GENERAL CATEGORY => BAY PENS => Topic started by: Indian Valley Ranch on August 14, 2013, 04:39:33 pm

Title: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Indian Valley Ranch on August 14, 2013, 04:39:33 pm
(http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb469/brittgarcia/benefit.jpg) (http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/brittgarcia/media/benefit.jpg.html)

This benefit is being organized by 2 of our fellow hog hunters, Paden Hooks and Kevin Burks. Justin has cystic fibrosis and needs a lung transplant. Proceeds will help pay for this operation. They are trying to put together a set of hogs, if you have any for sale for a reasonable price, let Paden know, his # is on the flyer. I will try to post more info tomorrow. Please come out and support this benefit if you can, we would really appreciate it.   Thanks for your time. Britt Garcia

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: YELLOWBLACKMASK on August 14, 2013, 10:41:37 pm
Great benefit. Put on for an awesome cause. 

Hope some folks make it out to give back to one of East Texas own.

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: bighogtexasstyle on August 19, 2013, 12:12:20 am
                                                     KEVIN BURKS BIGHOGTEXASSTYLE

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Indian Valley Ranch on August 19, 2013, 10:40:12 pm
(http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb469/brittgarcia/flyer.jpg) (http://s1207.photobucket.com/user/brittgarcia/media/flyer.jpg.html)

I will be heading down to help with this event on Friday, the 30th. If you are in the Denton/Argyle area or along my route  to Corrigan and you would like to donate something for the live auction, I can pick it up and make sure it gets there. For those of you that might attend, this is what I plan to auction for those hunters who might have young dogs or pups that need some training. 1 full day of training in my 20 acre wooded facility in Pollok TX (near Lufkin). All standing timber, they will have to use their nose to locate hogs in it, its not an open bay pen. The date will be booked for sometime in Oct. or Nov. when its cooler. If you think you might be able to come out and support this event or you have questions about it, feel free to reply and let me know. I will try to have an answer for you ASAP. Thanks for your time, Britt Garcia



Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Indian Valley Ranch on August 19, 2013, 10:52:04 pm
@ Kevin, no problem my friend, just trying to do what I can from up North. It will be good to be back in Gods country and catch up with you guys. Its been way too long.

@ YBM, thanks for your gesture of support brother, I know the pen aint your deal, but you might have a trophy winning yeller out there in your kennels. Its never too late for them to learn new tricks lol. Hope to see you there, if you just want to spectate and have a cold one, I wont mess with you too much. 

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Muddogkennels on August 20, 2013, 09:35:09 pm
 200 RIGHT.

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Indian Valley Ranch on August 21, 2013, 05:01:51 pm
@ MDK, Hope you can make it. Corrigan is about 90 miles north east of Houston on HWY 59, About 20 miles south of Lufkin.
 We are still putting together a set of hogs. 200+ would be ideal and I do understand your concern, but I cant answer that until we get some loose ends tied up. Hope to meet u there, thanks for your time.         Britt Garcia

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Muddogkennels on August 21, 2013, 07:23:35 pm
got some family that will come to support an donate to Justin is there setting to watch the baying?

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: LILLWILL on August 22, 2013, 03:30:48 pm
burks i will be there my daughters 2 gyps need the work. tell payton thanks for lettin me know about this ...lol :D

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Indian Valley Ranch on August 22, 2013, 05:06:43 pm
MDK, there will be plenty of seating, its not a covered arena but it does have a large covered area by the concession stand.

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Indian Valley Ranch on August 22, 2013, 05:19:01 pm
This information is not on the flyer so I wanted to post it so there is no confusion. According to Paden, 100% of the entry fee will go toward the benefit. There will be trophies awarded for 1st and 2nd place and 3rd will get a tee shirt. High point dog and the winner of the youth bay will get a Tejas cut vest. 

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Indian Valley Ranch on August 22, 2013, 05:48:47 pm
Correction, winner of the youth bay gets a cut collar, not a vest.

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: boarsnesthogdogs on August 23, 2013, 01:55:24 pm
are th hogs teeth gonna be dubbed ?

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Indian Valley Ranch on August 23, 2013, 04:22:45 pm
No, the hogs teeth will not be dubbed.

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Muddogkennels on August 24, 2013, 01:58:45 am
sounds like a good time to back up a dog sure will be there!..

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Indian Valley Ranch on August 31, 2013, 11:55:11 am
Hello everyone, I wanted to give an update for those who might be planning to attend. My good friend Mat Hughes from Corrigan TX donated 1st place prize money for our event winners. There will also be a jackpot option you can enter as another way to win prize money. We decided to offer an option instead of running a calcutta for the sake of saving time. We will have some good hogs for the competition thanks to Skipper Dodson and Larry Welch. We really appreciate them coming on board and making all this possible. Come out and support this event if you can, we are expecting a good turn out. To see the items that will be auctioned off, search benefit for Justin Grimes Hog Bay Competition on face book. Thanks for your time,
Britt Garcia

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: ironheadknls21 on September 01, 2013, 04:02:15 pm
Britt, it was nice meeting you. It looked like there was a good turn out. Sorry i run out a little early but my 3 year old was getting a bit cranky on me lol. Next time you get a chance to come down holler at me or Myles and we'll see if we can scrap a hunt up. Enjoyed it and y'all did a great job on everything.

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Easttex91 on September 01, 2013, 09:58:02 pm
Do they have competitions there often mr britt?

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Indian Valley Ranch on September 02, 2013, 02:34:05 pm
Thanks Lamar, it was nice to finally meet you as well. I think we ran the last set of dogs around 1:15am, it was a lot of fun and a great benefit, raising over $10,000.00. It was good to see the hunting community pull together and raise that kind of money for a young man who really needs it. Justins mom posted on face book that they will be making the down payment for his transpant tomorrow in San Antonio, which is great news. It took a lot of work to get the arena ready to host a bay competition. I'd like to thank everyone who pulled together and made it happen. The fruit of all the hard work was an event that ran like clock work with all things considered. I want to recognize Paden and his wife Tiffany for getting all this organized. Tiffany did an amazing job of advertising and getting the word out. Dont know the actual head count but it had to be close to 400 people that attended and we still had a crowd late when we wrapped it up. Once again, id like the thank Skipper Dodson for bringing us a jam up set of hogs and for being our head judge for the competition. Dont know what we would have done without you my friend. There are many others that played a key role in this, Kevin Burks, maybe you can mention some of the others and add anything I might have left out. Thanks for your time.

Lamar, thanks for the invite, I would love to come hunt with you guys. I looked at my ole gator dogs papers, Steve Quick owned his moma Brushy Creeks Banjo Gal, she was out of your Banjo and Oro cross. His sire was a son of Bob Bartz Roughrider dog. Dont know if you remember him or not. Gator was a solid ole woods dog, we turned down a lot of $$$ for him, he is surely missed.

Josh, this was a 1 time deal, but there is a bay pen about to open up in the Livingston area, its not too far to Calloways either from where you live.

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Easttex91 on September 02, 2013, 06:20:49 pm
Cool deal you gotta come down and hunt sometime

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Indian Valley Ranch on September 02, 2013, 09:29:54 pm
Might be after the new year before I can make it that far south, but if that changes i Will let you know, id love to come down and catch a few.

Title: Re: Justin Grimes Benefit Hog Bay Competition
Post by: Easttex91 on September 02, 2013, 09:32:59 pm
It'll have to be after goat season but it'd be good to have you.