Title: Lacy dogs for sale or trade Post by: flyingwbobby on June 15, 2013, 02:06:15 pm These Dogs are located in Corpus Christi, TX. I am willing to sell for cash or trade for guns, Garmin DC-40 tracking collars, Garmin Astro 340, 12' flat bottom boat or something that doesn't eat. I still have 7 Lacy dogs that range from 2 years old to 5 years old, 2 of these dogs are good strike dogs and the rest are good help dogs (they will all catch small pigs or catch larger pigs when another dog catches, one is an 8 year old female that is great as a brood bitch, she has a good nose and is very gritty, lots of bottom. I haven't hunted them much due to my work schedule which isn't getting better. I have a total of 29 dogs and have to cut down on the pack. The cash price ranges from $200 to $500. I can text you pictures, but prefer to give the rest of the information via actual talking on the phone rather than texting. Give me a call at 956-369-6424 or email me at flyingwbobby@gmail.com