HOG & DOGS => GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Cajun on August 20, 2013, 08:48:00 pm

Title: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Cajun on August 20, 2013, 08:48:00 pm

I would like to hear some comments on this before I post the man's name.lol

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Muddogkennels on August 20, 2013, 09:07:05 pm

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: BA-IV on August 20, 2013, 09:19:48 pm
Sounds like something Mr. Orval would say.

It's the truth though.

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: hillbilly on August 20, 2013, 09:28:40 pm

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Cajun on August 20, 2013, 09:34:22 pm
Ben, you hit it on the nail. Orval told me that 30 years or so ago.

While I do agree to a certain extent with that statement, I have run into a few hogs over the years that made me see how sorry my dogs & I are.lol

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Judge peel on August 21, 2013, 06:36:45 am
That is one of the dumbest thing I ever heard. That like saying Larry bird was sorry cuz Jordan was better so I geuss I am sorry and suck well I gues any of y'all that didn't where stripes on your shoulders are sorry jmo lol

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: hillbilly on August 21, 2013, 06:52:08 am
That is one of the dumbest thing I ever heard. That like saying Larry bird was sorry cuz Jordan was better so I geuss I am sorry and suck well I gues any of y'all that didn't where stripes on your shoulders are sorry jmo lol
Bird was good but he couldn't hang Jordan. Just like my dogs they do good in high school but when we get on the profesional we pretty much suck. Most everybodys dogs look good on some easy hogs get on you a good one and they will put you in your place quick. Just like jordan always did o ole sorry bird  ;D

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Judge peel on August 21, 2013, 07:11:42 am
Good come back but ole bird did dunk on Jordan one time I think we all are guilty of over thinking and over rating our selfs at time but I been hunting my whole life and I know this for a fact you can't get all all the time that why it called hunting not catching I have been around the block a time or two as well my dogs ain't the best but they catch hogs and my boys have turned into really good hands we just give  hell and have a good time for sure just like me an ole pee paw

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: hillbilly on August 21, 2013, 08:04:47 am
I think what he is saying is that every hog can be caught with the right dogs and people.

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Judge peel on August 21, 2013, 08:26:32 am
I gotcha better said like that but still that is a hard statement to say he must have never missed a hog ever I don't beleave that for one second If you hunted more than a few time you know that. The best dogs have to get to be the best by win and lose and that can take yrs and many replacements and start overs

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: kerreydw on August 21, 2013, 08:31:58 am
That is one of the dumbest thing I ever heard. That like saying Larry bird was sorry cuz Jordan was better so I geuss I am sorry and suck well I gues any of y'all that didn't where stripes on your shoulders are sorry jmo lol
theres not a dog or a person that hunts hogs thats to good to be hurt by a hog it dont have to be a 300 lb hog either anyone that thinks otherwise is a big dumb a-- . take it from me ive got about 300,000.00dls in a acc. that happend on a hog hunt.

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Judge peel on August 21, 2013, 08:36:45 am
Amen brother hope your ok

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: BA-IV on August 21, 2013, 08:57:49 am
To me, y'all missed the concept of the statement.

There's a some bad hogs out there that will really whip you and the dogs and walk off laughing, no doubt about that. And if y'all knew, knew of, or spoke with the man who made that statement, then you might have a change of opinion and have some humility.

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Judge peel on August 21, 2013, 09:13:42 am
I have humility and I have been whooped by hogs more times than I would like to rember but I get the concept is he is the best and every one else is sorry hard statements are hard to live up to brother not trying to take away from any one. But I have lived a hard life and I know first hand if you spout crap out it usely bites you in butt jmo

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: BA-IV on August 21, 2013, 09:20:54 am
Once again I doubt Orval considered himself the best and probably cussed his dogs more then most.  He was a dog man through and through, and raised more and trained more dogs then most any 10 of us on this site.  He wasn't calling himself the best by no means, and I know he culled dogs better then most people's top dogs in their yard, he just happened to be a plott man and put his energy into that breed.  It was a simple statement that looks like it's ruffled some feathers for no reason in my opinion.

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Judge peel on August 21, 2013, 09:32:53 am
Didn't mess up my feathers brother I just committed on the post and said what I think just as you did I am not upset with any thing jmo and I agree he culled ones better than my dogs but that dont meen every one is sorry

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: hoghunter71409 on August 21, 2013, 09:37:09 am
I could wite on this one forever, it just depends on how you see it and what side of the fence you sit on.  For example:

If you had been hunting dogs for 30 years and considered yourself one of the greats and you consistently heard front porch talk about all the bad hogs and how tough these hogs were and a lot of other excuses on why hogs were not caught, you may make a statement and there may be some degree of truth.  From the 30 year veterans persepective, he/she may beleive that there are new hunters and less experienced hunters (call them sorry..I would not) that have unproven dogs (which in some cases may be true) and the general theme of the statement is saying that men are not culling and allowing sub-standard dogs to exist.  In a lot of cases (especially today) average dogs are being beat by running hogs.  A lot of good dogs and great dogs are also being beat by hogs, just like Ben said.

I dont know if I agree with the overall statement and it is not a one-size fits all statements, but in some cases I can see the truth.

For most of the summer, I've been having good hunts and catching hogs.  This past weekend, the hogs flat smoked me and my dogs, I went home very frustrated and thought about culling the whole dang pack.  Does it mean I have sorry dogs and I am a sorry hunter...maybe a 30 year veteran would think so, maybe the hogs were better than me on that day.

Even legends, Presidents, and everyone else with a mouth says things that are not always true and can be argued.  I really dont know what else to say, but the comment is argueable and I'll leave it at that.

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Judge peel on August 21, 2013, 09:52:35 am
Very well put brother I think people beleave more than they should and don't keep an open mind and open ears you can always learn something

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: BA-IV on August 21, 2013, 09:53:49 am
I'm all for looking at something from every which way, and 30 years ago, the hogs were alot different then today, and Jon you make a good point.

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: hoghunter71409 on August 21, 2013, 10:28:49 am
I still dont know who said it and yes hogs are different now than 30 years ago, so are dogs, and so are laws and the environment and the tracking systems and methods of trasnportation we use.  If it was the late Mr. Roberts that said it, you can bet that he did not miss a hunt in 30 years and I bet he meant it from a truthful and respectful way.  I also beleive the quote must be looked at by who the legend said it to.

For example, the 30 yr old legend may use this quote to describe a popluation to a good friend that he has been hunting with for 20 or so years.  He may use a different choice of words to a guy that has only been hunting for a couple of years, or someone that just called him up on the phone and was talking about dogs. 

Another way to evaluate the quote is..who is the person and what is his motive behind the quote?  Interesting, lets say that this legend has his own line of dogs and he been successfull for many of years.  Now there is another man with the same breed of dog (or different) that has become increasing popular and is promting his dogs.  Would the legend use this quote to say, me and my dogs would catch these bad hogs?  Maybe it is all the crosses of today and thier influence on a line breeding program.

I dont know the entire answer, didnt hear the guy say it, wasnt there when he said it.  If you sit around with me after a good hunt and we drink a couple crown and cokes I may say anything.  LOL!!!

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Judge peel on August 21, 2013, 11:38:27 am

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Reuben on August 21, 2013, 11:47:36 am

In a good sized round pen a good dog can eventual control a big hog...a good pack of dogs will catch and control a big hog in open country and look good doing it...now take that same dog pack to the southeast texas jungles or the south texas brush country and that same pack of dogs will not even catch up to that hog...that hog will run and run and then lay up and rest, catch his breath and when the dogs finally make it to the thick briar patch that hog will go again until the dogs wear out and repeat what has worked for him...and those dogs will not produce much pork in that environment...we as dog men must come up with a plan to help the dogs catch that hog...

that quote is a bold statement and it seems that only a rookie would be someone who would make that statement and not an experienced hog dogger...  :-X :) if I caught most hogs in all terrains then I probably would say the same thing but I don't know anyone that can make that claim...

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Judge peel on August 21, 2013, 12:42:32 pm
Amen sounds like you got some sence thank you

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Cajun on August 21, 2013, 01:02:45 pm
  First of all, yes Orville was a icon to the hoghunting fraternity. He would go out of his way to help a friend out. He has never, ever said that he has the best dogs around & was probably just throwing that statement out to me, to see what kind of response I had, just like I posted it on the board to get comments about.
  Everybody who has hoghunted any length of time has had his a** handed to them a time or two by a rough boar. It happens & will continue to happen. Does that mean they have sorry dogs, of course not. Sometimes it is just the terrain the hog is in, dogs are tired or just plain human error or it is the hogs day to win.
  Look how many big toothy hogs that just look like they would wreck any dog that got on them & a lot of them are caught with just minor scratches. On the flip side, a lil 175# boar with 2" cutters can wreck the whole pack.
  When I first met Orville, all he had was cur dogs & we would bring our young plotts up there. Back then, they had a ton of hogs & open woods. Totally different then our cutovers today with russian hogs & a lot of pressure. Orville liked the sound & stick our plotts had & then got into them & formed his own line of plotts that were great hogdogs. I don't know how many years Orville has hoghunted but he told me he hunted them when he was young & he had to be around 80 when he passed. That is a lot of experience with dogs & hogs.
  Getting back to the statement:
I have hunted with enough hunters & dogs to really believe the second sentence. JUST SORRY DOGS & SORRY MEN.

When men will not commit to going in & catch a boar after they have turned the catchdog loose, they are sorry hunters & the dogs pay the price. There are a number of people that go through dogs like this, when it is owner error.
  I know alot of ya'll have hunted with a lot of sorry dogs that you would not feed.
JMO & not necessarily the opinion of the viewing audience. ;) ;D

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: hoghunter71409 on August 21, 2013, 01:28:18 pm

I thought I covered about every point of view, but I missed one.  The one I missed was "When men will not commit to going in & catch a boar after they have turned the catchdog loose, they are sorry hunters & the dogs pay the price". 

I know there are different styles, some bay and shoot and will not go in and catch a hog.  Thats okay if that is what he likes.  If a guy turned a bulldog loose and would not go in and catch the hog that is drastically different and I would put that in the sorry category.  Nobody should ever turn a bulldog lose and not go in after the dog or dogs.  My opinion.

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: Judge peel on August 21, 2013, 03:15:30 pm
Yes i Agee on that context I have had guy say how bad a$$ they are and when it's time they are scared hiding behind a tree I will never leave my dogs hanging or my friends or any one who hunts with me

Title: Re: Quote by a legendary hoghunter
Post by: colecross on August 21, 2013, 09:38:46 pm
In many young fellows,and old.mr.orville has touched he was a true dog man,and new hog hunting.he came from the old days of working hogs,marking,cutting,driving hogs,and having good ppl and good dogs around.in them days there were a many marked hogs running in caldwell parish.my 2 cents