HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on May 26, 2013, 02:20:16 pm

Title: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on May 26, 2013, 02:20:16 pm
In the past several years I have went from utilizing vets occasionally down to despising even picking up the phone to speak with one.

None I have delt with lately even appear to be capable of the basics.
What has really turned my stomach is being used to the old farm vets that would come pull a calf on Sunday and take a hog dog in without any questions asked and back to ya within a week patched and ready to go. 

These DA#N new fangled Yuppies are truly killin me.  Cannot even get wormer, 7ways or anything along the lines of maintenance from them with having to give the full workup spectrum of Fido's lifespan.

Trying to get a bottle of wormer and lil girl asked what the dogs name was......replied which one I have about fifteen. She replied the one that you want to set up an appointment for that has worms..........I replied I need a bottle of wormer for all my dogs and why do I need an appointment to check if they have worms........they dont have worms yet but there is a lil thing called monthly maintenance in the prevention of WORMS.  So by the time I get through all these dang questions ....they probably will have worms.

So she stated the vet has to do a checkup first before administering any type of medication and that a full regimental checkup requiring all kinds of rediculous mess. Guess I was a lil hot and flustered about all this mess so I asked her if they sold flea medication ....she stated yes but the same appointment was needed to administer.
I finally said well sweetheart guess when they are bleeding out their rears from passing worms and eat down to the bone with fleas I could see paying a vet to tell me the same Da%n thing. Also can I get foofies nails buffed and painted while I have them there. ..........AHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE YUPPIE VETS!

Where did the old timey vets disappear to???? Did they all go to Obama Care as well?

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: buddylee on May 26, 2013, 02:34:01 pm
They went out of business. I'm lucky to have a vet who'll help me out with shots, wormer and medicine. Wonder if its a coincidence he has hunting dogs.

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: grittydog on May 26, 2013, 02:46:38 pm
It is more about making money than it is about taking care of animals.

Title: Re: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: AnotherRunner on May 26, 2013, 02:59:36 pm
People put dogs ABOVE HUMANS now. Its crazy. You do one thing wrong to an animal and your going under the prison

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: charles on May 26, 2013, 03:05:31 pm
 so far there is a cattle vet that I can call in an order for meds, he is past the antique age, but still kickin, but eventually he will have to retire, but atleast his sons are following in his foot steps, hopefully they don't forget bout the care of the animal in the search for a bigger ck book. the vet I took a dog to, to get his leg operated on, was full of yuppies workin for him, and the owners of his patients are dumber than bag of busted light bulbs. I was holding the dog and a woman ask me if the dogs was hurt, I replied no I enjoy holding my dog in the vets office. unfortunantly its illegal to fix stupid in the best method.

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: Black Smith on May 26, 2013, 05:54:27 pm
That's why I don't go to vets I buy my meds at the feed store only go to vet in emergency!!

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: Shotgun wg on May 26, 2013, 07:33:56 pm
I'm lucky I reckon. My vet loves to hunt likes big dogs of all kinds and thinks its great I hog hunt with dogs and take care of my dogs. On top of that he's in his early 30's so he should be here a long time.

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: justincorbell on May 26, 2013, 08:06:27 pm
I luckily still have a good old school vet right down the road from the house but I do agree, they are getting harder and harder to find.....

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: T-Bob Parker on May 26, 2013, 08:32:10 pm
Washington animal clinic in Brenham is a goodun.
Dr Tanner Self in Fairfield is great too.

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: hillcountry on May 26, 2013, 08:54:48 pm
He moved to gods country from bude tx doc james lindstrm he is top hand 24 hrs a day gets on you if you donot call soon as injured gives personal cell out to hog hunters

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: T-Bob Parker on May 26, 2013, 09:19:55 pm
He moved to gods country from bude tx doc james lindstrm he is top hand 24 hrs a day gets on you if you donot call soon as injured gives personal cell out to hog hunters

Dr Self moved west? Well good for him if he did, I only met the fella once late at night after a bad injury to a good gyp, but he was a great doc during AND after. Heck of a guy in my opinion.

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on May 26, 2013, 09:57:09 pm
Im am truly glad there seem to be a few still out there.

I can promise I haven't met one this neck of the thicket in awhile. 

Sad when you would rather just educate yourself vs paying the puppy nail salon and boutique in the health care of your dogs.

Last real vet I experienced was around 14 years ago. Set a dogs broken leg received from a hog along with re sewing a rear leg tendon that was severed.    Four days in the houch and a total tab of $85 plus $16 dollars worth of meds. Told me the wrappings could be purchased cheaper at Wal-Mart for replacement bandages. 

Last tab on a cut dog four years ago with a Yuppie  $1200 before I insisted on checking the dog out and finishing the "Recovery"  process myself.   Dang joke with these morons.

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: boone823 on May 26, 2013, 10:02:16 pm
Hate to hear that Miles. I have had similar instances in the last few years and yes they have all turned into yuppies.

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: Easttex91 on May 26, 2013, 10:03:17 pm
If any of y'all around SETX haven't met Dr Hall out there by Justins house your missing out he's truly one of a kind. I'm guessin that's who you were talkin about Justin? I been goin to him since I was about 14 when I started showin

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: hillbilly on May 26, 2013, 10:12:48 pm
You can order all your stuff thru valley vet supply. They don't ask questions

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: DSmith on May 26, 2013, 10:21:00 pm
Deason's in Floresville.   Great vets, great service, and will work with you on the meds, etc.

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: justincorbell on May 26, 2013, 10:21:11 pm
If any of y'all around SETX haven't met Dr Hall out there by Justins house your missing out he's truly one of a kind. I'm guessin that's who you were talkin about Justin? I been goin to him since I was about 14 when I started showin

Yep, mr. Rusty is a good one.

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: let-em-go-10 on May 26, 2013, 10:30:37 pm
I have a good vet in Rosenberg tx... I don't have to take my dogs in for wormer or getting heart guard...they even sale me disposable staple gun...there philosophy is that it pushes dog owners away when they ask to bring the pups for simple wormer and stuff...it's better for them to just let them buy it and get the dogs wormed rather than them not buy no wormer at all..

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 26, 2013, 11:22:52 pm
I worked for vets from the time is was 15yrs old, till I was 28. I definately saw a HUGE metamorphosis over the years. It turned from simple, and personable, to everything is complicated and corporate. It's a darn shame. I know that there are a FEW good ones still out there, but most of them will be retiring soon.  :-\

I luckily learned ALOT during the years, and can pretty much handle anything on my own with exception of cancer. I buy my distemper/parvo shots, Ivomec,  injectable penicillan, and deworming paste from Tractor Supply. I can stitch, staple, dress wounds, set broken bones, spay and neuter, lol, and a few other handy things. I am VERY glad for the knowledge I took with me. I cringe when I hear stories of folks I know that take their dogs in to the vet for what they feel is an emergency when it was something they coulda took care of at home if they had the knowledge. Example: 2" laceration. At home, you can flush it, and staple or suture it, and administer a penn injection. Take dog to vet and you get hit with a $30-$50 'exam fee' soon as you get put in that lil room, $28-$35 for an 'antibiotic injection', and $50-$75ish for 'laceration repair.'  :o I was bein easy on the prices too.

It's crazy too how I went in to our local vet to pick up a dog of mine that had to have an eye removed (nope, I'm not THAT good, hahaha) and I saw that they had Safeguard tubes on their shelf. I asked if I could buy one, and the receptionist told me unless I have a horse that they have seen at some point, I can't buy the wormer. Something that is OTC. They started implementing that policy not too too long ago. To sell you anything pretty much, there has to be a 'client/patient relationship' established. That's how they get ya. I know the vets HATED when 1800PetMeds and places like that got big. That's because the vet clinics mark up meds like you would not believe. I could go on and on, lol.

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: josh54 on May 26, 2013, 11:23:11 pm
We don't seem to have any good ones. My buddy took one of his young pups to the vet for something and the vet told him he was a horrible excuse for a dog owner. She said that because she found at least two fleas on each pup that her should be able to raise his own pups. City slicker had never heard if someone raising their pups outside

Title: Re: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: Hogsnatchers on May 27, 2013, 01:14:43 am
I'm lucky I guess got a good old school vet about 5min from the house and another about 10min. If any of y'all end up in our neck of the woods Dr. Stuart in Porterville LA  and McMahens vet in Springhill La has some top notch vets they treat me right every time I go in. Good buddy I graduated high school with just got his dr in vet med and will be at McMahen's  shortly so I should be set for a while
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: halfbreed on May 27, 2013, 07:09:22 am
   yes they are all yuppies now   lol   you boys may have to drive a bit to find what you need , but I will only use vet's that are large animal oriented . they are used to working cattle and horses and have a better understanding of stock work and stock dogs .  stay away from the city-fied little old lady poodle doctors if you want the best in vet care and pricing . but alas they are getting hard to find thus the drive  .

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: Amokabs on May 27, 2013, 08:55:12 am
I worked for a vet in downtown b'ham from time i was a freshman n high school til after i got out of nursing school. He finally had to close down after they turned the old fire station next door into a homeless shelter, couldnt get out of your car without  a bum panhandling $$ and then they started breaking in. Back then, one of the 3 vets was on call every nite. Now ,, you have emergancy vet clinics.  My old vet did it all. Now , vets only dispense flea and heart worm preventative and give shots to all the fru fru city dogs.(dogs aint supposed to work, they supposed to spend all day n your lap!) . If your dog has any kind of problem, they send you to a specialist, who charges (or guilts) you 3x what their services are worth. I swear, it's the end times, people show more care and consideration for animals than for people.  But thankfully i have a vet that breedds boxers( most vets look at u like u farted if u say u breed dogs) and he understands that even though i do all my care myself, i will always be in the top 5-10%  money spent customers he will have every year.
But go to revivalanimalhealth.com    They have everything u need, if u have any questions, they have people u can call who are dog people that work for them and can help u with your dosing etc.

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: hogmess on May 27, 2013, 11:50:21 am
Still have a dong good vet in San Saba. If any of yall are close he is real good.

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: Rick B on May 27, 2013, 11:58:42 am
I am lucky that I have a vet that I have been friends with since we where children. She takes damn good care of my animals when needed and will give me just about any thing I ask for. But I have a young vet just down the road from me and she will not give me much with out seeing the animal first. But I am working on her so maybe she will come around soon? Lol

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: Caseylee on May 27, 2013, 05:22:47 pm
Im in the same boat.. these city vets are killn me all they want is your money! one of my cat pups had a swollen leg a few weeks ago  the vet couldn't figure out what was wrong with him and still wanted 700.00 to treat him! I left soo pissed off. called a good ol boy vet about an hour away made the drive he only charged me 75.00 leg was fine in 2 days!     that's a 625.00 difference WTH is goin on these days??

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: josh54 on May 27, 2013, 05:50:39 pm
caseylee im in abilene also i have used windmill and abilene vet clininc and neither will have my business again!

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: Easttex91 on May 27, 2013, 09:27:17 pm
Im in the same boat.. these city vets are killn me all they want is your money! one of my cat pups had a swollen leg a few weeks ago  the vet couldn't figure out what was wrong with him and still wanted 700.00 to treat him! I left soo pissed off. called a good ol boy vet about an hour away made the drive he only charged me 75.00 leg was fine in 2 days!     that's a 625.00 difference WTH is goin on these days??

Did you have to pay for the first visit?

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: Muddogkennels on May 27, 2013, 10:45:30 pm
ya i guess I'm lucky my aunt an cousins are vets. ya they love dogs but they don't ask ?.... when people ask for help i usually copy an pasta it to her email for the advice. she help us hog hunters as much as she can..:) so some are not yuppies..lol ya Obama

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: Caseylee on May 28, 2013, 07:24:36 am
Yes i had to pay. 80 $ just to walk in the door. I was severly pissed

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: charles on May 28, 2013, 09:19:57 am
For the $80, did u even get to speak with the vet or just the desk clerks?

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: boone823 on May 28, 2013, 09:33:04 am
  I have heard a lot about Rusty some good and some bad. But you are right from what I hear he ask no questions and will set you strait. He defiantly ain't no yuppie. Lol

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: Caseylee on May 28, 2013, 10:07:38 am
He was seen by vet and he had no idea what was wrong with him so he handed me a piece of paper with a 700 $  estimate   Thats when i walked out and front desk yuppy said its 80.00 for the visit

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: charles on May 28, 2013, 11:43:03 am
He was seen by vet and he had no idea what was wrong with him so he handed me a piece of paper with a 700 $  estimate   Thats when i walked out and front desk yuppy said its 80.00 for the visit

I woulda kept on walkin w/o payin. In my job field, if nobody can seem to find the cause of a problem, we start chnging parts out at random, we call it "throwin parts till it works", it seems that vet has same mentality, lets just throw meds at the dog till something fixes it, the hell with diagosing and treating.
The vet i took my dog to, the desk clerks said "well if you think he broke his leg, i will order an x-ray", i told her i hav a copy of the x-rays from yesterday rite here. She "well just incase the bones moved, we need another xray". I told her that when the guy with med degree needs a new x-ray, he can order it, not a desk jockey. She kinda got pi$$ed, but tough chit, the vet said he didnt need new films, since they r only a day old. Freakin city slickers.

Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: Wmwendler on May 29, 2013, 10:00:40 am
Caldwell vet clinic is pretty good if you are in or near Burleson County area.  They are not what I would call cheap.  Reasonable prices perhaps.  But a reasonable vet is pretty darn good and rare these days.  They have no problems treating hog dogs.  They have sold me sutures when I needed them in a pinch, knowing I was gonna sew my dogs up myself.  They were about to close and I was 45 minutes away so they sold them to me over the phone and hung them on the back door so I could pick them up.  They are good people.

Coldspring veterinary clinic is another good one.  Dr. Merry Holmes Vann.  She is VERY busy but hog dog friendly, knowledgeable, and reasonably priced.  I was recommended to her by several people on here.

I was tempted to gripe about the yuppie vets as well but figured I would do something useful instead and promote the ones I know are not yuppiefied.


Title: Re: Have all the vets turned into Yuppies?
Post by: ALittleGritty on May 31, 2013, 05:06:36 pm
I use Jay Benton in Silsbee, TX and he an ole country boy.. He even makes house calls..