Title: (Pic added) The kind of pups you don't get the chance to get your hands on Post by: ked on July 20, 2013, 07:58:02 am My buddy had a litter of pups and going to sell a few. They are out of my male dog that is old east Texas Shives line going back to Thorton line. Female was raised by a guy here in Oklahoma that has been hog hunting 30 years at least.
These pups should be jam up on cattle or hogs. Should be long range. The pups from sire's line that are around (from Missouri down to Texas) are making good dogs, finding their own hogs at 10mths to a year old and proving themselves on cattle. Ready in a couple of weeks. $200/each Call or text Brett; (580) 310-8060 - cell (405) 941-3121 - home Blueduck_ranch@yahoo.com (http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a11/blueduck_ranch/1709CD7E-C87E-48DF-BB22-9EE3074C6C70-10393-00000AB5094BFB66.jpg) |