Title: Coon dogs! Need to sell!ASAP Post by: Wyatt on August 01, 2013, 01:52:19 pm 1. I got a 5 year old walker gyp guy I got her from said she has found many coons.
2. Is a 3 year old English gyp guy I got her from said she found a couple. I got both dogs about 3 months ago and I've only had time to put them on one coon in a round rolling pen and i got pictures and videos they were hell on it I've been putting all my time in my hog dogs and that's the only reason I'm selling them! I'd like to get $700 for both but I'm open to offers I payed $850 for both of them id like to sell them together! I can send pictures and videos! Phone : 409-504-4660 Email: racer_wyatt_1@hotmail.col (don't check much) |