HOG & DOGS => HOG DOGS => Topic started by: LTcaughthog on November 10, 2013, 11:26:14 pm

Title: West Texas hatred grows even more due too javelinas
Post by: LTcaughthog on November 10, 2013, 11:26:14 pm
Well me and Cory (handle_it) made a run with our buddy josh too his place out in imperial. Well within 10minutes dogs opening up it's 80yds from us so we cut the bulldogs well they chase it too about 175 yds and it shows them sitting well I'm hauling tail and we come up on an abandon house and I look inside an dogs just running everywhere so I'm like what the hell we dealing with a ghost pig? Well I walk in there and I hear barking and it's coming from below the floor.. I find a little hole and look down and it looks like sasha, bear, ammo and gunner got a caught hog well I crawl up under there less then a foot and half so I'm army crawlin it and then it turns and I see it's a javelina. Well I won't lie I about crapped my pants cuz no joke it probably had 2 inch teeth on him well lord willing I get him dispatched and I'm crawling out when dogs start fighting another one on other side of house well I get out the whole and Cory is already breaking another hole for me too crawl down so I get down in there and I start stabbing it then it gets ahold of my cd sasha and I tell you he messed with the wrong dog lol I shanked that thing punched it, beat it till it was no more well soon as it's dead sasha passes out from heat exhaustion well we hurry up get all the dogs out and she wasn't looking too good well she slowly starts getting her breath back but she took a couple good bites. Well after it's all said and done we left them javelinas bcuz I was not going back under that house. Scariest/craziest hunt and thing I've ever dealt with. But thank The Lord all the dogs are okay minus couple bite marks. And honestly hats off too Cory's two dogs ammo & gunner. Got some tough as nail dogs bud! But I hope this next 3 months goes by quick so I can back home too Fort Worth and not have too deal with those nasty things. Lol

Title: Re: West Texas hatred grows even more due too javelinas
Post by: reatj81 on November 11, 2013, 08:28:23 am
One story better to listen to than be part of.  Glad your ok.

Title: Re: West Texas hatred grows even more due too javelinas
Post by: MrsLouisianaHogDog on November 11, 2013, 08:53:54 am
Glad the dogs all made it okay. I don't ever wanna come across any of those suckers, lol.

Title: Re: West Texas hatred grows even more due too javelinas
Post by: halfbreed on November 11, 2013, 09:00:37 am
  carefull , game animal in texas .

Title: Re: West Texas hatred grows even more due too javelinas
Post by: b.b.b kennels on November 11, 2013, 09:47:03 am
They're a rodent and just like a rat they will take advantage of any kind of shelter possible. We've found em in abandoned farm houses too. Also in wood piles, barns, and even burrowed under rocks like armadillos. Nasty little buggers. Would strongly recommend antibiotics to any dogs that get bit. Glad to hear the dogs didn't get anything too serious.

Title: Re: West Texas hatred grows even more due too javelinas
Post by: Purebreedcolt on November 11, 2013, 11:55:07 am
Dont have a bool in frount ofe but he aught to be ok on the game animal I think it is a 2 javiliania limit. Now dont quote me but think this is right.  Lol dang sure a funny story

Title: Re: West Texas hatred grows even more due too javelinas
Post by: Handle_It on November 11, 2013, 12:27:08 pm
Definatley a crazy night, if logan wouldnt have been there we would of been screwed. I sure as heck couldnt fit under there, and that boy didnt hesitate at all getting in there. Hope we dont get on any more of those suckers anytime soon. As for the limmit on the havi's it really wouldnt of mattered if there were a hundred down there id kill as many as i had to to get dogs out of there. Tryed and tryed callin them suckers off but couldnt untill the two logan had to dispatch were done. Crazy hunt!!

Title: Re: West Texas hatred grows even more due too javelinas
Post by: hillcountry on November 11, 2013, 02:01:03 pm
You dont break your dogs off javys or bison they do it for you eventuly. Had chitwilly grinders with both of them and it gets serious real quick!!!!.

Title: Re: West Texas hatred grows even more due too javelinas
Post by: LTcaughthog on November 11, 2013, 05:19:46 pm
No disrespect but being down there dogs lives were on the line. And I don't know about everyone else but I'll be damned if I don't atleastt try and protect and save my dogs. They ain't nothing but a bunch of pot lickers but there my pot lickers and they work there's butts off for me.  So I could care less if it's a javelina or a Sasquatch. I'm going too defend my dogs.

Title: Re: West Texas hatred grows even more due too javelinas
Post by: hillcountry on November 11, 2013, 07:39:22 pm
Can i get a "AMen" brother on that one . I go were they go no matter what and they give 110% because i give them 110% and always have thier back, no matter the consequinces.

Title: Re: West Texas hatred grows even more due too javelinas
Post by: muleskinner on November 11, 2013, 10:56:51 pm
We avoid those critters like the plague around North Texas. They are slow running and easy to catch. When your dogs catch one the others will attack their back legs causing damage to their tendons. The game wardens will fine you over it. The limits is two and there is a season in some counties but not with dogs. Good luck

Title: Re: West Texas hatred grows even more due too javelinas
Post by: TXCALLER on November 12, 2013, 10:38:50 pm
That had to be the craziest thing I have ever been a part of.
You guys have some good dogs for sure Most wouldn't
Of come out alive. Logan is sure nuff down for his

Title: Re: West Texas hatred grows even more due too javelinas
Post by: LTcaughthog on November 13, 2013, 04:07:42 am
That had to be the craziest thing I have ever been a part of.
You guys have some good dogs for sure Most wouldn't
Of come out alive. Logan is sure nuff down for his

Just give them the effort they give you and most of the time they'll turn something up and make me proud. Thanks man. Hopefully we can catch some pork soon.