HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: mike carrier on August 14, 2013, 07:45:55 pm

Title: any luck with walker hounds
Post by: mike carrier on August 14, 2013, 07:45:55 pm
Looking to buy a walker to hunt hogs with not worried about a little mouthy .. anyone have any luck with this breed?

Title: Re: any luck with walker hounds
Post by: hoghunter71409 on August 14, 2013, 07:54:36 pm
One of the best I've ever seen and one of the funnest to hunt with was an ol Treeing Walker owned by Edgar Jeter.  His name was hammer and be sure had a nice bawl mouth.  Great dog and found many of hogs before he died baying a good boar.  If I could find one just like ol Hammer, Id have to have him.

Title: Re: any luck with walker hounds
Post by: 7Mhunter on August 14, 2013, 10:24:43 pm
I have a female that i had people coon hunt for me and them tell me that she would never make a dog. Now she is a jam up hog dog. I have around 8-9 now that i lost all my pups to parvo except 1. I wouldn't coon hunt anything other than a walker dog. I love an open hound if it sounds pretty. Nothing like a big mouth hound opening on track laying out that lipper scream! I love my walker dogs. I have got were a few people dont wanna hunt with me because either ive got to good of a dog or she will go to far. But there lost my gain. I'd rather hear my open hound a mile or more than there yapping cur dog at my feet.

Title: Re: any luck with walker hounds
Post by: Nathan83 on August 15, 2013, 11:17:59 pm
(http://i1275.photobucket.com/albums/y445/nate_sipe/1757D4C8-CA7A-4812-B693-8CC5FE270416-1240-000002CAE475DB36_zps76d90817.jpg)this is mine he's turning out to be a damn good dog one of the most loyal dogs I own, and he's not open unless he's chasing a pig or looking at it

Title: Re: any luck with walker hounds
Post by: Nash on August 16, 2013, 05:19:17 pm
I have a male that's a sure enough good treeing walker. He puts me on a lot of pork. He barks on track and I don't like it but he has the bottom to finish them up.

Title: Re: any luck with walker hounds
Post by: goatroper19 on August 16, 2013, 05:36:23 pm
My lead dog is a full blood walker female, she will flat out find you pigs and has a lot bottom to her. She is the real deal, best dog I've ever owned.

Title: Re: any luck with walker hounds
Post by: Reuben on August 16, 2013, 06:21:26 pm
When Hank Williams traded his stock dogs found hunting hound his luck changed and that inspired him to write this song...one of my favorites...  :D ;D 8) :) enjoy and rejoice...
