Title: Big Molly mule. Kid broke Post by: Pink pig slingers on August 18, 2013, 02:25:07 pm I have a 15 year old well broke Molly mule. She has been shown at the fair by a 8 year old girl, ran barrels, and trail ridden. She is not spooky and is near hogs and dogs everyday. She has not been ridden in 3 years and might try to test you as she is a mule but if she knows she can't get away with anything she is good as gold. Shots and coggins are current. 2500
Taylor Cook taylorcook2007@hotmail.com El Campo, Texas 979-332-0691 (http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w445/taylorMcook/null_zpscff612ef.png) |