HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: cward on August 09, 2009, 10:05:38 am

Title: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on August 09, 2009, 10:05:38 am
Here is some future these pups are line breed to the (T)  I can't wait tell they get grown they are  3 months old! There is 8 of them and I am keeping all 7 of 8 my mother inlaw is getting the 8th one I hope she raises it and gives it back!!!!                                  (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp85/cryward/DSC02229.jpg)                                                                               (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp85/cryward/DSC02220.jpg)              (http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp85/cryward/DSC02207.jpg)                                                                                         

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: FcHogDog on August 09, 2009, 10:07:17 am
Wow.  Those pups look amazing.  Linebreeding can work when done right.

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: Scott on August 09, 2009, 10:08:31 am
Good lookin' pups ;)

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: matt_aggie04 on August 09, 2009, 10:09:30 am
I like the ears on those pups, they look real good Chance.

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: ETHHunters on August 09, 2009, 10:15:23 am
Heck I will raise one up until its 9 or 10 and give it back! ;D

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: Dexter on August 09, 2009, 10:26:30 am
 loooks like you have a game plan thats working,,, good looking dogs  how do you line breed . dad - daughter ?

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: scdogman on August 09, 2009, 10:44:06 am
Which dog is the foundation of your linebreeding program?  Can you post a pic of him or her and tell me about him or her? Nice pups.

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on August 09, 2009, 10:55:54 am
Well Line breeding is hard to explain because true line breeding will have to be done in % !!! It takes more than a few dogs and several years to get a dog line breed... It also take some good outside dogs to make the right cross then bring it back with nefews - cousins - aunts - uncles - I have gave pups away for years to friends of mine with breeding rights and they have all honored the deal which helped me to know were I could get the blood back!! I do not cross daddy to daughter or mother to son or  brother to sister.... Unless it is half brother or half sister......When I cross outside I know the history on the dogs I cross with and the dog has to inpress me!! There is alot of dogs that have the same gentic mine have and I try to keep up with them and how they are doing...So I can chase them down for a breeding!!!! Most will not refuse because I have a high % of pups turn out and the dogs I usally want to cross ain't no B.S.. They will be proven dogs before I breed!!!!  When I make a breeding I am already thinking before the pups get here what my next cross will be with them!!  If I breed half brother to half sister there pups will have to be an out cross ..  Then there pups will be breed to a line breed dog of mine!! Jus an Example!!!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: ESTEBAN_B on August 09, 2009, 11:01:11 am
good looking pups!! are they ben bloodline ?

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on August 09, 2009, 11:09:49 am
Ok man I can break these dogs down to a T  for years before I got them they came from my uncle whitch taught me everything I no about horse - cows and dogs!!  These dog started by a man named Lewis Wooddruff  Lived in coldsprings tx owned a place in Trinty Tx..  My main stud dog was a male named Rambo got him from my uncle at six weeks he died at 17 He was the real deal!! And produced several find dogs some better than him!! I have several pics but they are old and don't know how to scan them to put them on here.... My Uncle is Danny Stainfield  from Coldspings!!!! Had cattle in trinty- crocket - shepeard -evergreen...      Rambos grandma was a Gyp called pudden that was a hell of a strike dog.. Great granpaw was Lewis dog that was well know for being one of the best Called H.R.!!!!!!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: Texas_Cur on August 09, 2009, 11:12:07 am
Chance those are beautiful dogs.  I know you don't sell pups but if you ever need to make some room in the kennel put me on that list $$. ;)

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on August 09, 2009, 11:13:57 am
No there is no Ben in these dogs.... Alot of my dogs will produce blacks- black and tan -even brindle-- But no Ben in them them ben dogs are a lttle hard header than what I like!!!!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on August 09, 2009, 05:45:14 pm
ETHHUNTER I just read what you wrote I'm sure you would raise one till 9  or 10 years old !!!!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: LionandBoarHunter on August 09, 2009, 05:52:27 pm
great looking pups they look alot like my hound crosses love those long ears i do alot of line breeding myself

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cantexduck on August 09, 2009, 06:11:38 pm
 I will take the one with the  black mask. ;D

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: ETHHunters on August 09, 2009, 06:12:23 pm
Dont hurt to try! ;D

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: stoked on August 09, 2009, 08:31:58 pm
looks like a good line!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: TEXAS*MCH on August 09, 2009, 08:49:40 pm
good looking pups

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: TJR89 on August 09, 2009, 11:07:45 pm
dang them are good looking pups

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on August 10, 2009, 10:45:19 am
Thanks guys I sure am proud of them hope I can get them all raised!!!!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: UNDERDOG on August 10, 2009, 09:14:58 pm
cward, them are a great lookin bunch of pups.You have a pic of the parents handy?

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: DIAMOND A KENNELS on August 10, 2009, 09:29:46 pm
rambo and turbo where some jam up dogs from what i have heard and im sure u miss them and good looking pups  :)

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on August 10, 2009, 09:58:13 pm
Ashley yes they were these pups have Rambo in them 4 times......... Torbo -- Jake ---Tity Baby --- Check----- Damit ---- Ringer --- Slim ---- Humpty ----- and even that junky Ike   They were on sons and daughters of Rambo Everyone that he put on the ground were strike dogs..... These were just the one I kept over the years----- number 2 was a double grandson of rambo out of torbo and tity baby half brother to half sister-------The Bo dog that James A had out of new caney Was out of rambo littermate to Jake.... Jake was the best at of all them I never seen that dog have a off day he was the most acruate dog I ever seen....Tity Baby was sure no cull she was pretty dern good!! Torbo if he barked in the back of a truck jus turn him loose you were going to bay a hog!!!! Damit stop a boar hog in the middle of 59 car hit them both  He was a hog finding machine..... I can go on and on about the history of these dogs Rusty Got to hunt with number 2 and He was not no B.S I don't think!!!! The only reason number 2 ever left my place he made me mad and knocked his warter bucket over and Jody called that day wanting a dog thats how he got him!! These pups are out of Ike!!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: DIAMOND A KENNELS on August 10, 2009, 10:48:34 pm
ya i like that titty baby dog and old ike is for sure a keeper i would never kick him out of my kennel thats for sure or any of them for that matter  :) i hope they all turn out for u but with a blood line like and that kind of back ground  they have no choice im sure they will make jam up dogs

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: WAARHEID on August 11, 2009, 01:02:03 am
do you have pictures of the parents? how did the parents and other relations hunt and/or work cows? loose? gritty? open?

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on August 11, 2009, 09:56:43 am
(http://i400.photobucket.com/albums/pp85/cryward/hogpictures08034.jpg)            This is a picture of the sire Ike!!! Ike is a good stike dog and to dern smart for his on good!!!  My dogs are more of a loose dog I would say these dogs will all catch if I go to screaming... There sure ain't many hogs that can run on them...They will make one look at him .... My roughest dog is gator and he is only that way when you put hum with something else that is rough!! My dogs bay and hold not catch unless told to!! They do go bothways cows an hogs .. Ike has even bunched a few goats for me!!   These dogs have lots of scars but just been exposed to lots of bad hogs....   All these dogs will roll out as soon as you can catch one hog they are gone again none of them hang around.....Ike is the last liveing son of Rambo!!!! My dog produce mostly silent but I have a few semi silent  one that is open I was going to cull her but she is a hog finding machine and can stop just about any runner you want to put her on!!! She will die here and she is a good lead dog on cows!!!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: UNDERDOG on August 11, 2009, 10:15:21 am
cward, these pics are down right cruel....working dogs lookin that good just ain't right. ;D

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on August 11, 2009, 10:25:29 am
I was taught to breed dogs by some dern good cowboys...These guy culled hard.... And sure new how to bread them... I listen to every word they said and I repeat what they told me.... There is some stuff I have did on my own... When I tell them what I did they say dang that was a good idea!!! I also paid for my education doing some stupid stuff by trying to cross dogs several years ago!! I culled more than I kept... Now I am finding it way harder to cull there all turning out...Must be doing something right!!!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: djhogdogger on August 11, 2009, 10:35:41 am
Keep on doin' what you're doin' Chance and everyone will be wanting one of your dogs. When those good traits are heavily bred into a dog, they are hard to beat.

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: Little Timmy on August 11, 2009, 11:19:25 am
good looking pups keep up the good work

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: Wmwendler on August 11, 2009, 02:40:23 pm
Keep at it and your dogs will be more famous than Larry Parker's.  haha Just giving you a hard time. 

You have some well built dogs. Producing dogs that go both ways is what its all about with Cur dogs, to me anyway.  Its the way they were ment to be and anything else is just second rate, but thats just my opinion.  Most people don't have the time or circumstances to pull it off and probly don't even have the desire for it to begin with.  Hats off to you for keeping some around in this world.  I'd like to see your dogs work some day.


Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on August 11, 2009, 05:09:08 pm
Thanks Waylon my dogs were great for me might not work great for larry..... I breed for me and I don't sell dogs if I get them findhed to my standards than it would be impossible for me to make any money off the dog!! I have bought a few catch dogs but never a cur dog.... Its hard to put your dogs out there to build   a good rep. unless you are saleing them!! Even like the lander or ben dogs them guy have sold bunches!!! But yes I take you hunting and show you how they work!!!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: Swine Stoppers on August 11, 2009, 08:02:29 pm
cward, those are some nice lookin dogs. I have heard that line breeding can be a very succesful program if you know what your doin. I was told that you could breed half brother to half sister or grandfather to granddaughter. Just wandering which way you chose?

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on August 11, 2009, 08:56:51 pm
I have breed half brother to half sister....And had some real good pups.... Grandfather is ok ...But like I said you have got to own lots of dogs or have friends with dogs out of your dogs to Get the percentage of the blood up.... aunt--- uncles --cousins-- nefews--- it takes all those to bring the percentage up!! And it does take out crosses also....  But you want to check your heritage of the out cross and see were it goes.... Daddy to daughter did not work for me the pups worked hogs great but would bite the hand that feed them not tolerated!!! And thanks for the complament!!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: skoalbandett on September 21, 2009, 03:18:16 pm
Mr Ward,
Do you use your dogs to hog hunt regulary and work them on cattle ? If so I would really like to come hunt with you and watch them on cattle if  you will allow it. We're two older guys who been raising and using yellar cur dogs a long time and I always like to go see someone's work when I hear about some good ones.  Be glad to bring a couple of ours and hunt them or leave em at  home, which ever  you would wish.

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: lonewolf on September 21, 2009, 06:16:16 pm
Now that's some good lookin yella dogs!!!!!!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on September 21, 2009, 08:27:03 pm
Skoalbandit where are you from.. The girls caught a big tooth barr Sat. with the same dogs that I used all day today working cattle..I will be working cattle with these dogs tomorow all day again..The cattle I will be working will be a hand ful for them I am wordering how this is going to go 200 head of spoilt cattle that have got away many times with breaking and and getting away with it..Mostly open fields just hoping that they will prove there selfs.I will be taken 11 dogs for this and will use 4 at a time 2 really good lead dogs That handle like champs and 2 hard working little bit hard headed get down and work male dogs..One of my male dogs does not work a cow right but I can send him on any breaker and he will make her beg for the heard..He don't work write because I used him for so long catching single cattle and it just took the bunching cattle right out of him..But he will still find one and keep her at bay until I can get to him... I tell people all the time that I am not a very good roper because most the cattle that I rope are looking at me they can't run on them dogs.... But get with me we will go make a round!!I love to see other dogs work...

Lonewolf thanks

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: W-tate on September 21, 2009, 08:33:11 pm
cward u get tired of them  dang ole yellar dog pups  u can send me one up here to north texas   i am sure you rule supreme around there sence the  barrs won the hunt   at the beginning  of the month  but i bet its hard to get tired of  them good lookin dogs

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: ETHHunters on September 21, 2009, 08:34:04 pm
Im still waiting on mine! :)

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on September 21, 2009, 08:42:27 pm
These pups will bark at my horses to death..I am a little defferent than some they are barking courious about them but not truely baying When they mature they I will have to go get them off the horse because they won't quiet that is what I called bayen..I came in today and they were all in the pond swiming like ducks thats the first time I have seen that.. But sorry for you guy who ask me for pups  I have so many people ask for pups I can't remember..When I decide I want it gone I won't  it gone that day and I don't sale dogs I gave underdog 2 pups out of this litter and have gotten in trouble by several people because I forgot about them...

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: W-tate on September 21, 2009, 08:47:49 pm
i am just givein you a hard time you dont even know me  to be givein me a pup  but i love me a good  line breed yellar dog   they are some of the smartest dogs for cattel and hogs i think i have a couple from a guy  i kow that are line breed and  seems like the females mature slower but are better in the long run maybe not better but easier to get a handle on

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: Wormy Dog Kennels on September 21, 2009, 08:52:08 pm
Sure like a blonde!...W.D.............

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on September 21, 2009, 08:54:19 pm
Yes sire I have one gyp you talk to her real quiet while she works a cow!   
WD I sure like that male dog of yours to!! 

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: craig on September 21, 2009, 09:08:04 pm

  thats the way my wife is,  if i talk to her too rough while where working cattle ,, she will go to the house... ;D

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on September 21, 2009, 09:14:12 pm
Mine says that I holler at her while working cattle but who is she going to here me over cattle balwling and dogs baying if I don't holler..Then if something don't get done then she say's why didn't you tell me... Women turn your blinker on and give me some derection.. Song by Sam Moore

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: W-tate on September 21, 2009, 09:19:14 pm
Lol.  Oh man I prolly shouldn't say this but my grandapa always tells me they pull the peckers off the  dumb ones at birth

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: craig on September 21, 2009, 09:29:11 pm
Lol.  Oh man I prolly shouldn't say this but my grandapa always tells me they pull the peckers off the  dumb ones at birth

  you better hope Mrs. Ward is doing home work,   or you will get more than a ear full  ;D

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: W-tate on September 21, 2009, 09:33:50 pm
Yeah I know but that sayin has always cracked me up mostly true with. Some exeptions

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: craig on September 21, 2009, 09:37:36 pm
way to cover your tracks ,  yeh with a few exeptions  ;D

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: Black Gold on September 22, 2009, 07:47:54 am
good looking pups!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: Tom45 on September 22, 2009, 07:48:48 am
Great looking pups cward, like that black mask.

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: skoalbandett on September 22, 2009, 02:10:29 pm
Thanks, I appreciate it.  It Sounds like you are awful proud of your dogs and you should be based on what you are saying about them.
To anwer ya question, I live in Terrell and my brother in law ( Big O ) lives in Eustace ( near Athens )  Underdog and a couple more on here know some about us and our dogs.  Underdog told me he'd like to make the hunt down there with us if we get a time and date that works, hope that would be alright. I have been trying to get him up here for a  hunt for several years, guess he thinks we BBQ bulldog men..lol

 Tell ya a couple things about us and our dogs so Ya know we not just a couple guys lookin for dogs or out on a wild goose chase :
If you know any of these old timers they can tell you about our line of dogs and their history.   John Wayne Ross, president of the SBMCA ( he , his son and son in law own some of em and breed to one of our dogs  on occasions. They come down and hunt wtih us a time or two every year. John Wayne's son Jeff , stayed down here a month or two a few years back and hunted with us. ) Boys like that and some old cowboys who ranch, own and use dogs bred like these or out of these who really use and depend a dog . Men like Clue Anderson, Ben Jordan or John Gay. In fact I have seen Ben Jordan and "Henry" mentioned on here a time or two, you may have heard of him or his Henry dog I dont know. Henry was born on my father in laws poarch in 1979, he was out of a dog my father in law owned, Liz and by a male dog named Leroy that Ricky Driver owned. We used a litter mate brother to Henry ( Punch ) as the back bone of our dogs while Ben Jordan used Henry and his sister Ginny as the backbone to the dogs he still use's to  work cattle on 80,000 acres of wild country in Oklahoma nearly 30 years later. These dogs are just a old set of solid line bred East Texas BMC dogs we have had, used on hog and cattle and  culled tough for 35 years or so. Just like most folks I guess, We've gone through periods when we had some great dogs and at times just a few decent to good ones. The blood they carry are as solid as the day we found em.
We just never have been publicity seeking people nor do we raised dogs or pups to sell or sold dogs or pups or advertize for anything. We just use em, breed a few and give em to ranchers, friends and folks we know that reallly use a dog and need em when we have some to give. Dont get me wrong, I do not know a breeder who dont have culls come along, including us. In my opinion, only those that dont use em or dont know the difference or lie dont have culls and dogs that dont meet the cut.
Although its how and why we started and what was done for years, We dont work cattle wtih ours anymore but we Still hog hunt em 2 or 3 times a week and  good lord willing, will till we just can't anymore..
As for us, We both been around,raised and used horses, cattle and dogs our whole life. Big O was a succesful TB Race horse trainer who moved from track to track with meets all over the country for many years . He also trained cuttin horses professionaly and was a NCHA approved judge.
Would it be better on you to wait till after Deer season for a hog hunt ?

By the way there is a great annumal cow dog trial up in Oklahoma next month held Out on a fellers ranch.. there will be quite a few dogs bred like these in it. It's a real friendly deal and family oriented. You'll see and meet some fellows who  been at it for years, have to depend on dogs and know what they are doing if you'd like to go.

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: craig on September 22, 2009, 03:12:09 pm

  do you know Clue Anderson?      he is a good freind of mine...

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: lightningh on September 22, 2009, 03:18:32 pm
Chance them pups have sure grown since i was down there! They are lookin good!  I sure wish i would have packed one in my suitcase before i left! LOL!

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: skoalbandett on September 22, 2009, 04:02:05 pm
Yes sir I do  know Clue... He, Lisa and Chelsea have stayed at my home.  He has come down hunted with us a couple times this year, Seen some of these dogs go, ended up breeding 2 of his gyps to one of our dogs, planning on breeding another one or two to a young dog we have. We have two pups that are about 7 months old out of one of  his gyps.. They are Better lookin pups than what most of ours are.. lol We gave  him a pup out of our dogs that is 6 months old or so,  I hope he turns out, time will tell.
A lot of Clue's dogs go back to Henry and Ginny. Clue and Ben are friends and Clue use to help him pen and work cattle quite a bit.

I really like Clue, he is a good man, a awful good dog man and outstanding cowboy. Do you live near him ?

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: craig on September 22, 2009, 05:18:18 pm
yeh im about 20 mi. north of Clue.   
since he hunts open plotts , we dont hunted together.
 he does have some nice BMC cow dogs..

im pretty handy but just because i know Clue dont think im trying to make you think im 1/2 the cowboy he is  ;D

he is pretty much a legend in these parts, but i have known him all my life ,he is as good as they come.

if you talk to Clue ask him about his horse bucking off of a 30' bank into the navigation channel, i was with him that day and thats the one and only time we have hunted together thats back before he had any plotts ,id say about 15yr ago. i lowered Clue down on a rope and drug all his tack back to the top, then lowered the rope back down and dallied off needless to say that horse came up a 30' straight bank..

guys set around the camp fire telling Clue Anderson stories up here.. ;D

i dont know Ben , i have talked to him on the phone and he invited me down to stay and hunt , but i could never find the time..

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: skoalbandett on September 22, 2009, 08:20:02 pm
YeP, he likes them hounds to on hogs and coons.... He always told me those cur dogs were to important to him to waste em on a dang hog, he needed cow dogs.  He told me he dont want a cow dog breakin off on no dang hog... lol  Those old cowboys as you know are funny about their cow dogs....
I am very very selective who I will hunt with on a regular basis, more particular about what kind of dogs but ,Shoot I will hunt with him any day, dont bother or cause no problems with these older dogs for sure.. Not to mention, if he unloads a dog, you might ought to buckel up cause he'll prolly be a good un and will behave. Aint ya normal dog handler , his dogs act and do right. Just dont ask to look at his bone pile.. lol
He hunts some cur dogs and is fooling with some 1/2 AND 1/2 ON  hogs lately.  I think will hunt some more of em some day before long. I typically dont care for plotts as a rule, but, he's got some good uns, not the normal hound you see thats for sure.

I didnt want to brag to much on what a hand he was or how good a dog man he was, sounds like a sales pitch but in truth, I dont think I am a good enough salesman to tell folks about him and a few more I know.. lol

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: cward on September 22, 2009, 08:44:29 pm
Skoal we will have to set up a hunt we are getting pretty tight around here because of the deer hunters..So it would be better to wait till after deer season... I stiil run during deer season but just try to make quick hunts.. When yall can come down I would like to be able to show yall a good hunt... Me and my wife come up to caton several times a year!! We also came up there and looked at Red Braman bulls there in Terrell...

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: skoalbandett on September 23, 2009, 01:32:41 pm
No problem I understand.. We have the same problem and end up being able to hunt a few places we kn ow are safe and a few more we can only hunt at night during deer season. We'll shoot for after the bambi hunters get out of the woods.. lol , I will look forward to it.. By the way if  you guys come to canton and you want to make a hunt with us, you'd be welcome just give me a shout.
Canton is quite a deal hu ?? Lordy you should have seen it back in the day.. wouldnt be notin to see 2000 dogs there and would always be a big coon hunt that went on all night long for a couple  nights at least.. Use to have a good horse and mule sale to a couple times a year but Those days are long gone. Now it's a all breed puppy mill heaven to include at least 500 soon to be world champion Put bull pups to select from.. lol
Who's Red Braman cattle did  you come look at ?

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: craig on September 23, 2009, 02:25:53 pm
 i was at canton about 10 yr ago and meet a black man there that runs open plott dogs, i asked him if he caught alot of hogs , he said never did go to them just liked to here them run..

 you probably know of him real nice fella,  i thought that was funny he said "i just likes to hear em run".

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: Circle C on September 23, 2009, 02:33:16 pm

     I think I must have hunted with some of that man's kin folks in Evadale, TX.   They take their dogs out, and listen to them bay, break, bay, break...all night long. They don't take catch dogs, and have no intention of actually catching a hog. They just like to hear them work. My first and last hunt at that place. It was flooded timber, full of cottonmouths, and running hogs.  Heck, I can hunt in those conditions at home. ;D

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: craig on September 23, 2009, 02:40:24 pm
 yeh thats the place you took me to. no just kidding.. ;D

  i was amazed when he told me he never went to them. he might have some good dogs?

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: skoalbandett on September 23, 2009, 05:23:21 pm
I cant place that fellow... I havent hung around there much the las 30 years or so.. It just got to be a dog traders alley, full of BS and problems and to tell the truth I really dont like those things or many of those people.. Some of the old timers were great, but that was a different day in time...

I tell ya about those open trail dogs in my opinion.... Our cur dogs are silent and I basically like that about them, but once in a while one will come along that will open just a little bit on a hog that breaks or if he can see him while running him. But, I dont mind a dog or hound that opens if he can sure smoke a track and get something done.. If he can't, I litterly hate a open mouth dog draggin his butt on a track or straddling a track.

I think if you had 2 dogs to totally equal ability, one silent and one open, the silent dog will probably catch more hogs. But if you have a open dog that can and will smoke a track, I dont mind hunting with em. Now days, after the first bay everything in the woods knows ya there anyway and most of em in t his country sure try to run.

Title: Re: My line breed pups
Post by: craig on September 23, 2009, 09:06:41 pm
yeh up here after the first bay , you had just as well go to another spot..  cause your done there.