THE CLASSIFIEDS => THE DOG TRADE => Topic started by: cowboyin4Christ on October 23, 2013, 03:04:38 pm

Title: strikedogs for sale
Post by: cowboyin4Christ on October 23, 2013, 03:04:38 pm
3 year old full leopard Catahoula gyp. Found 12 on her own now. Short to medium ranged on her own but will go with a hot track and go with other dogs when they go. Really gritty but not straight catch. been on a lot in the woods and stays busy. Will trash on rabbit or armadillo when bored. $400
2 year old gyp. Half Australian Shepherd/Half leopard Catahoula. Found 3 on her own. will be the first to the bay everytime. Medium to long range. Only reason I'm getting rid of her is because I'm selling out and only have a few left. when bored will trash on rabbit or armadillo. $175 OBO
$525 for both. Cowboyin4christ@gmail.com call or txt 817-550-3622 located in weatherford, tx. 45 mins west of fort woth  will meet no more than 30 mins away.