THE CLASSIFIEDS => THE DOG TRADE => Topic started by: Centexbaydog on May 30, 2013, 06:19:59 pm

Title: Suprise!!
Post by: Centexbaydog on May 30, 2013, 06:19:59 pm
Well bought this blue tick as a finished long range hog dog. Lol we were riding along and he opens up on the wheeler so we let him go.  He runs around a little bit opening up and heads into the woods and trees at 140 yards. I turn to more curs to him. Not two minutes later the curs are back and at that time I know it ain't no hog.  Walk in there and ole blue is up on an oak chopping away. Had two coons treed solid.  Long story short got a coon dog for sale for 400 around the Waco area.  2547160045. Kattjeske@vslernet.com.  He really is a good looking dog and worked real quick on the ground.  Great bawl mouth.  Not a bad dog I just don't need a coon dog.