Title: Strike dogs. Sold thanks ETHD Post by: hogdog05 on May 22, 2013, 04:30:50 pm Selling 2 dogs. 1 is a 4yr old male, the other is a 3yr old female. Both are BMC's. The only reason I am selling is I am changing the way I hunt. I am not going to cast hunt anymore. I need shorter ranged dogs so I can hunt some of these smaller places. I have a whole bunch of pups that I am ready to really concentrate on and wont be hunting them with these two dogs. These are my only 2 dogs I use while hunting. Turn em out and they will find you hogs. Loose bay, very LONG range, will stick with one, bay sounders. These two hunt very well together, and will make every step with each other. They male will open up first 99% of the time, but they are right together. The female normal won't grab with CD and male will but won't lock down. These are my main and only "hog dogs". I have thought long and hard about this. Will not seperate. Please no tire kickers, and not a million text. If you want to know about these dogs call me. $3500 for the pair. Will not give a trail. Will gladly take you hunting with me.
Brandon Taylor 214-347-3564 hoggin_n_doggin@hotmail.com |