Title: Laying Hens Post by: slimhogdog on May 27, 2013, 06:21:32 pm Looking to get me between 4-6 laying hens. Any breeds ya'll recommend? I plan on keeping them in a coop.
Title: Re: Re: Laying Hens Post by: setxhogdogs on May 27, 2013, 06:33:02 pm I always had the most luck with Rhode Island Reds!! They seem to lay more eggs and more consistantly!!!!
"Country Bumpkin" Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: BIG BEN on May 27, 2013, 06:37:18 pm Ive had best luck with austrolph (sp) or black sex links which is a cross between a RI red and barred rock which can be sexed at birth. Pure barred rocks are nice too very hearty, docile and not aggressive good for families with kids.
Title: Re: Re: Laying Hens Post by: AnotherRunner on May 27, 2013, 06:50:19 pm Red star as well
Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 27, 2013, 07:36:22 pm We have quite a few. The Rhode Island Reds seem to have great production rates, but they're dumber than a box of rocks, lmao.
Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: charles on May 27, 2013, 07:44:49 pm We have quite a few. The Rhode Island Reds seem to have great production rates, but they're dumber than a box of rocks, lmao. sounds like those bird brains in Washington dc making tyrantual laws for us to follow Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: jwdeltx on May 27, 2013, 07:45:08 pm I have new hampshire reds ( ordered on line from Ideal poultry) Prduction reds are good layers also. Crossed production reds with a half game rooster, made exclient free range hens.
Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: charles on May 27, 2013, 08:24:29 pm I have new hampshire reds ( ordered on line from Ideal poultry) Prduction reds are good layers also. Crossed production reds with a half game rooster, made exclient free range hens. where can a person get those crossed out birds, online, even this late in the season? Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: CodyChap on May 27, 2013, 09:00:17 pm I have the production reds from ideal poultry too. They lay pretty good
Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: Easttex91 on May 27, 2013, 09:12:21 pm We had red stars those were some good birds
Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: buddylee on May 27, 2013, 09:23:11 pm Expecting some Red Stars pullets, Black Stars pullets and 2 Sumatra stags tomorrow from Murry MCmurry hatchery.
Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: Easttex91 on May 27, 2013, 09:25:23 pm We had black star too I think their same bird different color
Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: halfbreed on May 28, 2013, 09:13:57 am I have been around chickens all my born days tried a lot of breeds and out of them all I liked the rhoad island reds , that is until ideal started pushing the production reds . they lay a good large brown egg and are easy on the eyes while out scratching in the yard . if you due order from a producer you have the option of having the beaks burnt back to avoid picking feathers . I much prefer a FULL BEAK on my birds and deal with a little feather picking on my own with the burnt beaks they can hardly pick up a kernel of corn off the ground . and preening and grooming themselves is made difficult during the molt .
Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on May 28, 2013, 10:40:43 pm Here's a good source for anyone wanting to order from a catalog....
http://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/day_old_baby_chickens.html Our aracaunas are great egg layers too if you like the lil green eggs :) Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: rdjustham on May 30, 2013, 07:18:15 am Ive got a few rhode island reds, and had a few barred rocks. Both good layers and since i got them as pullets they were/are docile enough my youngin can pick them up. Ive been lookin to get a few more, and i been looking at the red star/isa hens.
Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: slimhogdog on May 30, 2013, 07:46:50 am Thanks for all the responses, i think I'm going to go with a mixture of Red/Black Stars and Australorps. We'll see how this experiment works out!
Title: Re: Laying Hens Post by: jimco on May 30, 2013, 08:20:48 am I was at the feed store in Thibodaux (Faith Feed on La.1) last week and he had a cage full of sex link chicks.
Red Stars, Production Reds, Sex Links is all the same bird just different names. They are great egg producers. I have 4 black sex link hens and pick up 8 eggs every other day. |