HOG & DOGS => DOGS ON HOGS => Topic started by: ChanceandAnita on September 28, 2013, 04:26:11 pm

Title: Friday night foot ball, en pigs
Post by: ChanceandAnita on September 28, 2013, 04:26:11 pm
My daughter wanted to go to the foot ball game, Santo vs Perrin. So I told the hubby to load up the dogs and we would make a quick run at his gramps place in Perrin TX, Since we was jus dropping her off it would give us an hour or two to stretch our dogs legs. His gramps is a small spread of 500 acres, we had cruised though this summer and seen signs of pigs movin though. But the summer heat had dried up the water tanks so we never got on anything. So with the recent rain we was hoping that we might get lucky. We walked our dogs in bout an hour into it we came cross the water hole with some wallers. Dogs got real piggy up over the damn and ran out 300 yards working the area. But our young dogs couldn't figure which way to take the trail, and finally quit coming back in. On the trees where rubs and we knew something had been though recently. Behind the tank ran a creek that run southeast, so we decided to trail the top thinking that the pig probably burned out on our dogs though the creek. We was running short on time to pick the young one up so we headed back toward the truck, when the dogs hit a hot sign and rolled out, 170 yards out spot yelped out in a trail bark we waited for the other dogs to confirm it was a pig. Yella opened up followed by bird.. And we knew they had stopped and bayin it up. It was a short bay we got there quick released Chico and DieselDog. They went in  a huge patch of green bryers and the pig squealed. Now we where all wraped up in Byers pulling dogs. I caught Yella tied her and headed back in when chance decided to pull the pig out of the Byers to the road with the catch dogs on the ears. Lol he had a leash around him so I pulled him and he pulled the pig with the dogs pulling us. Wasn't a pretty site but we got the Pig out so we could break off the dogs. It was a done deal so we loaded up and headed to the football game pig in tow.. Lol my daughter was not happy we showed up like that.. On another note santo won the game. Pig weighted out 177


Title: Re: Friday night foot ball, en pigs
Post by: KevinN on September 28, 2013, 07:47:16 pm
Good work!

Title: Re: Friday night foot ball, en pigs
Post by: LTcaughthog on September 28, 2013, 10:35:24 pm
I like them short quick hunts lol nice hog

Title: Re: Friday night foot ball, en pigs
Post by: ChanceandAnita on September 29, 2013, 12:29:12 pm
He weighed 175#