Title: Scales Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on August 13, 2009, 03:35:13 pm Ok, I need to know what type of scales you all are using. I know what I use, however, it must not even be close to working correctly. Please supply pics, brand names, model #'s, or whatever type of information so that I can find these real weight scales. Thank you in advance.
Regards, Josh Title: Re: Scales Post by: txmaverick on August 13, 2009, 03:37:55 pm I found some on ebay that are digital and weigh up to 440 lb for $68.
Check yours with gal of water, a gal of water weighs 8 lb, try with 1 gal then with 5. This will tell you how much they are off, most have an adjustment to cal them. Title: Re: Scales Post by: Mike on August 13, 2009, 05:11:32 pm We've always used the Moultries that go up to 440#'s... calibrate before each use and it's always been accurate.
Title: Re: Scales Post by: dgdawsonBMCs on August 13, 2009, 06:02:14 pm Not being an expert on calibrating scales, but can you make the scale show the weight of a gallon of water as 8 pounds? because, not trying to be a pain, but generally one can say that a pound of water weighs about 8 pounds, but the scientist in me knows that a gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds....That being said, I am just trying to learn (scale calibration) here, so in case you were going to account for that, I will just shut up and watch what is posted... :-*
Title: Re: Scales Post by: txmaverick on August 13, 2009, 06:30:23 pm Never claimed to be a "scientist", if I was I prob wouldnt be hog hunting, just stating what I was learnt.
I doubt .34 of a lb on a scale that does not have to be certified wouldnt matter, but if that matters then go get it certified. Title: Re: Scales Post by: dgdawsonBMCs on August 13, 2009, 06:54:25 pm Sorry, I wasn't calling you out...I meant I was the scientist and yes I hunt hogs....It isn't a tremendous amount of difference, but would be off 15-20 pounds on a 400-500 pound hog...sorry if you took offense, none was meant.. I just thought we might as well be as accurate as possible..I meant if you can calibrate the scale to say that a gallon of water is 8 pounds then you wouldn't have a problem and the scale would be accurate...
Title: Re: Scales Post by: Cutter Bay Kennels on August 16, 2009, 02:45:32 pm Come on now, now one is going to tell me where to get the real deal scales.
Title: Re: Scales Post by: txmaverick on August 16, 2009, 03:48:45 pm Whatever dawson no big deal.