HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: charles on May 26, 2013, 06:19:32 pm

Title: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: charles on May 26, 2013, 06:19:32 pm
 I would like to thank those who served and those who are currently serving, and to those with family members who have or who is serving. THANK YOU for yaws sacrifice and the sacrifice of your families.

Title: Re: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: setxhogdogs on May 26, 2013, 06:59:02 pm
X2 ......If u love ur freedom.....thank a veteran or an active service man or woman!!!

"Country Bumpkin"

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: hillbilly on May 26, 2013, 08:48:27 pm
X2 ......If u love ur freedom.....thank a veteran or an active service man or woman!!!

"Country Bumpkin"
Yep thanks

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: Black Smith on May 26, 2013, 09:11:29 pm

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: Freedom-Fighter00 on May 26, 2013, 09:52:16 pm
Thats a big 10-4.Being a Iraq Vet myself I would like to thank all the Vets( past and present) and all Active military as well.I would also like to Thank all that have sacraficed there lifes for this great nation.Id like to also thank all the Law enforcement ,Fire Fighterand,Emt's Ect...


Ret.Us Army
82nd ABN

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: halfbreed on May 26, 2013, 10:44:33 pm
    well your very welcome , but it is a shame the price of peace and freedom is  WAR  may they all end some day .

                               (http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj507/halfbreed3/ashley8_zps2f3784de.jpg) (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/halfbreed3/media/ashley8_zps2f3784de.jpg.html)

   lol an extremely young me in 1975  Charlie co. ist marine tank battalion  .    mechanic and the co's driver .

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: halfbreed on May 27, 2013, 09:30:52 am
  c,mon and all you vets post up a few pictures , the older the better  .

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: charles on May 27, 2013, 09:46:23 am
It aint old, but its the only thing i got on my phone rite now. Will post from my external later.

Mazar e shariff, afghanistan


Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: txsteve85 on May 27, 2013, 10:40:48 am
Top Gun training
USS Enterprise
Here comes the BOOM!!
I miss this everyday...made life long brothers in my 5yrs.

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: charles on May 27, 2013, 01:19:01 pm
 more pics. these are from my sec Iraqi tour.

(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/DSC_8904_zps84c7a1a0.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/DSC_8904_zps84c7a1a0.jpg.html)

Air Assault Crew
(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/crewpic_zps322c95e5.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/crewpic_zps322c95e5.jpg.html)

Iraqi SF on an AA
(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/DSC_7634_zps324ea45f.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/DSC_7634_zps324ea45f.jpg.html)

(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/DSC_7449_zpsa77b8e25.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/DSC_7449_zpsa77b8e25.jpg.html)

(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/SANY0253_zps2ca80bd3.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/SANY0253_zps2ca80bd3.jpg.html)

living quarters
(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/IMG_0188-1_zpsf4607960.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/IMG_0188-1_zpsf4607960.jpg.html)

(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/100_0805_zps15347e24.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/100_0805_zps15347e24.jpg.html)

(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/th_100_1184_zps303da0ef.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/100_1184_zps303da0ef.jpg.html)

Kirkuk, Iraq
(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/100_1170_zpsdb86e63d.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/100_1170_zpsdb86e63d.jpg.html)

(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/100_1126_zps4cd87036.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/100_1126_zps4cd87036.jpg.html)

(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/100_0682_zpseba66101.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/100_0682_zpseba66101.jpg.html)

(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/100_1097_zps4d79dfca.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/100_1097_zps4d79dfca.jpg.html)

V-22 Osprey
(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/100_1088_zps20685717.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/100_1088_zps20685717.jpg.html)

(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/2007-11-01_zps2e86da51.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/2007-11-01_zps2e86da51.jpg.html)

(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/100_0902_zps8c0e1589.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/100_0902_zps8c0e1589.jpg.html)

(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/100_0907_zps74969f8e.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/100_0907_zps74969f8e.jpg.html)

State Dept
(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/100_0999_zps8297e825.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/100_0999_zps8297e825.jpg.html)

(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/100_1018_zps9d2b8a44.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/100_1018_zps9d2b8a44.jpg.html)

Dust Storm
(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/DustStormSept13th2008007_zps37adb025.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/DustStormSept13th2008007_zps37adb025.jpg.html)
(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/100_1043_zpsde7d29d5.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/100_1043_zpsde7d29d5.jpg.html)
(http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/charlesmann/100_1044_zps0d3e2bd9.jpg) (http://s848.photobucket.com/user/charlesmann/media/100_1044_zps0d3e2bd9.jpg.html)

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: halfbreed on May 27, 2013, 01:34:59 pm
   lol all that dirt and dust makes you wonder what the hell they've been fighting about for  the last 3000 years  . unless it was to see whom wound up with it  . because they have been fighting over that dirt long before oil was a commodity .

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: Easttex91 on May 27, 2013, 02:03:51 pm
   lol all that dirt and dust makes you wonder what the hell they've been fighting about for  the last 3000 years  . unless it was to see whom wound up with it  . because they have been fighting over that dirt long before oil was a commodity .

X2 looks like there's enough sand for everybody

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: charles on May 27, 2013, 04:23:15 pm
Yep, enough sand to keep us in beer n coke bottles for many yrs to come.  ;D
U know out of 150 views, 12 replies, probly 3-4 views per person making the posts, leaving nearly 100 views from who knows. I guess the extra views r from liberalistic, ala lovin, islamic, tree hugin, bunny humpers who dont support of vets or soldiers.
From 1 vet, to all the others, past n present n tobthe present n future soldiers, THANK YOU!!!!

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: halfbreed on May 27, 2013, 04:32:14 pm
   YES SIR !!  you have to remind people these days that the reason they are able to go to the lake get drunk and b.b.q. on memorial day is due to a lot of veterans sacrificing their lives from the 1700's to the present day and on into the future if there is one when the democrats get thru with us  .

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: boone823 on May 27, 2013, 04:55:22 pm
Happy Memorial Day and thank you all! We wouldn't be here with out you.

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: Mpbarrs on May 27, 2013, 08:39:58 pm
A big thanks to all who serve and have served ,god bless y'all

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: Easttex91 on May 27, 2013, 09:10:21 pm
Guess I didn't flat out say thanks to you veterans I think the biggest decisions I'll regret are the ones that kept me out of the army

Title: Re: Memorial Day Thank You
Post by: ole shep on May 28, 2013, 03:40:42 pm
I am loving the land of the free and home of the brave ! I thank ALL that made it so!