THE CLASSIFIEDS => THE DOG TRADE => Topic started by: Acwells0808 on May 23, 2013, 11:40:28 am

Title: Need a few dogs....got a free pup
Post by: Acwells0808 on May 23, 2013, 11:40:28 am
I am in need of a cd and a vest ..i am not looking for a hand out but just cheap i had a female cd and a brand new vest get stolen go figure...so i have to replace her quick !! No aggression at all!! Needs to be at least 55+ # and catch and not let go  i am also looking for a couple of cheap pups that are atleast familiar with a pig i see these free ones but its just to far for me to drive! I take good care of my dogs i just really need a few more to start working might also consider ones close to a year if very cheap or free like i said i do not want finished dogs just not culls thanks im in Tyler tx i will travel 30min to a hour depending on what you got thanks 903-707-5330 amber2chris@gmail.com

I have a 5 month old mt.curr out of my best strike dogs has had all shots super sweet tri colored long tail ..i have worked her i do not think she will make a hog dog! She may change over time but for now no i think she is going to be a squirrel or varmit dog two of her sisters are already treeing squirrels so i was told .....anyways i am giving her away because i Dont know notjing about training for squirrels she is super smart and always has her nose down i will not meet for her unless you have something i want thanks for looking