HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: justincorbell on September 12, 2013, 09:05:31 am

Title: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: justincorbell on September 12, 2013, 09:05:31 am
I have a plott pup out of Mr. Noviske's (spelling?) line..........not that it is important other than the fact that i've heard nothing but great things about his dogs and don't wanna loose this one......

This pup has developed a hell of a skin condition, I am about 100% positive that it is not mange, my reasoning behind this is that I have owned a jagd pup with demodectic (sp?) mange and what the plott has looks nothing like it did and I know its not sarcoptic mange because this pup has been in my fenced pen with a curr and a bulldog pup for months and neither show the first sign of any skin condition which obviously leads me to believe that whatever this plott pup has is not contagious.....

He started loosing hair on his face/ears about 5 weeks ago, I tried nustock/ used motor oil for applying it 3 days in a row then waiting 3 days and repeating the process. I have also tried happy jack mange treatment multiple times (just in case it was mange). I have used over 3 gallons of motor oil on him since this all started and 3 tubes of happy jack with NO results. He is getting worse and has started loosing hair down his back and on his legs........what confuses me is that he does not scratch hardly at all and has zero fleas....... I am bringing him to the vet tomorrow to see what they say but wanted to see if anyone here had any idea's as to what his problem could be....... The only thing I put on him was a 4 to 1 mixture of bayer/permitherin, every dog in my yard got the exact same treatment so I HIGHLY doubt this had anything to do with his condition but it is the only thing I put on him prior to his issues. anyone have any idea's as to what is going on with him???

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: justincorbell on September 12, 2013, 09:06:44 am
I meant to say 3 gallons of motor oil and 3 tubes of nu-stock, not happy jack.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: UNDERDOG on September 12, 2013, 09:09:30 am
Justin, I have seen that bayer tree n shrub affect some dogs skin and burn a few.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: halfbreed on September 12, 2013, 09:20:26 am
   yep could be an allergic reaction to something  . i'm having a senior moment right now but was gonna suggest matbe a fungal or bacterial infection  . all dogs have it but it is usally kept in check by the dogs own system  , but occasionally it will flare up and get out of control and make them loose hair .  damn it's hell getting old   lol .   well i'll be back when it pops into my head , maybe someone else can tell you what i'm getting a headache trying to remember  .   but a vet will do a scrape and tell you for sure , be sure and tell them all that you did as well  .

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: halfbreed on September 12, 2013, 09:27:42 am
  lol I knew I would think of it when I wasn't thinking about     STAPH !!!!!   LOL

Title: Re: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: DWEST on September 12, 2013, 09:33:11 am
Interested in what vet says.  My buddy has a gyp that looks like a naked mole rat and he's tried everything.   And I have a lil pup that looks to be coming down with something similar, and these two dogs have never seen each other

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Title: Re: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: Peachcreek on September 12, 2013, 09:36:17 am
Probably red mange or demodectic. The vet will probably tell you to have the dog fixed and to start a treatment that cost mucho $$$$. I HAD a dog with it and i fixed him..... ;)

If you want to try something first, get some tactic from the feed store delute it and pour it on. That stuff will kill any mite that is causing a problem. The problem with red mange is it will come back. But the tactic will knock the mites out for a while. The dog will not be a good dog for breeding though if it is red mange. Good luck

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Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: jimco on September 12, 2013, 09:44:32 am
At this point probably best to take him to vet. He probably has a sensitivity to certain chemicals. I would
stop the motor oil thing for sure. I have a Black and Tan Catahoula that when he is healthy has the shiniest jet black coat there is. At least once every couple years things go south in a hurry. Vet took scrapings each time and cant never find anything. I now have a routine I use when he has an issue and have good luck with it. As soon as I see a dullness to his coat are a raw spot are he starts shedding a lot I treat him with Prolate-Lintox, 1 oz. to a gallon of water. Use a wash rag or sponge and thoroughly soak his skin. Once a week for 3 weeks. In between I use a skin moisturizer/lubricant from the dollar store and apply to his stomach and inside of his legs and such (areas with not much hair). Like you NU-STOCK didn't do anything for him.     When he's healthy I have to be careful what I spray on him so as not to irritate his skin. I use
Absorbine Ultra Shield for insect control on him. It has skin and coat conditioner in it and I add Skin So Soft to it. I know a lot of folks will say that's a lot of trouble but I like the dog and that's what works for him. The Vets were no help. Through trial and era this is what worked . He hasn't had an issue in over a year.    

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: jimco on September 12, 2013, 09:52:47 am
A round of cephalexin antibiotics would definitely help. Fish-Flex from pet supply is same as Cephalexin.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: justincorbell on September 12, 2013, 10:25:59 am
Justin, I have seen that bayer tree n shrub affect some dogs skin and burn a few.

that is kinda what I was worried about, I was hoping not but it would make sense due to the fact that within 5 days of applying it he seemed to start loosing hair.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: justincorbell on September 12, 2013, 10:30:21 am
I really appreciate all of the info folks. theres a reason this is the best dog site on the internet, and all of your are it.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: MAV on September 12, 2013, 11:55:41 am
nu-stock works  get it at tractor supply or feed store

had a street dog show up at work boss man felt sorry for it. it really didnt have any hair at all, iam talking ugly. went through two tubes of nu stock and it grew all its hair back. guy took it home and to this daystill looks good.

hot spots, mange , whatever it has worked for me 

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: justincorbell on September 12, 2013, 01:50:23 pm
nu-stock works  get it at tractor supply or feed store

had a street dog show up at work boss man felt sorry for it. it really didnt have any hair at all, iam talking ugly. went through two tubes of nu stock and it grew all its hair back. guy took it home and to this daystill looks good.

hot spots, mange , whatever it has worked for me 

I have been through 3 tubes of nu-stock, as stated above........ I was hopin it would help but so far it has not.

Title: Re: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: AnotherRunner on September 12, 2013, 07:25:24 pm
I haven't had much luck with nu stock. I put it on my dogs hot spots for a good while and it never helped. So I stopped and it healed on its own

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: M Bennet on September 12, 2013, 07:56:22 pm
Could be allergies. But get u some happy jacks skin balm try it

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: charles on September 12, 2013, 08:27:43 pm
 he did try happy jack as stated in his first post. I agree that it may be an allergic reaction. let us know what the vet says Justin.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: justincorbell on September 12, 2013, 10:19:42 pm
Will do Charles, Monty I tried the happy jacks mange dip on him with no luck. You rechon that skin balm will be much different? Hell it wont hurt to try it anyway. I have to work tomorrow (thought I was off) so im going to try to get my old lady or a buddy to run him in and see what they say, i'll let ya'll know.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: coach on September 13, 2013, 09:42:24 am
I have a dog that runs an allergy course a couple of times a yr. I give her some Benadryl and cures it right up.


Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: Rooterhound on September 13, 2013, 01:01:18 pm
I bet its allergies. Vet will give shot and pills. It will last a little while until the next flare up.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: sterling on September 13, 2013, 01:28:47 pm
I have a pit that has real sensitive skin and is prone to reactions from certain things that causes him to itch and his hair to fall out.  I give benedryl to help keep him from itching and then spray him twice a day with vetricyn and it seems to do the trick.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: sdillard on September 13, 2013, 07:59:37 pm
Justin i had a dog doing the same thing during the summer months. I talked to some people about it and a few of them asked what i fed i told them the blue sportsmix they told me that the protein to fat ratio was to far apart. So i switched to the black bag and sure enough he started growing his hair back.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: justincorbell on September 13, 2013, 08:40:47 pm
Justin i had a dog doing the same thing during the summer months. I talked to some people about it and a few of them asked what i fed i told them the blue sportsmix they told me that the protein to fat ratio was to far apart. So i switched to the black bag and sure enough he started growing his hair back.

Well hell i thought u were on to something, haha i feed black bag sportsmix now

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: Reuben on September 13, 2013, 09:00:46 pm
Justin...I don't think it is mange mites...but if it is a bad case of mites then I would give a 40-60 pound dog 1.5 cc's of ivomec under the skin and the following week 1 cc under the skin and the week after that another cc under the skin again...

let us know what it is when you find out...

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: justincorbell on September 13, 2013, 10:30:36 pm
Justin...I don't think it is mange mites...but if it is a bad case of mites then I would give a 40-60 pound dog 1.5 cc's of ivomec under the skin and the following week 1 cc under the skin and the week after that another cc under the skin again...

let us know what it is when you find out...

Mr. Reuben i will give that a try unless the bet says otherwise. And when i find out i will post what it was.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: muleskinner on September 13, 2013, 10:31:53 pm
I bought a dog that had skin problems similar to what you described. Vet had me give him ivomect for 60 days and bathed him in medicated shampoo to prevent staph until his skin healed. I increased the dose every so many days. He cleared up and he was also the only one in my kennels it effected.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: halfbreed on September 14, 2013, 10:11:04 am
    well ?

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: justincorbell on September 14, 2013, 08:23:06 pm
    well ?

Had to work yesterday and vet was out of pocket today, he is goin in monday.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: t-dog on September 15, 2013, 10:15:14 am
Justin I have become a real believer in the probiotics. They don't have to be a forever thing on all dogs but I have fixed some allergy and coat problems on my yard with them. They are simple to give. Get a tube and give a couple clicks on the dial for a week then a click a day. It was the first thing my dogs would eat. Sounds like your pup is allergic or has an allergy. Could be the dip you used or a certain ingredient in your feed. Dogs are as different as individuals as we are. These kind of problems happen a lot in the tighter bred dogs. It was the case with both of mine and they were two different breeds. Probiotics fixed both of mine. Hope you figure it out.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: hoghunter71409 on October 12, 2013, 12:55:55 pm
Did you ever figure out what the skin condition is/was?  Can you post a pic of the skin so we can see what you are talking about?  I'm interested in seeing what you are talking about because I have a dog that is starting to show some spots similar to what you are talking about.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: halfbreed on October 12, 2013, 02:34:50 pm
   I don't know what his dogs had but I have several now , my black plott gyp especially that has developed a staph infection . it has been so dry here for so long then when we finally got some rain they blew up and looked like they had been shot with bird shot  . it is staph the medical routine is cephalexin and a bath with medicated shampoo that contains sulfer and bentine . I immediately started the ceph. and baths when it started and they have stabilized and looking better . it is all about the dogs ph levels on their skin . dogs have staph on their skin at all times but their body regulates it until something happens to throw them out of balance [ like dry hot to wet cold ] or a sudden change in diet  . good luck to all and it ain't that hard to treat at home  .

  i'm glad this post was brought back I was wondering if anybody else's dogs were going thru it with the change in weather and was fixing to start a new thread  .

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: hoghunter71409 on October 12, 2013, 08:12:51 pm
It is just odd to me.  I have 8 dogs at the house and only one shows of any sign.  Looks like small patches of hair that have just gone missing.  No scratching or biting at area and everything else seems fine.  Dogs are in kennels and kept clean.

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: halfbreed on October 13, 2013, 09:36:45 am
   yep I have around 20 dogs on the yard and just three have it . it just happens sometimes no matter the routine or cleanliness of the dogs . their body's just get out of whack and it will flare up .  the sulfadine shampoo sold at most feed stores and tsc have the right ingredients to solve the problem and cephalexin or fish phlex will put them back in order  .

Title: Re: Re: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: AnotherRunner on October 13, 2013, 01:26:59 pm
   yep I have around 20 dogs on the yard and just three have it . it just happens sometimes no matter the routine or cleanliness of the dogs . their body's just get out of whack and it will flare up .  the sulfadine shampoo sold at most feed stores and tsc have the right ingredients to solve the problem and cephalexin or fish phlex will put them back in order  .
I can't imagine having 20. I got 4 and they are plenty lol

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: halfbreed on October 13, 2013, 01:42:38 pm
  lmao ya gotta love it !!!! 

Title: Re: Skin condition....... HELP PLEASE
Post by: justincorbell on October 13, 2013, 05:05:03 pm
Sorry for not responding guys, i completely firgot about this. He ended up having demodectic (sp?) mange.