Title: One hog and out Post by: hillbilly on July 31, 2009, 02:02:16 pm Well I have been home from work almost 2 weeks. We have been on several hogs just haven't been able to close the deal. Went out this morning and turned my best 2 dogs out. We had saw several good big tracks around the corn. The guy that took us told us before we left his house it was big hogs in this country and 1 bear he had been getting on the game cameras. I just had a feeling when he was saying all of this that it wasn't going to be good. Well anyway the dogs left and about 20 minutes later i thought I could here my Rusty dog, so we got closer and sure enough they were singing to us. We cut 3 buuldogs to them cause we saw the track of this hog and knew it was a good un. We went in behing the bulldogs and legged the hog adn got hime tied. Saw my Dualy dog come by me and looked down his guts were hanging out. All three bulldogs cut and my Rusty dog had a little cut. Got Dualy out of there and to the vet. He is doing OK and the others are too. We got pics of the hog I will post later. Good thing I go back offshore in a couple days cause I am out of dogs now.
Thanks for reading, Hillbilly Title: Re: One hog and out Post by: muleman on July 31, 2009, 02:05:36 pm Man! hope your dogs heal quick.
Title: Re: One hog and out Post by: hogtied on July 31, 2009, 02:18:19 pm mayb they be healed up time you get back
Title: Re: One hog and out Post by: hillbilly on July 31, 2009, 05:06:13 pm Just went and picked Dualy from vet. He said everything is good.
Title: Re: One hog and out Post by: Noah on July 31, 2009, 05:14:53 pm Sounds like a rough one, hope they heal up quick
Title: Re: One hog and out Post by: crackerc on July 31, 2009, 07:13:29 pm Will be looking for pics of this one for sure.
Title: Re: One hog and out Post by: pig snatcher on July 31, 2009, 07:56:40 pm Hope your dogs heal up good, looking forward to the pictures.
Title: Re: One hog and out Post by: a-khunter on August 01, 2009, 11:30:28 am glad your dogs alright. hope he heals fast for you.