Title: RIP Striker Post by: Mike on June 11, 2013, 12:21:52 pm UNDERDOG lost a good one this weekend to a hog. Striker was a grandson to Tweety and littermate to my Hunter dog and Circle C's Ruby gyp. I raised him from a pup and gave him to Bryant as a two year old when he needed a dog. We caught lots of hogs behind him and his brother over the last four years. That big, long legged son of gun could sure stretch out and put the heat on one... haven't seen many that could keep up with him in a hard race. I sure hated to get the news...
Striker at 9 months old... (http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p204/ccoughran/DSC_0261.jpg) Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: BA-IV on June 11, 2013, 12:25:15 pm Sorry to hear about your loss, it's never easy to lose a good one.
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: justincorbell on June 11, 2013, 12:33:51 pm Damn Mr. Bryant and Mr. Mike i sure hate to hear that. He was one impressive dog, i sure liked his build and hunt.....gonna be hard to replace that ol boy. RIP Striker...
(http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/06/12/ydenyde7.jpg) Title: Re: Re: RIP Striker Post by: UNDERDOG on June 11, 2013, 12:41:06 pm Thanks Mike and thanks for him as well. He was a good, solid dog and yes he sure could move out on one, flat out smoke one on a good race. He was sure getting solid this last year as the past 6mo or so I was hunting a good bit by myself. It is going to be a chore to fill his void here for sure. He will be missed for alot of reasons. Just a cool ole dog..
You've hear of el nino....this was el negro!! (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/06/12/9ana2ezu.jpg) (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/06/12/vuvy3u6e.jpg) (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/06/12/4y6e7abu.jpg) (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/06/12/u9ety9e3.jpg) Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: boone823 on June 11, 2013, 12:43:56 pm Rip Striker. Sorry for your loss. Seems like the good ones die young.
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Lacy man on June 11, 2013, 12:46:56 pm Sorry to hear your loss mr Bryant. He was a hella of a dog. I got to see him hunt a few times and was always impressive. Damn good lookin too. Rip Stryker
Title: Re: Post by: setxhogdogs on June 11, 2013, 01:05:51 pm Fine lookin dog.....sorry for your loss!!! RIP Striker!!!
Country Bumpkin Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Circle C on June 11, 2013, 01:14:03 pm Sorry to hear about Stiker.
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: justincorbell on June 11, 2013, 01:40:13 pm how old was he Mr. Bryant?
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Cajun on June 11, 2013, 01:41:55 pm If he hunted half as good as he looks ya'll really lost a fine dog. Sorry for your loss.
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: UNDERDOG on June 11, 2013, 01:53:56 pm how old was he Mr. Bryant? I think around six. Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: matt_aggie04 on June 11, 2013, 01:54:42 pm Sorry to hear that, hard to believe that was four years ago they were pups.
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: justincorbell on June 11, 2013, 01:55:09 pm If he hunted half as good as he looks ya'll really lost a fine dog. Sorry for your loss. the few times I had the pleasure of hunting behind him he showed out. best way I could describe him based off the handful of hunts we made together was that he was like a dang ping pong ball......he'd be 600yds that way then 800yds this way then 500yds that way.........lol I will tell you one thing that dang dog did some serious traveling in a nights hunt and stayed busy busy busy in the woods. I know i've talked about it before on here in the past but a quick funny story about that ol dog........ we were hunting in dayton one night and happened to see some lights where they shouldn't have been. Mr. James left out to go confront the individuals and hunter left out with him...well time goes by and we eventually all meet up.....anyway the folks we run into have at least 7-8 dogs on the ground and we bs with em for a while, hell it had to have been 15-20 minutes and Mr. Bryant happens to look at his gps and shows striker treed like 5 r 600yds past where we are sittin talking to these guys....long story short we cut the bs hop on the buggies and head to em. We get there and low and behold ol striker done found him a boar in a hole.....good night and a great memory of a solid dog! hope you find another just like him Mr. Bryant. Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: justincorbell on June 11, 2013, 01:55:47 pm how old was he Mr. Bryant? I think around six. dang didn't realize he was that old. Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Mike on June 11, 2013, 02:11:07 pm how old was he Mr. Bryant? I think around six. They are 4 1/2 years old. Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: UNDERDOG on June 11, 2013, 02:16:33 pm Thanks Mike, I thought they were older.
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: JoshH34 on June 11, 2013, 02:29:26 pm What a goodlookin dog, RIP Striker. Sorry for your loss.
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: T-Bob Parker on June 11, 2013, 02:38:35 pm Dang man! Hate to hear that!! Sorry for your loss bro. How is preacher man doing? I saw somebody say he got it pretty bad too huh?
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: DT85 on June 11, 2013, 02:40:10 pm One hell of a all around dog for sure going to be missed . RIP STRIKER
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: UNDERDOG on June 11, 2013, 02:40:32 pm Dang man! Hate to hear that!! Sorry for your loss bro. How is preacher man doing? I saw somebody say he got it pretty bad too huh? Thanks T-Bob....Preacher man is going to be fine, he didn't get near the brunt of it like Striker did. Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: djhogdogger on June 11, 2013, 02:49:08 pm Omg. Im so sorry to hear about Striker. We had some great times hunting behind him. He was a great strike dog. He always produced hogs. One of our best hunting memories was the hog that Striker and Preacher found and bayed in that cave in the creek bank. I know that he will live on forever in our memories. Man, we are really going to miss him. :(
Title: Re: Re: RIP Striker Post by: UNDERDOG on June 11, 2013, 03:08:10 pm Thanks all. Thanks Mrs Dinah that was a fun hunt for sure.
Here is the "cave hog" Justin and Dinah are talking about. (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/06/12/a2etanyq.jpg) Title: Re: Re: RIP Striker Post by: AnotherRunner on June 11, 2013, 03:38:50 pm Dang good looking dog, sorry about your loss underdog.
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Peachcreek on June 11, 2013, 11:19:19 pm I was sorry to hear the news Bryant. He was a good dog for sure. Striker was one of the dogs that showed me what i needed to look for in a hog dog. Hopefully preacher can step up and take charge for ya now. (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/06/12/beze5yvu.jpg)
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Acwells0808 on June 11, 2013, 11:40:20 pm Sorry...rip striker
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: CutNShootHD on June 12, 2013, 05:04:31 am Sorry for your loss :(
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Jared H. on June 12, 2013, 05:28:24 am Hard to lose a good one. Sorry for your loss. R.I.P Striker
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Reuben on June 12, 2013, 05:29:20 am sorry to hear that about your dog Bryant...he sure was a good looking dog...
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: KevinN on June 12, 2013, 06:50:08 am Sorry to hear that. Good ones are hard to replace but it can be done. The special ones might have their spot filled but they're never replaced.
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: TShelly on June 12, 2013, 07:37:56 am Sorry to hear about your loss Bryant! I enjoyed reading about him all these years
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: cantexduck on June 12, 2013, 08:31:50 pm Hate to hear that Bryant. Rip.
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: CHRIS H. on June 12, 2013, 10:05:55 pm Mr.Bryant
Very sorry for your loss Y'all let me tag along with y'all in December and every dog there was hard workin and very impressive. R.I.P Striker (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/121210%20hog%20hunt%20with%20mike/7a4eb06d9c0627b5ee70fa50b5ed7718.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/121210%20hog%20hunt%20with%20mike/78aa7bca288fd0eba807192b7d2440e6.jpg) (http://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb366/CHRISHEARNE1982/121210%20hog%20hunt%20with%20mike/08fab42f83773f68ad1ff7b552f7f5f4.jpg) Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Lacy man on June 13, 2013, 08:49:47 am (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/06/13/ygejymyn.jpg)
Here's another pic of ole striker Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: UNDERDOG on June 13, 2013, 09:29:41 am Thanks everyone...I appreciate it.
Colby, were was that pic from? Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Lacy man on June 13, 2013, 12:41:34 pm Thanks everyone...I appreciate it. Colby, were was that pic from? The ghetto I believe Title: Re: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Fixitlouie on June 13, 2013, 03:41:22 pm sorry, didnt notice did you get that hog??
from me.....who else. tapatalk Title: Re: Re: RIP Striker Post by: UNDERDOG on June 13, 2013, 04:09:51 pm sorry, didnt notice did you get that hog?? Nope....they had him bayed for an hour and a half and when we got 100yds from them at the bayou he broke. Title: Re: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Fixitlouie on June 13, 2013, 07:16:40 pm looks like ya got your mission.....
from me.....who else. tapatalk Title: Re: Re: RIP Striker Post by: UNDERDOG on June 26, 2013, 10:53:14 pm Strange thing....I have had a dream twice were I could hear him bayed, I miss the big ole boy. I was lucky tho to get a Obama X Tweety young gyp to hunt with Preacher man ( he is out of Obama and is a Tweety grandson) and Striker was a Tweety grandson also so I will still be hunting the blood I like. Going to give her a try this weekend.
(http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/06/27/ry7esyby.jpg) Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on June 26, 2013, 11:01:28 pm That's a fine lookin dog. I hope she makes you happy!
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: CHRIS H. on June 26, 2013, 11:03:20 pm Good deal , hope it works out for you!
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Mike on June 27, 2013, 06:57:08 am Bryant, I'm glad you got her and she'll finally be put to use. I think you'll be pleased if she progresses like her brother and sister have.
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: TexasHogDogs on June 27, 2013, 11:03:54 am Sorry to hear of a dog being lost , hate to hear that .
Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Bowhunter1994 on June 27, 2013, 12:14:28 pm Sorry for your loss
What breed was he Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: UNDERDOG on June 27, 2013, 12:42:53 pm Sorry for your loss What breed was he Breed. ?? Ha ha...catahoula,brindle cur dog and yella cur dog...hog dog!! ;D Title: Re: RIP Striker Post by: Rodeo on July 20, 2013, 11:26:04 pm sorry for you loss and i wish you the best