Title: 1 pup available cat/mix ..sold Post by: Muddogkennels on August 04, 2013, 06:32:57 pm Pup is out of my female cat/pit rcd an father is a good cat strike dog, This male pup should make a good dog with the right amount of gritt to shut one down. He has a touch of blue in one eye an was born with a short tail ask 100 dollars will neg a little our 3 bags of sport mix 24/20.. Has been started on trailing hog scent.
Alexcrochet@aol.com or call Alex at 281-624-7699 call or text any time. (http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l586/muddogkennels/catpup.jpg) (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/muddogkennels/media/catpup.jpg.html) (http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l586/muddogkennels/DSC00033.jpg) (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/muddogkennels/media/DSC00033.jpg.html) (http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l586/muddogkennels/catpicpup2.jpg) (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/muddogkennels/media/catpicpup2.jpg.html) THIS PIC IS THE MOTHER AND IS NOT FOR SELL! (http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l586/muddogkennels/dogg.jpg) (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/muddogkennels/media/dogg.jpg.html)(http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l586/muddogkennels/get-attachmentaspx-2.jpg) (http://s1125.photobucket.com/user/muddogkennels/media/get-attachmentaspx-2.jpg.html) |