Title: Pro Hound Hauling headed to Texas - Route/Schedule Post by: Cajun Pet Express on August 11, 2013, 10:50:54 pm We are shipping dogs along this route
Monday August 12th - Chattanooga to Birmingham then Jackson, Ms to N. Louisiana Tuesday August 13th - Texarkana to Paris, Tx then west to Dallas/Ft. Worth areas Wednesday August 14th - Waco, Tx then Austin to San Antonio then south to Victoria, Tx/Corpus Christy to Houston Thursday August 15th - South Louisiana then Mississippi- End of run Call or text Dave for sameday quote @ 985-516-6713 include city of pick up and delivery. references: http://www.prohoundtransport.com/ref.html (http://www.prohoundtransport.com/ref.html) (http://i1125.photobucket.com/albums/l594/ProDogTransport/2b53348b-ef8e-4097-895d-9aaaab025847.jpg) |