Title: Last good hunt ! Post by: DT85 on September 26, 2013, 12:02:03 pm Me and a couple good friends went and made are last hunt of the year on one of our Deerlease's until next year ! When we got in the woods we had a good feeling about the hunt . It was our first trip after all the rain . We got a little over a 1/4 the way in to the lease and my 2 nigger dogs and and 1 of my buddy's dogs were gone and I look down on the Garmin an they were 350yrd an rolling out fast . Then I Hurd my blaze dog yup a couple times so I new then it was getting hot ! Just a few min they had a bay going on . When all the rest of dogs got there it broke an ran straight to us with in a min they had him bayed about 50 yrs from the buggy . We sent the bulldog and we never Hurd a squill , so we new it had to be good one ! Then When we got him tied we new we had a stud ! And can't believe nothing got cut !(http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/09/27/ypyrege2.jpg)(http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/09/27/5uhuda2a.jpg)(http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/09/27/e5a4a4a5.jpg)
Title: Re: Re: Last good hunt ! Post by: Peachcreek on September 26, 2013, 01:22:17 pm Nice hawg there. X2
Title: Re: Last good hunt ! Post by: LTcaughthog on September 26, 2013, 01:26:37 pm Nice hOg X3
Title: Re: Last good hunt ! Post by: DT85 on September 27, 2013, 04:45:22 pm Thank you guys !