve was in the down position and the piston hit it, bending the valve and possibly the valve guides r screwed up on that valve. I could be wrong, but im a pesamist and look at the worst possibly thing and just maybe the good will out way the negative. sensors out of tune probably bc they just need replacing or what ever caused the tck to just up and die in the first place could have fouled the sensor probes and until the problem is fixed and the sensors reset, what ever caused the initial symptom, keeps tripping the sensors

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on June 24, 2013, 08:44:27 pm
 so whats the vedict on ur tck?

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: justincorbell on June 24, 2013, 09:32:33 pm

So my husband called for me and actually was given some GREAT news for a change, lol.

Apparently, the Intake Valve Spring was completely broken, so he will be replacing that (which he said is a $10 part) and he's going to do a tune-up as well, and I will have her back potentially as soon as tomorrow!!!

I'm gonna sound like a total girl right now but....I was SO excited/happy after going through this ordeal and finally getting good news I darn near cried, lol.

Just wanted to update y'all on this escapade of mine!

I feel like telling the prior 'mechanic' what a simple fix this turned out to be!

Glad to hear that your problem is resolved. Broke down vehicles are such a headache.

I know that!!!!!

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on June 24, 2013, 11:37:15 pm
so whats the vedict on ur tck?


Well, she's STILL in the shop. This guy may be a reputable mechanic, but he is SLOW as molasses.

So far he has: changed plugs, wires, oil, intake valve spring

Today he was supposed to be testing his theory that the fuel injectors are bad by borrowing some from someone he knows and installing them to see if it finally solves the issue (if it does, I pay for the parts, if not, he just gives the parts back from whomever he's loaning them from.) He says it's "running" but that I cannot drive it like it is long term or I risk ruining my engine. Last he told me this past Friday, was that he suspects the injectors are bad. I didn't 'bother' him today, but I AM calling him tomorrow to see what the deal is. He also said I was 'missing a few things' from my engine when the truck was towed to him from the prior shop. One thing being crucial. I wish he'd have just told me the proper name for it (I'm sure he was talking kindergarten terms just because I am a female) but he said it was a box that has something to do with keeping dirt and debris out of the engine. Said if he can't find a used one it's gonna cost me "a few hundred" likely from a dealer?! Said I can't drive without it. I'll be asking him for the exact part tomorrow when I speak to him. You guys seriously have NO idea how over this situation I am. A couple times my husband called him and I guess expressed how LOOOONG the truck has been there and the guy was just like "Well you're welcome to come pick it up as is if I'm not fast enough for ya." I am NOT towing this truck anywhere else dangit I just want it FIXED. This whole ordeal is exhausting. I really need my truck. I understand things take time, but this is just absolutely ridiculous. Going on a month I believe that this latest mechanic has had it!

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Justified on June 25, 2013, 01:19:57 am
Sorry to hear they STILL haven't fixed it or at least Identified the problem. Some bullnber2 if you ask me. As far as the part, I'd definitely look into that further. I hope they do you right in the end. Keep us posted!

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Black Smith on June 25, 2013, 01:29:26 am
I agree that it has taken way to long any mechanic worth his salt would have already fixed it. I am glad I have a good one. Meads garage in sulphur Louisiana is a great shop!! Hope you get it lined out soon!!!

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on June 25, 2013, 09:41:18 am
 well this reputable mechanic aint no better than the other. im sure the box he is referring to is the air cleaner/filter box. wow he goes from saying its just the valve spring collapsed is the whole problem, now its "I think u got a bad injector" I wouldn't buy the injectors even it is a partial fix to the problem, simply bc its an electrical part and once its installed, there is NO refund for it, so by him borrowing them injectors, there aint no telling how many times they were installed and how old they are. I honestly think ur getting the run around from this supposed top notch mechanic. I don't give a damn how many recommendations he has, he aint worth the salt that drips from a donkey's bottom lip! its been what 3wk now that he has "diagnosed" it to a bad valve spring and now u need numerous other parts? I think he is full of the white speck on chicken poo, oh its chicken poo too.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Justified on June 25, 2013, 10:05:31 am
Yup ^, could be wrong but wouldn't a bad injector pop a code in a simple diagnostics test?and where did the air filter box go? Was it there before?

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: justincorbell on June 25, 2013, 11:06:28 am
well this reputable mechanic aint no better than the other. im sure the box he is referring to is the air cleaner/filter box. wow he goes from saying its just the valve spring collapsed is the whole problem, now its "I think u got a bad injector" I wouldn't buy the injectors even it is a partial fix to the problem, simply bc its an electrical part and once its installed, there is NO refund for it, so by him borrowing them injectors, there aint no telling how many times they were installed and how old they are. I honestly think ur getting the run around from this supposed top notch mechanic. I don't give a damn how many recommendations he has, he aint worth the salt that drips from a donkey's bottom lip! its been what 3wk now that he has "diagnosed" it to a bad valve spring and now u need numerous other parts? I think he is full of the white speck on chicken poo, oh its chicken poo too.

I'm sorry for your misfortune but I would have to agree with charles........seems really funny to me that all it needed was 1 valve spring 3 weeks ago and now all of the sudden you have parts missing.........this guy sounds like a TOOL! best of luck and stay on him like white on rice!

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on June 25, 2013, 03:05:15 pm
Well, finally got a hold of the owners of the prior shop. They found my air filter assembly. They have it at their front desk waiting for me to pick up. So I'll be doing that today and taking it on over to the new shop tomorrow. Maybe after talking to this new guy face to face he may put some pep in his step. Maybe.

I wanna thank y'all on here who have been supportive. This has been such a stressful situation.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: justincorbell on June 25, 2013, 06:45:54 pm
Mrsla, you have a pm

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on June 25, 2013, 06:49:42 pm
Mrsla, you have a pm

PM replied to  :)

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Reuben on June 25, 2013, 07:08:47 pm
I'll pm you hogsnatchers.

Here's history. I got this truck in a trade in December of 2011. It wasn't maintained like I would have maintained it, but I got a tune up done and the belt replaced and all that good stuff. Fast forward to August of 2012. Engine wnt bad, ceased up. Took it to the local shop. They swapped my ceased engine for another used engine from a salvage yard. All seemed okay. Fast forward to last month. I was low on gas. Cranked her up to get her to the station to fill up. Started sputtering and hopping like it would if it were running out of fuel. Went next door, got some gas in a can from the neighbor. Added gas. Cranked her back up. Did the SAME thing. Ran two cans of Seafoam through the tank. No better. Had it towed to local shop again. Been there for two weeks now. I gave the most recent part of the story in my first post.

I was referred to a mechanic by a friend who had his engine replaced just a few minutes ago. Said he's not had a single problem with his since. I called the guy, gave him the rundown. He said from what it sounds like is that the used engine they got me was all sludged up from the get go. He said they shoulds recofnized that and sent that engine back to save both parties time miney and headache. He said he will look at it, and give me an honest opinion of what if anything he can do. Going to have it towed to him in the morning. Now I am REALLY frikking nervous....as to me this sounds like this replaced engine may be a sludged up piece of crap! I am so afraid he's gonna tell me it isn't worth fixing! I'm gonna have an ulcer I swear. Anyway, he said it'd take him a acouple hours to go through it and try and get a diagnosis. Charing me $80 for that. *sigh*

Meanwhile, I feel like I've been done wrong by this local shop. Not sure how I feel about that.....

I said it before and my bet still is on the same fix...it has to be the fuel system...bad pump, or filter, or fuel injector or plugged line or valve...

I say this because all was fine until she ran out of gas...then you added some fuel and 2 cans of seafoam...the strong concentration of seafoam probably dislodged varnish or gunk in the tank and that gunk has now migrated and has fouled the fuel system...more than likely a plugging problem...just my feeling on this because I have seen this before...hooking up to the computer for analysis can be deceiving because the analysis report will probably say that the sensors have failed...but they will say that yes...you had bad lifters blah blah blah...hopefully they will own up to the truth when the real problem is found... 

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on June 25, 2013, 07:36:27 pm
Well, finally got a hold of the owners of the prior shop. They found my air filter assembly. They have it at their front desk waiting for me to pick up. So I'll be doing that today and taking it on over to the new shop tomorrow. Maybe after talking to this new guy face to face he may put some pep in his step. Maybe.

I wanna thank y'all on here who have been supportive. This has been such a stressful situation.

id grab him by his twig n berries and gently squeeze tighter till he tells the truth, the truth being that the valve spring was NOT broke, and as Rueben said n im sure I said it too. its all in the fuel system, clogged filter, possibly burned out pump (if pump is in the tank, 99% sure it is) from the line/s, filter being clogged and over stressing the pump and maybe, just maybe, the gunk got to the injector/s. I honestly don't think any of the issues have/had anything to do with the internal mechanics of the engine.
I may not be the most positive person trying to give u advise, because I look at the worst case scenario and most costly expense, but that dang screwy supposed mechanic aint got no business with a wrench in his and don't know his ass from a hole in the ground. good luck and let us know what kinda bs he tells u tomorrow.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on June 25, 2013, 07:49:38 pm
I've been having the gut feeling as well that it's fuel related too since the very beginning!

I'm waiting to see what he says after he swaps out the fuel injectors this week.....

I'll keep y'all updated for sure.  :-\

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: dub on June 26, 2013, 11:57:12 am
Just drop the tank and pull the fuel pump out and swap it. As long as you have been waiting I would do that anyway just for good measure. Plus he can clean the gas tank if it is dirty. It could be the gas tank is needs to be relined. Por 15 will reline your tank and it is not expensive. But your tank should be easy to drop and inspect. If it needs to be relined tell him to have a radiator shop just boil it out and then Por 15 it. That is someting I do on any older vehicle with a metal gas tank. If it is plastic you don't need to worry. But change the fuel pump and make sure the tank is clean. There is just not that much to the fuel system. I even replace flexible fuel lines just because they are cheap and easy to replace.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on June 26, 2013, 12:47:39 pm
Just drop the tank and pull the fuel pump out and swap it. As long as you have been waiting I would do that anyway just for good measure. Plus he can clean the gas tank if it is dirty. It could be the gas tank is needs to be relined. Por 15 will reline your tank and it is not expensive. But your tank should be easy to drop and inspect. If it needs to be relined tell him to have a radiator shop just boil it out and then Por 15 it. That is someting I do on any older vehicle with a metal gas tank. If it is plastic you don't need to worry. But change the fuel pump and make sure the tank is clean. There is just not that much to the fuel system. I even replace flexible fuel lines just because they are cheap and easy to replace.

Thank ya thank ya, I will make this request to him when I bring him the air filter assembly!

Title: Re: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Fixitlouie on June 26, 2013, 03:39:44 pm
That truck should be culled...jk. Hope you get it back real soon just picked my wifes truck today...had it a month plus(http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/06/27/heguraqa.jpg)(http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/06/27/ba3ajyge.jpg)
What happins when light poles jump in front of you...
from me.....who else. tapatalk

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on July 08, 2013, 06:43:00 pm
Well what konda bs has the poo for brains mech fed u so far with ur tck?

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on July 08, 2013, 07:03:07 pm
Well what konda bs has the poo for brains mech fed u so far with ur tck?

Just spoke to him today.

Said to give him another day or two, and hopefully he'll have some news for me. :/ Same ol' song and dance. I'm about to say forget it. Wish I had the money, I'd just have a brand new engine dropped in and be done with the whold dang situation.....

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Black Smith on July 08, 2013, 07:25:52 pm
Yep just take the radiator cap off and drive a new one under it!!!lol

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on July 08, 2013, 08:06:06 pm
Its ashame the bullcrap uv been delt. I really wish i was closer, u woulda dun had ur tck back in a good workin order. U oughta grab him by his berries n clamp them in a vise.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on July 09, 2013, 12:45:19 am
Its ashame the bullcrap uv been delt. I really wish i was closer, u woulda dun had ur tck back in a good workin order. U oughta grab him by his berries n clamp them in a vise.

It sure is a shame. Been the cause of ALOT of stress for me too, that I sure don't need. Maybe this will be the week that I get some news of some sort. Says it's running "better" but that when she gets up to higher speeds she still ain't right. Said he has a 'few more things' he's trying to check, and that he's trying to 'stay out of my pocket as much as he can.' At this point, I just want the damned thing fixed and have my truck back!

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on July 16, 2013, 10:30:33 pm
For those who have been following my ordeal.....I was reunited with ol' Silver on Monday. I won't even disclose my bill. Makes me cringe just to think about it.

She's runnin real well so far, hope it stays that way.

Thing is, apparently I need a whole lot of front end work on her. Got an itemized estimate. Gonna run me damn near $900 for everything!?

Mechanic says it'll be like a whole new truck again once I have the front end squared away. In the meantime he said I gotta be easy on bumps and going offroad. I'll be saving up for a while.

I'm just tickled to have her back. Been offerin to run every errand in the household, lmao. Takin her on a celebratory hunt in a few minutes here. Also takin out my Catahoula pup to let her get some woods/marsh experience. :D

Hopefully I won't be posting anything negative on here for a good LOOOOOOOOOONG time.  :-X

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Justified on July 17, 2013, 12:15:51 am
Glad you finally got it back...finally! However if he's saying the front end is making the engine die....kinda odd. That would have to be one hell of a death wobble to stall the engine. Did he say the whole front end or mention ball joints, tie rods, bearings etc. whatever the case DO NOT GO BACK TO HIM lol. Either way, it's good to hear your back on the road. Good luck with the pup as well.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: Reuben on July 17, 2013, 05:33:29 am
well...did he give you a big smoke screen???I still say it was a minor problem that they could not pin point and their error or lack of good troubleshooting skills were at your expense...

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on July 17, 2013, 06:32:59 pm
I think so too Reuben. The whole Process of Elimination theory was NOT on my side here for sure.

He said my ball joints and hub bearings are what need to be replaced ASAP. Now I can believe that much because I can feel it, and I can hear that pop noise at times. I am babying her big time on bumps and turns. I gotta try and figure a way to get that done.

@ Justified, thank you! And we had a dry run, but my pup got to get some experience as far as the routine. I already know what she does when she sees a pig.....now she just has to have the chance to find one :D I like how she acted her very first time out in the woods. She's got a real good disposition on her. Lookin forward to hunting behind her for sure. She should turn out well.

Title: Re: Are there any mechanics in the house!?!?!?
Post by: charles on July 17, 2013, 06:42:43 pm
 so what was that supposed mechanics reasoning for the problem? just a freak of automotive nature?  ;D its good to hear u got ur ride back but it should not have taken 2+ months to fix a fairly simple problem, well simple for a real mechanic, not a shade bush wanna-be wrench turner.